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Crystal Abundance Synchro - Restriction: Simple Effects for a 6-year-old


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Now, this thread will be for fixes on my brother's Crystal Beast Deck, which was submitted by jabber2033. It's Crystal Abunance Synchro, apparently. For price reasons, as this deck is on budget, the Extra Deck needs to be cut down and the Synchro aspect must be made less prominent. Prices will be added next to the cards soon.


Monsters (18)


3x Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth

2x Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat

1x Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle

3x Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus

3x Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger

1x Rescue Cat

1x Rose, Warrior of Revenge

1x Sangan

1x Summoner Monk

2x X-Saber Airbellum


Spells (19)


3x Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins

3x Crystal Abundance

3x Crystal Beacon

2x Crystal Blessing

1x Crystal Promise

1x Giant Trunade

1x Mind Control

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x Rare Value

1x Terraforming


Traps (3)


2x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck (9)


1x Ancient Fairy Dragon

1x Armory Arm

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Colossal Fighter

2x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

1x Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x XX-Saber Gottoms



[spoiler=Previous Thread Incarnation: "Contest: The Six-Year-Old"]

This is now a contest. You must build a deck for my 6-year-old brother. Of course, there are some restrictions:


  • Budget
  • Effects must be simple enough for him to understand. He can understand stuff like Marauding Captain, Cyber Dragon, Stardust Dragon, Shining Flare Wingman, etc. [if any cards in your submission break this rule, I will bring it to your attention to be fixed]
  • Just to give some ideas, he likes Yusei and his Warriors, along with Stardust Dragon. Actually, he likes anything to do with the main characters of the show, for the most part. He has no problem with Jaden and such.
  • You may edit. Just tell me when you do.


Only the winner will get anything, that's 3 Reps. That said, this contest will be canceled if there are not enough satisfactory entries.


After the contest, this thread will turn into a regular deck help thread on the winning deck.


[spoiler=Original Thread: Simple Synchro]To those who don't remember from before, this is a deck centered around easy to use cards to make it usable by my baby brother - a six year old. It's also meant to be relatively cheap, as it will be his IRL when done.


What's sad is, he actually pulled the Card Trooper and Gorz himself. >.>


Simple Synchro (40)


Monsters (24)


1x Card Trooper

1x Cyber Dragon

3x Cyber Valley

3x Darksea Rescue

1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

2x Hyper Synchron

2x Junk Synchron

2x Marauding Captain

2x Quick Synchron

2x Quillbolt Hedgehog

1x Sangan

1x Summoner Monk

3x Tuningware


Spells (11)


1x Brain Control

2x De-Synchro

2x Foolish Burial

1x Future Fusion

1x Heavy Storm

2x Machine Duplication

1x One for One

1x Overload Fusion


Traps (7)


2x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Call of the Haunted

2x Imperial Iron Wall

1x Mirror Force

1x Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck (15)


1x Ancient Fairy Dragon

1x Armory Arm

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

1x Chimeratech Overdragon

1x Colossal Fighter

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Junk Warrior

1x Magical Android

1x Mist Wurm

1x Nitro Warrior

1x Road Warrior

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Turbo Warrior




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  • Replies 62
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How is this cheap!!!!!!!


Firstly, that many exclamation marks is excessive.


Secondly, that wasn't helpful at all. You could at least point out what isn't cheap and mention a few reasonable replacements.


Thirdly, aside from the Extra Deck, only the Valleys, Mirror Force and Tuningware would cost a lot.

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i suggest running counsellor lily's' date=' breakers

lemme see

-3 darksea rescue

+3 breaker

idk what to neg for lily.



No Lilys. LOL, that card sucks. xD


Also, Darksea has to stay in.


Anyways, this is now a contest, so my response to you doesn't matter, really.

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The simplest deck I could come up with.


