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Pokemon - The Great Adventure [Started][Accepting][OOC Thread]

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I hope you don't mind if I have three, I can handle it.


Character Name: Lucas Rune

Age: 12

Faction: Trainer (Good)

[spoiler=Pokemon:]Elekid, Growlithe, Pidgey, Larvitar, Totodile, Chikorita




Personality: Friendly, caring, confident, tries to think positive



[spoiler=Bio:]Born on March 23, Lucas as a child had always loved pokemons. Growing up, Lucas wanted nothing more but to become a trainer one day, following in the footsteps of his father who is a legendary trainer. Lucas got his first pokemon at the age of 10, and began his journey in different regions instead of his home region. Currently he is twelve and is deciding to take on his home region.


Town: Pallet Town


Character Name: Lily Freya

Age: 12

Faction: Trainer (Good)

[spoiler=Pokemon:]Pichu, Cyndaquil, Bellossom, Aipom, Misdreavus, Teddiursa




Personality: Kind, caring, friendly, gentle



[spoiler=Bio:]Lily was born on June 16. She always had a passion for raising pokemon and would always be the first one awake in the morning to take care of the pokemons her family had. As a child, Lily shared a connection with a Pikachu her mom owned. She loved pikachu so much that during her tenth birthday, Lily decided to capture a wild Pichu for her first pokemon. From then on she's been traveling around the world. Now she's on a journey in the Kanto region.


Town: Pallet Town

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*Name: Leif Harper

*Age: 17 ( I know he's a little young to technically be a professor, but he does research stuff, so I figured it'd be the best app to fill out.)

*Faction: Good

*What you research: Leif studies space, he is deeply interested by the theory that Cleffa's evolutionary tree came from space, his study consists heavily of investigating astrological phenomina, hoping he will discover more species of space pokemon. Leif's recent research project idea involves multiple Eevees, three to be precise, He wants to test the effects of a moonstone on an Eevee over time, as well as obtain an Espeon and an Umbreon to study.


Clefable ♀



Umbreon ♀ "Luna"



Espeon ♂ "Sol"




*Personality: Leif is an easy-going relaxed guy. He prefers to think of himself as a trainer with a vested interest in the universe beyond our planet, as opposed to a professor. Leif tends to slack off a bit on his research if there's nothing pressing him to continue.

*Bio: Leif is for the most part a trainer, in that he attempts gym battles, and trains his pokemon, but he he splits his time equaly between this and his study. as such, his pokemon aren't as strong as they sould be for someone of his experience. Leif's early life was consumed by an anemeration with space-like pokemon, Solrock, Lunatone, and the Cleffa evolutionary tree were his absolute favorites. Leif's father was a trainer and would travel far and wide. On Leif's 10th birthday, he returned from his travels with a Cleffa egg. Soonafter, the egg hatched, and Leif left his home to investigate study his new-born Cleffa and other space pokemon in the field, but also, to a lesser extent to chase the goals of the average trainer. After leaving home, Leif never heard from his father again, but he and his mother remain hopeful that he's alive.

*Appearance: 61a3488.png

*Town: Currently residing in Pewter City

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*Character Name: Nick Ab'reni

*Age: 14

*Faction: good (Gym Leader #6)

*Pokemon: Absol, Houndoom, Shiftry, Sharpedo, Sneasel, Murkrow


*Appearance: http://s.bebo.com/app-image/7925888858/5411656627/PROFILE/i.quizzaz.com/img/q/u/08/04/27/happy_boy.jpg

*Bio: Nick is a very strong opponent. He took over the gym in Pewter after a strong Rock type trainer was defeated by him. Nick deiced to become the new leader. He changed the Speciality type to Dark. Even though most of his pokemon had more than one type.

*Town: Pewter City

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