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[Brother's Future IRL] Frogs


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Seriously, i din't expect that Frogs are THAT cheap. Maybe because they're all commons... And please, don't suggest Mirror Force. My brother said that he won't spend $30 for 1 card.


Monsters [18]

3x Dupe Frog ($1.00 for 3)

3x Flip Flop Frog ($1.00 for 3)

3x Poison Draw Frog ($1.00 for 3)

3x Substitoad ($1.00 for 3)

3x Swap Frog ($1.00 for 3)

3x Unifrog ($1.00 for 3)

Section Total : $6.00


Spells [15]

3x Salvage ($3.59 for 3)

3x Moray of Greed ($6.18 for 3)

3x Wetlands ($1.00 for 3)

1x Terraforming ($1.00)

1x Mystical Space Typhoon ($2.29)

1x Heavy Storm ($1.99)

1x Lightning Vortex ($.100)

1x Reasoning ($1.65)

1x One for One ($1.00)

Section Total : $21.69


Traps [7]

3x Froggy Forcefield ($1.00 for 3)

2x Starlight Road ($10.00)

1x Torrential Tribute ($5.99)

1x Solemn Judgment ($9.99)

Section Total : $26.98


Deck Total : $54.67

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