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Macro-y Thing

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Just a little something put together in a few minutes with my buddy lord dmoc. Help would be lovely because I might take it to regionals.


Monsters: 21

Golden Homunculus x1

Necroface x2

D.D. Survivor x3

D.D. Warrior Lady x3

D.D. Scout Plane x3

Gren Maju Da Eiza x2

Banisher Of The Radiance x3

Morphing Jar x1

Marshmallon x1

Spirit Reaper x1

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole x1


Spells: 12

Dimensional Fissure x2

Soul Absorption x2

Creature Swap x2

Allure Of Darkness x2

Card Destruction x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Swords Of Revealing Light x1

D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation x1


Traps: 7

Macro Cosmos x3

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Return From The Different Dimension x1

Torrential Tribute x1


p.s. lord dmoc made 95% of this, I had a say in like 2 monsters, mostly out of boredom and to humor myself and others.

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......It IS possible to make a deck that runs Golden Homunculus.

Just, you have to runs cards like Honest, Shining Angel, Light Laser(for teh lulz?), Phoenix Blade, Freed the Brave GaoGaiGarWanderer, Future Samauri, [insert any LIGHT-Attribute Warrior that removes/destroys stuff], etc


But it would be more for casual play, since it wont really be that consistant.

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this deck makes me want to vomit on a small child


u wanna run macro? Macro F&^%@in Monarchs!


Monsters: 20

x3 Caius

x3 Raiza

x3 Survivor

x3 DD Warrior Lady

x2 Scout Plane

x2 Cyber Valley

x3 Krebons

x1 Gale


Spells: 6

x3 D. Fissure

x1 E-Tele

x1 Vortex

x1 MST


Traps: 14

x2 Macro

x3 D. Prison

x3 Bottomless

x2 Karma Cut

x2 Dyno-mite

x1 Call

x1 RfaDD


Total: 40


Extra: 15

x3 Stardust

x1 RDA

x1 Goyo

x1 BRD

x1 Armor Master

x3 Iron Chain

x2 Gaia

x1 Power Tool (cause he's awesome)

x2 Thought Ruler


and there u go ;)

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This is how I would run macro:


3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

3 Raiza the Storm Monarch


3 Breaker the Magical Warrior

3 Cyber Valley

3 D.D. Warrior Lady

3 D.D. Scout Plane

3 D.D. Survivor

2 Krebons

1 Rose, Warrior of Revenge


2 Allure of Darkness

3 Dimensional Fissure

1 Emergency Teleport

1 Giant Trunade

1 Reinforcements of the Army

1 LV


2 Dark Bribe

2 Macro Cosmos

1 Return from the Other Dimension

1 Torrential Tribute

2 Bottomless Trap Hole


Extra deck:


1 Black Rose Dragon

2 Arcanite Magician

2 Red Dragon Archfiend

11 Generic Stuff

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