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Aliens of the Solid Variety IRL

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Monsters: [18]


3| Alien Ammonite

3| Alien Dog

3| Alien Kid

2| Alien Overlord

2| Alien Shocktrooper

2| Alien Telepath

3| Alien Warrior


Spells: [16]


1| Brain Control

2| Code "A" - Ancient Ruins (I keep bouncing between 2 and 3. I know it's staple, but it keeps becoming a dead draw at 3)

1| Giant Trunade

1| Lightning Vortex

1| My Body as a Shield

3| Mysterious Triangle

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

3| Solidarity

1| Swords of Revealing Light

2| Viper's Rebirth


Traps: [6]


1| Alien Brain

1| Call of the Haunted

2| Offering to the Snake Deity

2| Planet Pollutent Virus


I'm proxying a few cards, but I should have them soon enough. This deck runs very smoothly, a few dead draw occasionally cause a lose, but otherwise it's fine. This thing easily OTKs and to help that, once Lion Alligator comes to the TCG I'm going to find room for 2, probably in place of 2 Shocktrooper.

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