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[Wc09]Arm has another Dark Simorgh deck. And it runs Ido


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The Synergy between Ido and Dark Simorgh is actually pretty good. Its almost laughable.


This is in-game btw....


Mass Confusion

Monster - 21

Armageddon Knight x3

Breaker x2

Caius x3

Dark Simorgh x2

Ido x2

Morph Jar


Raiza x3


Winged Sage Falcos x3


Spell - 12

Brain Control

Card Destruction

Creature Swap x3

Foolish Burial x2



Shrink x3


Trap - 8

Call of the Haunted

Give and Take x2

Light of Interventon x2

Mirror Force




Extra - 15


Dark Flare Knight

Rare Fish

Stealth Union


Black Rose



Dark End


Red Dragon Archfiend x2

Stardust x3


Total - 41


This deck actually runs 2 different locks. And can do it effectively.



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Wait, what? OH, Creature Swap, but if it's destroyed by an effect, lets say TT, then it would be summoned to your side of the field and destroy all of your monsters... but it runs well, I need to duel this, now.


Edit: You can't even tribute it as it probably has the same ruling as Koa'ki Drago with REDRUM... I'm confused ><

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Edit: You can't even tribute it as it probably has the same ruling as Koa'ki Drago with REDRUM... I'm confused ><

Yea, I'm pretty sure it has the same ruling

The lolwiki doesnt mention anything about it, So I'm going to assume that if you control it.. your pretty much doomed. Unless you destroy it, but then I can attack you back with it.


Also, I dont really care if Ido comes back to me, it would only really destroy like 1 or 2 monsters anyway.


Also, I'm thinking about replacing the Shrinks with with either Compulsorys, or Enemy Controllers.

Or just Book of Moons.

But then it would defeat the purpose of Winged Sage Falcos

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Final Attack Orders? Mixed with Light of Intervention, your opponent would ALWAYS have to keep monster in attack. Also, BotM might be good so that Winged Sage Falcos would work more often, you could replace Shrink with it. I also like the 0 Anti-Spell Fragrance and the fact that the only 3 WIND monsters in your deck are WSF D:

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Final Attack Orders?

Final Attack Orders would tend to be a dead draw' date=' and make for situational combos.


Also, BotM might be good so that Winged Sage Falcos would work more often, you could replace Shrink with it.

*looks for a BotM*

I got nothing

Arm needs to know what BotM is first, before he considers adding it


I also like the 0 Anti-Spell Fragrance and the fact that the only 3 WIND monsters in your deck are WSF D:

This deck isnt exactly a pure Dark Simorgh Lock.

Origionaly this was ment to use Ido, but then I had an idea to add Dark Simorgh into it. Dark Simorgh was only really added, since the deck runs Light of Intervention.

Anti-Spell Fragrance would be a dead draw.


Dark Simorgh, although I "cleam" its the key-card, was more along the lines of bieng 'splashed' into this deck.

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