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Needs some HELP!! On a Zombie deck stuffs. With Plagespreader.

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Hi, I'm planning on constructing a good ZZOOOOOOMBIIIIEEEE deck soon enough for under 100$, or something. Can somebody tell me what I need to add, what my side deck should look like, and what I'm doing horribly wrong?



Stardust Dragon

Black Rose Dragon

Red Dragon Archfiend

Goyo Guardian

Doomkaiser Dragon

Revived King Ha Des




2x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter

3x Pyramid Turtle

Plaguespreader Zombie

2x Goblin Zombie

Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness

Cyber Dragon

2x Mezuki

2x Zombie Master

2x Malevolent Mech - Goku En

Chaos Sorcerer


Card of Safe Return

Zombie World

2x Flames of Doomsday

2x Pot of Avarice

3x Book of Life

Lightning Vortex

2x Allure of Darkness

Card Destruction

2x Burial from a Different Dimension

Cold Wave


Heavy Storm


Zoma the Spirit

Mirror Force

Solemn Judgment

Threatening Roar

Torrential Tribute


I've never been able to go to a special yugioh event as of yet, so I have NO idea what the meta is supposed to look like, or how stupid this deck looks. So please help me out here, and I'm not gonna run DAD due to the price.

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That is pretty horrible... And CoSR is banned... Run this:



2x Z-Master

2x Goblin Zombie

2x Mezuki

1x Turtle

1x PSZ

2x Malicious

3x Ryko

1x Lyla

2x Chaos Sorcerer

1x DAD

2x Krebon

1x Gale



2x Allure

2x Gold Sarc

1x Charge

1x Foolish

1x E-Tele

2x BfaDD

1x Storm

1x MST

1x Brain

2x BoL

1x Lightning



1x TT

1x Mirror

2x BTH

1x CotH



2x SDD

2x Colossal Fighter

1x TRA

1x RDA

1x Armor Master

1x Urbellum

1x Arcanite

1x BRD

1x Goyo

1x Gaia Knight

1x Revived King Ha Des

1x DoomKaiser Dragon

1x Gyzarus

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1x PSZ

2x mezuki

2x pyramid turtle

2x goblin zombie

2x ll blud

1x ryu kokki

2x ryko

3x zombie master

1x gale

2x lumina

2x lyla

1x spirit reaper



3x zombie world

1x terraforming

2x solar recharge

1x charge of the light brigade

1x bfadd

1x lightning vortex

1x Bcontrol

1x cold wave

1x foolish



1x TTribute

2x Bottomless

2x dark bribe

1x mirror force

1x call of the haunted


Generic side and extra

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