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Vice City: My Elemental Hero deck

lord dmoc

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It's my basic build of the deck. It has only been played on the game so I don't know how well it works. It's missing 1 card so can someone help with the missing card. This build is different than the old build so it won't be as good.


Monsters:19 (missing 1)

E-Hero Clayman x2

E-Hero Sparkman x3

Beastking of the Swamp x2

E-Hero Ocean x2

E-Hero Prisma x3

E-Hero Stratos x1

King of the Swamp x3

Morphing Jar x1

Sangan x1

Summoner Monk x1



Brain Control x1

E-Emergency Call x2

Future Fusion x1

Gold Sarcophagus x1

Heavy Storm x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Miracle Fusion x3

Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Polymerization x2

RotA x1



Call of the Haunted x1

Mirror Force x1

Royal Decree x3

Torrential Tribute x1



E-Hero Absolute Zero x3

E-Hero Darkbright x2

E-Hero Plasma Vice x3

E-Hero Rampart Blaster x2

E-Hero Shining Flare Wingman x2

E-Hero Shining Phoenix Enforcer

E-Hero Thunder Giant x2

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