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Chibi Knights - Chibi Knights vs. Darkness Knights (Finished, LOCK plz ^_^)


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"I'm sorry! But do you think you can WIN!?" Kakuzu jumped straight through the attack, only recieving a few burns (which his jutsu healed quickly). He smashed his fist into Bahamut's face, making a resounding crunch. He jumped off and looked at Creator.

"This is my ultimate jutsu! I ignore pain and my wounds heal quickly, also my strength is greatly enhanced. You can't win..." Kakuzu made various handsigns, "I don't even need to release my hearts to attack!"


The figure rocketed through the sky, killing all the plants and animals below. It flew on at a speed not even Kakuzu could reach.

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"I will end this now!!!!" Kakuzu jumped with the power of 10 ninjas and rose into the air. He made even more handsigns and held out his hand.

"Lightning Style: Palm Rush!" Lightning covered Kakuzu's hand and he charged at Creator.


Kukukuku.... The figure neared the battle, still sometime away.

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"Ugh!" Kakuzu landed on his feet, disappointed. How could all his ninjutsu be useless?

I guess I'll have to trust my current transformation and taijutsu! Kakuzu raced towards a boulder and jumped off of it. He sliced through the air and punched Creator's face.


The figure passed a horse, it died.

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Kakuzu crashed into the ground and healed himself with the chakra gem. He looked up at Creator.

"No matter how many times you break my bones or kill me... I will always come back... I won't let you stand in my way...." Suddenly, a beam of pure darkness shot through Creator. Creator was knocked to the ground, and Shadow Knight stood in his place, cloaked in black robes.

"Hello.... You may call me... Kuro... the Lord of Darkness...."

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Creator appeared behind Kuro and Kuro was suddenly injured in 750 diffrent places while Kakuzu is injured in 500 places. "Kuro, Shadow Knight, no matter how many names you take on you will always be Kiba." Creator stated simply. "I have no time for this, I have a war to wage." At this Creator took flight towards the one place where the lands connected to the heavens, the floating isle of Memoria.

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Kuro simple turned around and opened a portal. He shot a bolt of darkness through it and closed the rift. He had no fight with the mad creature, so he flew down to Kakuzu who was healed by his jutsu.

"So... let us go fight our enemies..." Kakuzu looked up at the Shadow Lord, seeming to agree.

"Yes... it has been far to long..." Kakuzu sprinted for the area that Rina was in while Kuro cruised overhead.

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OOC: Actually, it's only ceator who's shortposting, but okay... Creator, please make your posts 4-5 sentences AT LEAST.


IC: Sasuke looked at Rina. "Rina, get away from here. Now that you can only cast minor fire magic, you won't be able to fight, and I... don't think I can protect you during this fight..."

Sasuke then turned to Dark Rina. "You... are just a part of Rina. Since that's the case, I will bring you to your knees."

Sasuke took out his sowrd and slashed at Dark Rina.

Wait, if the darkness in her heart became Dark Rina, what's going to happen to Rina?

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Kuro watched in amusement as Kakuzu walked over to Rina, put his hand over her mouth, and steadily walked away from Sasuke and Dark Rina. They met up a quarter of a mile from Sasuke and studied the struggling Princess.

"She seems pretty weak withouth her dark side... should we just kill her?" Kuro silently slid his katana out of its sheath.

"Maybe... I want to fight the true Rina, this one is just the 1oz of goodness she had in her heart."

"Well... I want to go fight Sasuke so hurry up!"

"Ok, give me your sword and we can leave." Kuro handed Kakuzu the sword, who put it to Rina's chest and stabbed her. He handed the katana back to Kuro and they left.

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As Creator closed in on Memoria he sensed Rina's power suddenly drop. "Hm, it would seem that Kakuzu has finally accomplished his mission. Its a shame that he didn't join me." Creator said to himself. With Memoria almost within his sights he began to recall the ancient sutras required to open the Yggdrasrasil gate and commence with the beginning of Ragnarok.

I regret that so many will be hurt in the upcomming conflict but the lives that will be saved out weigh the loss. I will bring about a future far greater than the Gods, a future with no war. No conflict, no sides. Just people and the world around them, justice lies with the Holy Sword!