Monsters: 22


3x Beast Machine King Barbaros Ur

3x Beast King Barbaros

3x Fuciller Dragon

3x Goblin Attack Force

3x Indominable Fighter Lei Lei

3x Zombyra the Dark

2x Exiled Force

2x Breaker


Spells: 12


3x Trade In

3x Hand Destruction

2x Allure

1x Heavy Storm

1x Brain Control

1x Giant Trunade

1x RotA


Traps: 6


3x Skill Drain

2x Bottomless

1x Torrential

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Would Crystal Beasts work? If so' date=' can you get stuff like Rare Value, Sapphire Pegasus, and some of the rarer cards?


I think I have an idea...


Can you reserve me?



Crystal Beasts can work.


Rare Value isn't THAT expensive. Also, I checked and Abundance OTK can still fall within the amount of money he has saved up. >.>


You exaggerate how expensive Sapphire Pegasus is.


It LOOKS like it could work. That said, I want to see the entry specifically first. I'll tell you if there's anything too expensive, same applies to any entry.


BTW, he pulled Gorz and Card Trooper over the Summer. If anyone wants to add those to their entry, I'll ignore it when looking at the price of the deck.

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Guest Delinquent Girl NiAtSoFi

I suggest Skill Drain. Monsters like Goblin Attack Force, Indomitable Fighter, and Giant Orc have the same effects, so it'll easier to understand, and they're extremely easy to get these days. Skill Drain negates effects anyway, so just keep it 40-45 cards. If Barbaros and Barbaros Ur are just much of a hassle, substitute this type of cards with Dark Necrofear Skill Drain deck elements like Newdoria and Slate Warrior who use they're effects in the grave to destroy monsters or weaken them respectively.

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Would Crystal Beasts work? If so' date=' can you get stuff like Rare Value, Sapphire Pegasus, and some of the rarer cards?


I think I have an idea...


Can you reserve me?



Crystal Beasts can work.


Rare Value isn't THAT expensive. Also, I checked and Abundance OTK can still fall within the amount of money he has saved up. >.>


You exaggerate how expensive Sapphire Pegasus is.


It LOOKS like it could work. That said, I want to see the entry specifically first. I'll tell you if there's anything too expensive, same applies to any entry.


BTW, he pulled Gorz and Card Trooper over the Summer. If anyone wants to add those to their entry, I'll ignore it when looking at the price of the deck.


Alrighty, then...


Monsters: 18

3x Pegasus

3x Mammoth

3x Tiger

2x Amythest Cat

1x Rescue Cat

2x X-Saber Airbellum

1x Summoner Monk

1x Rose, Warrior of Revenge (This is the only thing that MIGHT be difficult to get. Replace with something that's less expensive)

1x Sangan


Spells: 18

3x Abundance

3x Rainbow Ruins

3x Rare Value

3x Beacon

2x Blessing

1x Terraforming

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Giant Trunade

1x Brain Control


Traps: 4

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

2x Bottomless Trap Hole


Extra: 15

15x generic Synchros


Your basic Crystal Synchro deck, with Abundance OTK thrown in. Use Rescue Cat to bring out Amythest and Airbellum, then Syncrho. Or use Rose for easy LV8 stuff like Stardust. Summoner Monk can bring out Pegasus, Mammoth, Tiger, or Rose. Ancient City is CB support, Rare Value is draw power, and Abundance is the main win condition. Beacon and Blessing help with that. Traps should be obvious.

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I suggest Skill Drain. Monsters like Goblin Attack Force' date=' Indomitable Fighter, and Giant Orc have the same effects, so it'll easier to understand, and they're extremely easy to get these days. Skill Drain negates effects anyway, so just keep it 40-45 cards. If Barbaros and Barbaros Ur are just much of a hassle, substitute this type of cards with Dark Necrofear Skill Drain deck elements like Newdoria and Slate Warrior who use they're effects in the grave to destroy monsters or weaken them respectively.



