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Monsters 27


3 Honest

1 Celestia, Lightsworn Angel

3 Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner

2 Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress

2 Mezuki

2 Goblin Zombie

2 Zombie Master

2 Malevolent Mech Goku - En

2 Paladin of Cursed Dragon

2 Judgement Dragon

1 Plaguespreader Zombie

2 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

1 Garoth, Lightsworn Warrior

2 Wulf, Lightsworn Beast


Spells: 12

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm

3 Charge of the Light Brigade

2 Foolish Burial

2 Burial from a Different Dimmension

3 Solar Recharge


Traps: 1

1 Beckoning Light

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You need to get rid of the Z-Worlds.


You also need 2 BfaDD.


-3 Z-World

-1 Z Master

-1 Wulf

-1 Call


+2 BfaDD

+2 JD

+1 Garoth

+1 Beckoning


You don't need 3 Z Masters with 2 Mezuki and 2 BfaDD. An LS based deck with plenty of LS monsters need to run JD, it's a win condition, and you don't need 3 Wulf, it'll be too many dead draws and you have plenty of Foolish targets. Garoth is also another must for an LS based deck and increases your different name LS count to 6. Beckoning is because you have PLENTY of LIGHT monsters and will want to get back JD and Honest to use or reuse. Honest spam ftw.

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Put zombie world back in... there's no point in combining light zombies and lightsworn without it.


Look up ZombieCharge deck on yugioh.wikia.com and you will read there are two types of ZC builds: one with Z World and another without. The one without Z World is more competative because it doesn't rely on one single card to be effective.


Also, Zombies provide quick swarming for game and Honest spam in tandem with synchro fodder, you don't really need to rev Honest via Mezuki and Z Master if you just add Beckonings :?

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