Creator draws his Holy Sword-Gran Centario- and begins his decent towards the floating isle.

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Kuro walked along side Kakuzu, who was deeply pleased with his work.

"Hehehe.... good Rina is no more and I can have my fight with True Rina now that Creator is gone. And you can kill Sasuke." Kuro, from behind his cloaked face, smirked. Kakuzu and him were the ultimate team, unbeatable by anyone.

"Kukuku.... I can't wait to see Sasuke's face when he realizes that I can't be stopped... or killed." The pair walked on.

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Rina lay on the floor, unable to move.

This is... truly the end... isn't it? Even if I call out Sasuke's name, he won't answer. Not like I could talk... Sasuke...

Rina coughed up blood.


Sasuke stopped his sword right before it hit dark rina.

This... energy...

"Kiba's here somewhere..."

Sasuke dashed for Kiba's energy signal.

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Kuro sensed Sasuke heading their way, so he stopped Kakuzu.

"You take a roundabout route to Dark Rina, I'll stay here and confront Sasuke..." As Kakuzu disappeared behind a bunch of trees, Kuro walked over to an open area and placed his hand on the ground. The ground around his hand flashed and went back to normal when he took his hand off. Kuro hid behind a group of boulders and waited for Sasuke.

He steps on that trap... and he'll be peirced by 100 needles!

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Rina tried standing up, but found it impossible.

Since I lost my darkness... I'm probably going to die. I don't have enough good in me to live without darkness.

Rina blacked out.


Sasuke was running toward the person he once called friend.

Now I know... what I have to do. Kiba... I must free you from the darkness...

Sasuke turned his head.

There he is...

Sasuke dashed toward the open area.

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Kakuzu stabbed a soldier as he dashed for Dark Rina, nearly there. He had circled Sasuke and was now close to his target. He made some handsigns and sank into the ground, preparing to attack from the ground.


Kuro chuckled, he was finally getting his fight. He would take down Sasuke and rule the lands with shadows... no longer would this world be called Chibi Land... but The Shadow Rift! He gripped his Katana, the battle for the world was about to begin.

If I can destroy Sasuke.... Not even Creator will be able to stop me!

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Creator finally stands before the gate to the heavens. Having completed the sutra to activate the gate Creator stands before the gate preparing to make war. "Now, with the Holy sword in my hands let Ragnarok commence!" Creator said as he stepped into the gate. With the light of the heavens surrounding him, the drums of war began to sound in his head.

If I can destroy the Gods.... Not even Kiba will be capable of stopping me!

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Sasuke stopped.

I sense... something...

He turned to his right.

Rina's power is... faint. Still there, but faint. I'll have to check on that, but first, I have to beat Kiba...

Sasuke took out his sword.

"Kiba, wherever you are, come out..."

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Kuro jumped high into the air and landed behind the disguised trap, drawing out his sword. His red eyes gazed at Sasuke from behind his hood. Shadows floated around him, killing off the plants they touched and sapping the life from animals.

"Hello Sasuke... this is where I kill you... I have waited a long time for this day."


Kakuzu positioned himself below Dark Rina and chuckled.

This is it! I've finally been able to have my battle! Kakuzu burst out of the ground and slammed his fist into her chin, knocking her back some steps.

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"Kiba... you once told me... that the darkness grants true power. I believed that, even when I myself had given up the darkness... but now I know... true power comes from the light."

Sasuke dashed for Kiba.

No, Kiba. This is not where I will die. This is the day I free you from the darkness. Even if it means killing you...

"Prepare to meet the power of good..."

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Kuro, from behind his hood, rolled his demonic red eyes.

"Oh god! Not this damn 'Power of Good' crap again... and when will you learn? I don't want to be freed!" Kuro held out his palm and shadows began to collect around it. The space around him grew darker, as if that one section was in a different time at nightfall. The shadows stopped going into his palm as he raised it above his head.

"And by the way: It's no longer Kiba or Shadow Knight! I am now known as Kuro: Lord of the Shadows!!!!!!!" His brought his arm down and a beam of darkness shot straight for Sasuke.

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