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✣End Game Tutorial No. 1 How to make a good vanilla!✣


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End Game's Tutorials No. 1.


=How to make a good Vanilla=



This is my guide to making good Vanillas.



If you don't know what "Vanilla" is, it is a card that is a Normal Monster. While many YCMembers create Effects over Vanillas, I still think these are cool. However, a majority of YCMembers don't like them. I hate this fact.



If you want to make a vanilla or two in a set, there's this guide of mine.




1st Step: Finding a Pic


There are 2 ways of finding a pic, either randomly searching pics and then using those good pics for a card, or searching for a specific pic like "Black dragon". For vanillas I find the 1st type efficient, through it is just my opinion.



And for the places to get the pics, Google Images has too many horrid pics. I always get them from either:DeviantART or Magic Deck Vortex Art.



While DeviantART has many pics, not all of them are awesome enough for pics, and some have unneeded parts like black lines at the sides, and most of the time signs. However, they do have a wide vareity, and so it will be good in making packs with Vanillas.



Magic Deck Vortex Art Catacombs has very few pics, only 200 or so, but each and all of them are awesome to the bone. If you're making a single Vanilla, take here.



If you know any other goodies, PM me.



Well, I want to make a single. For instance, let's say I found this pic in Magic Deck Vortex Art Catacombs.


*Looks again and realizes it's with a red X mark*


Well, let's pretend it's OK. Then I would go to the 2nd Step.



2nd Step: Making the Bone Structure of the Card



Now that you've inserted the pic into the card, this is made.



p><p>(For those who don








Well, since this pic is pure DARK, I would choose DARK for the Attribute.


The Level... this can be anything, but for now let's make it 6.


For the Type, let's say Dragon, Fiend or Zombie. You must have your opinions, but for now I'll choose Zombie. Of course, you could make a fake type if you want.


The Rarity can by anything. For most vanillas I keep it normal, but for LV 7 or more it's rare or Ultra. For this I will make it simply normal.


Now the card is like:



But still many places are left. So onto 3rd Step.




3rd Step: Naming




First, you need to choose the name. You know, you can't keep it like Yami Yugi forever when creating Children's Card Games.



Several Tips Upon Creating Names



1. First, think whether to name it. I mean in a manner in which you give it a name like "Zerato". For instance, if I was to create BEWD I could call it either "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" or "Kisara, the White Dragon".


2. Most of the time, try to keep it to 2 or 3 words, 2 if it has no name, 2 or 3 if it has a name. "The" "Of" are excluded.




Chimeratech Overdragon


Dark Magician


Stardust Dragon


Darklord Zerato



When making a name, try thinking-what do you want to be like? For instance, choose by attribute.


[spoiler=DARK, or STRONG Sounding Names]


If you were going to make a evil or brute-streangthed guy, it would include "V", "X", "Z" for evilness, "D", "G" for brute streangth, "S" to make it sound smart as well, those guys.








Darth Vader




Of course, you don't have to obay my rules.





[spoiler=LIGHT, or Holy Sounding Names]


If your card is a new Lightsworn waiting to be named, or a holy new angel, its name would include "K", "H", "E", "A", "J".








Can't think up many right now.





If you want to make other concepts, PM me and I'll surf the web for the info you want.



Or, if you want to make it a old-fasion name, make it "?'??". For instance, one of my cards that was a forest god was named "Aa'Vor, Ultimate Forest God". Go get Latin translation, dude.



If you want to make it sound totally immense, make it 3 or 4, with each word, or at least 1 word long.




Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu


Raviel, Lord of Phantasms


Also, making it "Ultimate Something God" would do the job.



Let's name this guy "Necrodark Deadragon" for instance.



p><p>Now let





4th Step: Creating the Lore




You know, this is the hardest and most important part in making Vanillas. Work hard here, get 10/10. Skim through, get 2/10.



Anyways, onto it.



Be aware that if you do bad here, your other work would become nothing. Think for a minute before doing it.



The lore of a Vanilla monster in YCM does pretty much everything. And how do you make it good? This.



[spoiler=How to do it]


Simply put, make it associated with real-life card games.



Yes, this means like getting the card lore involving something in real-life cards. Such one I created is this. Through it may be overpowered, its lore gave me many high scores.


http://img163.imageshack.us/img163/9726/251093r.jpg' alt='251093r.jpg'>


This beast was living in the wild until captured by Kozaky. After a process of dangerous experiments, it was recreated into the behemoth it is now. Throguh it managed to escape, and still prowls the forests where it once lived, its former relatives do not recognize him now as the beast who used to be their member.


You know, if this lore was...


This beast was added mechanical implants by evil scientists of the future.


then it would have been 2/10. Simply put, you make something related to real-life TCG and get good scores.





