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Finished [Lock]

Dark Mousy

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Welcome to the close of the 1st Battle Royale Tournament.


They've played well, fought well and now it's time.


1st to 5. Or most after 2 days of 1st vote.


4000 points at stake, 80% of it going to winner, also a good 6 REPs,


The loser will take away 20%, 800 points.




This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned in Attack Position from your hand when your opponent destroys a face-up Plant-Type monster you control by battle. Once per turn, you can add 1 Level 3 or lower Plant-Type monster from your Graveyard to your hand to place 1 Turgid Counter on this card (max.3). Monsters added to your hand by this effect cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. During your Main Phase, you can remove any number of Turgid Counters equal to the Level of 1 monster added to your hand by this card's effect to Special Summon it in face-up Defense Position. If the monster is used as a Synchro Material Monster during the turn it is Special Summoned, return this card to your hand.





This card is also treated as an Aqua-Type monster while on the Field and in the Graveyard. This card cannot be Special Summoned except for Ritual Summon. This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card "Tidal Wave Ritual". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 9 or more as a Tribute from the field or hand. When this card is Ritual Summoned you can roll a 6 sided die.

- If it rolls a 1 draw 2 cards.

- If it rolls a 2 you lose 500 Life Points.

- If it rolls a 3 your opponent loses 500 Life Points.

- If it rolls a 4 remove from play one card your opponent controls.

- If it rolls a 5 you gain 500 Life Points.

- If it rolls a 6 your opponent gains 500 Life Points.

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If this is the final... Then what about me? I entered my card too -_-


This is the final for the first Battle Royal tournament' date=' which is title "Finished Lock" towards the bottom of this page currently.


I was supposed to be against HydrogenCyanide but Arc miscounted or something, so Leo is my opponent.


Care to vote?



What Bengal said.

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