Wow it's not like I just posted a decklist for that. But go ahead, act like it's your suggestion anyway.

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Hey, I'm not sure, but if you're going for simple and budget, why not try this:


Budget Frogs:


Total 40:


Monsters: 19


2x Penguin Soldier

3x Dupe Frog

3x Flip Flop Frog

2x Submarine Frog

3x Substitoad

2x Unifrog

1x Sangan

1x Fishborg Blaster

1x Morphing Jar

1x Junk Synchron


Spells: 12


1x One for one

1x Terraforming

3x Wetlands

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Smashing Ground

1x Fissure

1x Heavy Storm

1x MST

1x Cold Wave

1x Pot of Avarice


Traps: 9


1x Call of the Haunted

1x Dark Bribe

1x Mirror Force

1x Bottomless

1x Graceful Revival

1x Spiritual Art - Aoi

3x Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord


Extra Deck: 15


1x Junk Warrior

14x Generic


The most (and probably only) costly thing in it is mirror force, I think... Dark Bribe comes in the next structure deck, all the other stuff can be gotten for cheap, or at least I managed too...


EDIT: I can has spot in contest?

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i always start off easy. give him a kuriboh, 2 change of hearts, familiar knight, and also if you go to the walmart cards isle, there will be sum packages for 4 bucks that have dark paladin on them. they come with 10 cards and 2 strategi cards. hos is what i startecd off with when i was 6,

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i always start off easy. give him a kuriboh' date=' 2 change of hearts, familiar knight, and also if you go to the walmart cards isle, there will be sum packages for 4 bucks that have dark paladin on them. they come with 10 cards and 2 strategi cards. hos is what i startecd off with when i was 6,



It seems as though you're still six by how you type.

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My brother knows the basics of the game already.


As I explained in the OP, he also knows how to use things like Card Trooper, Cyber Dragon, and Stardust Dragon.


Seriously, what's with all of the new people with like 2 posts coming in and not saying anything useful? >.>

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Monsters: 19


3x Winged Kuriboh

1x Gale

3x Kuriboh

3x Mystic Tomato

1x Chaos Sorcerer

1x Sangan

2x D.D. Warrior Lady

3x Caius

1x PSZ <---replace with krebons if too expensive

1x DAD <---replace with another krebons or chaos sorcerer?




Spells: 12


3x Detonating

2x Multiply

3x The flute of Summoning Kuriboh

2x Allure

1x Giant Trunade

1x Heavy Storm



Traps: 9


2x Limit reverse


3x Threatening Roar

1x Mirror

1x TT

1x RftDD


Total: 40


Extra: 10


2x Armory Arm

2x Stardust

2x Magical Android

1x Goyo

1x Gaia

1x Black Rose Dragon

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Monsters (19)


3 x Thestalos

3 x Raiza

1 x Mobius

1 x Cyber Dragon

1 x Gorz


1 x Treeborn Frog

2 x Spell Striker (they're coming out as commons soon, if too expensive till then, neg for 2 D.D Lady)

2 x Krebons

1 x Card Trooper

1 x Sangan

1 x Psychic Commander

2 x Breaker the Mag Warrior


Spells (11)


2 x Soul Exchange

1 x Heavy Storm

1 x MST

2 x Allure

1 x Emergency Teleport (if too expensive, neg for 1 Chaos Sorceror)

1 x Giant Trunade

1 x Pot of Avarice

1 x Brain Control

1 x Mind Control


Traps (10)


3 x Threatening Roar

1 x Call of the Haunted

1 x Mirror Force (neg for Saku or another Bribe)

2 x PWWB

1 x Torrential Tribute

2 x Dark Bribe (hard to get until it comes common.. which will be soon)


Total : 40


Extra (15)

15 Generic Sychros (possibly the hardest and most expensive bit)


Good to see young ones getting in Yugioh...brings me back..

lolz, making a monarch deck while you were doing your post..

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