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Black Knight Dark

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Main Deck: 42

3 dimensional alchemist

3 gravekeeper's spy

3 caius the shadow monarch

3 witch of the black rose

3 gallis the star beast

3 ryko, lightsworn hunter

3 battle fader

2 dark creator

2 cyber dragon

2 destiny hero malicious

2 mystic tomato

2 deep sea diva

1 dark grepher

1 armageddon knight

1 tragoedia

1 gorz the emissary of darkness

1 chaos sorcerer

1 sangan

1 blackwing gale the whirlwind

1 gravekeeper's descendant

1 dark armed dragon

1 plaguespreader zombie


1 treacherous trap hole


Yes it does run 41 monsters and a trap.


Extra Deck: 15

1 mist wurm

1 red dragon archfiend

1 colossal fighter

1 thought ruler archfiend

1 dark end dragon

1 stardust dragon

1 blackwing armor master

1 black rose dragon

1 x-saber urbellum

1 arcanite magician

1 goyo guardian

1 brionac, dragon of the ice barrier

1 magical android

1 ally of justice catastor

1 chimeratech fortress dragon


Side Deck: 15

2 vanity's fiend

2 trap eater

3 thunder king rai oh

2 lyla lightsworn sorceress

2 legendary jujitsu master

2 d.d. crow

2 royal decree

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Can you kindly explain how this deck works? Because like 2 people here get it.


Witch of the Black Rose, Gallis, and Genex Birdman.

And then include cards like Gorz and Battle Fader, just so Birdman can abuse them.


^Thats effectivly the whole deck in a nutshell^


Its such a fun deck <3

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Can you kindly explain how this deck works? Because like 2 people here get it.


Witch of the Black Rose' date=' Gallis, and Genex Birdman.

And then include cards like Gorz and Battle Fader, just so Birdman can abuse them.


^Thats effectivly the whole deck in a nutshell^


Its such a fun deck <3



Plus you never lose with dimensional alchemist and battle fader.


This deck is pimp.


-1 Something

+1 Battle Fader


Needs a 3rd Battle Fader.


-1 junk synchron

+1 battle fader

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Can you kindly explain how this deck works? Because like 2 people here get it.


Witch of the Black Rose' date=' Gallis, and Genex Birdman.

And then include cards like Gorz and Battle Fader, just so Birdman can abuse them.


^Thats effectivly the whole deck in a nutshell^


Its such a fun deck <3



Plus you never lose with dimensional alchemist and battle fader.

I actually netdecked the one from youtube(lolwc10)

And I'm actually interested in this sort of build.


.....I might actually try to make my own variant.

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