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Inventor-Type cards [8/???]


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I was thinking "What type would an inventor fall under?" They don't fight so they aren't warriors, they don't use magic so they aren't Spellcasters. They aren't any type of beast, and they are pure elementals. They are't demons or undead, nor are they faires or angels. So they don't fall under any pre-existing type, so I made them there own. Also I wanted to create cards that would be a direct support for Machine types, so these cards will allow Machines to be Special Summoned.

Behold the Inventor-Type



[spoiler=Team Fixit]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or set. This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing 2 Inventor-Type cards from your hand to the Graveyard. As long as this card is in play, all Machine-Type monsters are unaffected by Trap cards. Once per turn, by paying 700 Life Points you can Special Summon 1 level 7 or lower Machine-Type monster from your hand or Graveyard. When this card is sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 2 Inventor-Type monsters from the Graveyard.



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Big comment right here:

hand, Deck, Graveyard. You mixed them up alot. Some were hand, some Hand, some were Grave, some were grave, etc. it's hand, Deck, Graveyard. Few OCG errors, like in the second card, it's "If this card is targeted by a Spell Card, negate the card's effect and destroy it."

the second 1 has top border.

the third one has kinda boring background.

Otherwise, good.



Also, I believe that most inventors are scientists or become scientists.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You could summon any machine-type froim your hand or graveyard for just 400 LP. Think big machines, like jinzo or, IDK, laucher spider or something. Make it so there's a drawback tot he summon, like effect negation or attack reduction.

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