Using the way I mentioned above, I will make it like this:




This behemoth used to be a normal dragon with the elemental power of fire, until corrupted by the viruses of a heavily infected zombie. Through it no longer has powers over flame, its enhanced dark forces are a force to reckon. [/align]


And I think you know what the "heavily infected zombie" is... it is the most famous zombie tuner ever. This is what I meant.



Now onto the 5th step.





5th Step: Making the Stats




If you've ever looked at vanillas, the highest ATK for monsters are:



LV 3 or less




LV 4




LV 5 or 6




LV 7 or Higher





I would recomend you to make it, at its most,


LV 4...2000


LV 6...2650









But LV 9s are few. Also, as another advice, some Vanillas should be mildly OP'ed in stats like Frostosaurus. Of course, balanced stats are OK, but keep in mind that Vanillas are weaker than Effects if their stats are too small. To add, most Vanillas should NOT go over 3000, if you want them to be rated good.



The DEF should be, if the ATK is high, low, and if the ATK is low, high. Blocks of LV 4 should be around 2200. Blocks of LV 5 or 6 should be around 3000. Blocks of 7 or 8 should be around 3500.



Let's make this thing an attack-base. Also, since it's a zombie I would make its DEF 0.







6th Step: Making the Rest




Now the guide is almost complete. The only places left for us is:





Set ID




Serial Number



Seriously, these hardly matter. But since this card is going to be realistic let's do it.



The Circulation, most people make it 1st Edition, through I make it Kenta Edition. I'm going to make it 1st Edition here, through.



Let's say I'm making this card the first card in a pack called "DAD". (Any references?) Then I would make it DAD-EN001.



The Creator is whatever you want. In my case Kenta Corporation.



Serial Number, just click random.



Generate and Save.... Congratulations!! The card is done.








Should you see any misses or baddies, PM me and I'll change them.

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  • Replies 66
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Nice move, dumbass. You send me a PM, and then put me on your Ignore List. Really smart move. Oh, and no. Finish the whole guide at once, I'm sure +1 post count can wait bit. People don't want to wait 3 weeks just to finish a card, idiot.

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I think you should stop saying curses even if * marks are over it. Also' date=' I don't know what GTFO means, really.


Anyways finally done.



Get the f*ck out. So actually, that was your fault that I cursed there. Ergo you couldn't give a sh*t if I do, and you shouldn't. Kthnxbai.

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Get the f*ck out. This is my thread' date=' why should I go out? [/b'] So actually, that was your fault that I cursed there. Its your fault you went into the wrong path of life. Also, according to what I've seen and learned, cursing people have a tendacy of being stupid. Ergo you couldn't give a sh*t if I do, and you shouldn't. Ergo is not a word, in the case you didn't realize. Kthnxbai. Correctly, Ok, thanks, bye. Seriously, your keyboard or your brain, one of them is crashed. Are you really 14, or 4?


You won't be able to get any good job if you stay like that. Thinking about the future.

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Nice tutorial. Putting 3 or 4 vanilla's in a deck isn't that bad.


Get the f*ck out. This is my thread' date=' why should I go out? [/b'] So actually, that was your fault that I cursed there. Its your fault you went into the wrong path of life. Also, according to what I've seen and learned, cursing people have a tendacy of being stupid. Ergo you couldn't give a sh*t if I do, and you shouldn't. Ergo is not a word, in the case you didn't realize. Kthnxbai. Correctly, Ok, thanks, bye. Seriously, your keyboard or your brain, one of them is crashed. Are you really 14, or 4?


You won't be able to get any good job if you stay like that. Thinking about the future.


And seriously, Kenta? He's just stating his opinion. Respect it.

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Nice tutorial. Putting 3 or 4 vanilla's in a deck isn't that bad.


Get the f*ck out. This is my thread' date=' why should I go out? [/b'] So actually, that was your fault that I cursed there. Its your fault you went into the wrong path of life. Also, according to what I've seen and learned, cursing people have a tendacy of being stupid. Ergo you couldn't give a sh*t if I do, and you shouldn't. Ergo is not a word, in the case you didn't realize. Kthnxbai. Correctly, Ok, thanks, bye. Seriously, your keyboard or your brain, one of them is crashed. Are you really 14, or 4?


You won't be able to get any good job if you stay like that. Thinking about the future.


And seriously, Kenta? He's just stating his opinion. Respect it.


We've been enemies, we're always like this. I'm normally better to other people.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I think you should stop saying curses even if * marks are over it. Also' date=' I don't know what GTFO means, really.


Anyways finally done.



Get the f*ck out. So actually, that was your fault that I cursed there. Ergo you couldn't give a sh*t if I do, and you shouldn't. Kthnxbai.


Yay now your banned.


Nice tut even tho I dont make Vanillas....

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