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My first card Creation!

Luke 04

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It's the first time i publish a card. I will try to create belanced and nice cards and i'd like to know what do you think about them. For now i hope you'll enjoy my very first card as well as me.






Waiting for answers and opinions

P.S. I apologize myself for my not perfect english (i'm italian)

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"When you activate this card, you can choose 1 of the following effects:

- Draw 2 cards. Increase your opponent's Life Points by 2000 points.

- Increase your Life Points by 2000 points. Your opponent must draw 2 cards.


Why the hell would someone choose the first effect? :P

Pic is good.



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pic is win


When you activate this card, you can choose 1 of the following effects:
- Draw 2 cards. Increase your opponent's Life Points by 1000 points.
- Increase your Life Points by 1000 points. Your opponent must draw 2 cards.


OCG + Effect fix 2000 is lol to much



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Hi there,

dont mind some english-mistakes, they wont be angry with you ^^

(im from Austria, and im pretty sure, my english isnt perfect too, but

as you can see, im still alive XD)


To your card:


Pic is awesome!

The Effect is... well, change it to 1000 Life Points, and everything

would be fine. No one would let his opponent get 2000 Life Points, just

for 2 more cards in his hands, most time you would use it to

increase your life-points.


For a beginner its a verry creative effect ^^


And by the way, welcome to the forum !

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Really, I dont think 2000 is bad. Use this card in combination with a card that switches any life point changes of your opponent's to yours. Nice pic. As for the second part fo the effect, I would think 3 cards would be better. Overall, id give it a 7.5/10. My first card review, done.

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Both drawing additional cards and gaining LPs could be a NEGATIVE thing!

There ARE cards that require your LP to be lower than your opponent's or to have very few cards in your hand.

So, technically, this effect is NOT stupid - just less useful.

Also, it was a very good idea with this EXACT wording order.

I'm quite sure - if an effect is negated - you're left with part one while losing part two.

If this idea is wrong - switch the order to have the same result.

Or it might just be pointless anyways - I need clarification on that, please. :D

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