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Chaos Control IRL

Father Wolf

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i got 4th with locals thanks to Shura attacking DAD with Kalut and making my 400 LP 0 =/


Monsters 22

DAD x1

Chaos Sorcerer x2

EH Stratos x1

DH Mali x2

DH Diamond Dude x3

DH Doomlord x1

Krebons x2

Mind Master x1

Sangan x1

Blackwing - Gale x1

Dark Grepher x1

PoC x1

Cyber Dragon x1

Gorz x1

Plaguespreader x1

Diminsional Alchemist x2


Spells 13

Destiny Draw x3

Allure x2

Emergency Teleport x1

Gold Sarcophagus x2

Brain Control x1

Mind Control x1

Heavy Storm x1

RotA x1

Lightning Vortex x1


Trap 6

Bottomless x2

Trap Dustshoot x1

Return from the Different Dimension x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Call of the Haunted x1


Extra 15

Colossal Fighter x2

Stardust x2

Red Dragon x1

Thought Ruler x1

Arcanite Magician x1

Ancient Fairy Dragon x1

Psychic Life Trancer x1

Black Rose x1

X-Saber Urbellum x1

Goyo x1

Gaia Knight x1

Magical Andriod x1

Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x1


Side 15

Drastic Drop Off x2

MST x1

D.D. Warrior Lady x1

Mirror of Oaths x2

Blackwing - Sirrocco x2

Phantom Dragon x2


Breaker the Magical Warrior x1

Light-Imprisoning Mirror x2

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- Mind Master (side more or less)



S & T removal is always a given. The deck is powerful and effect but lacks real Backrow removal.


Ive always felt MST to be such a Space waster and Mind Master is a Light Psychic Tuner that can make Arcanite Magician rly easy with Chaos Sorc or gives me a Tuner with my controllers. The point is hes the fastist Light i have, He stays.

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