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Arm's IRL Yusei/Synchro-esque deck


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Remember a while ago.. when I posted an IRL deck?

I'm ging to try and make this deck of mine, close to that build. Without it bieng an exact duplicate(obveious reasons)


Anyway.... I was like: "I should post my deck", and Pizza was like:



....So appearently I am


For teh lulz[/b]

Monster - 26


Card Trooper

Cyber Dragon


Darksea Rescue x3

Debris Dragon x3


Junk Synchron x3

Morph Jar

Quillbolt x3


Spell Striker x3 <3

Summoner Monk

Tuningware x3


Spell - 13

Creature Swap x2

Future Fusion



Inferno Reckless x2 - I'm kinda' iffy about a 3rd' date=' since CoSR is banned :/

Instant fusion x2

Lightning Vortex

One for One

Pot of Avarice



[b']Trap - 6[/b]

Call of the Haunted

Limit Reverse x3




Extra - 15


Darkfire Dragon

Soldato-JDark Flare Knight

Dragoness the Wicked Knight

Flame Swordsman

GaoGaiGarStealth Union

Black Rose Dragon

Colossal Fighter

Gaiga Knight, the Force of the Earth - its filler/generic

Iron chain Dragon x2

Junk Warrior <3

Stardust Dragon with a red sleve

Stardust Dragon x2


Total = 45 - I'm pushing it(FFFFUUUUUUUUU-)


Its actually pretty consistant, and has amazing Synergy :3

[spoiler=disclaimer]And if your going to flame, then dont just jump the gun and post an lolycm image, just to try and look cool. Arm has a Special Ability that makes him immune to lolycm images. At least suggest what I should remove/add, instead of bieng an idiot. Even though I will most likley not care.

Also, please dont suggest that I spend like 9001$ on rediculously rare stuff.


^tl;dr^ Try not to annoy Arm


.....And I plan(key word) to get a Mirror Force. I'll add it, when I get it.


Anyway, Rate/Fix?

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