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My First card in a while...


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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing 1 Reptile-Type monster and 1 FIRE Monster. When this card destroys a monster your opponent controls, this card gains ATK equal to the destroyed monster's level x100.

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:3 Mind Pming me the picture? I could use this ^^


The cards image is great! OCG is off slightly and it is very close to being OP. to balance it more reduce the attack to just 2300 since it can gain a great amount and since its attack is already high it could soon surpass 3000 which is OP for a level 7.



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FIX: This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 1 Reptile-Type monster and 1 FIRE monster you control. When this card destroys a monster by battle, this card gains ATK equal to the destroyed monster's Level x100.


Effect is a bit dull, but useful.



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Umm, I agree with some of the others. with 2200 ATK, and its effect, it could easily become OP. Maybe, to make it harder to summon, change it to Tribute 2 Reptile-type monsters. I think that would make it more balanced. A good effect requires a tough summoning condition. Or so I think. Nice pic, goes with the name. 8/10

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