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Rarities of cards, how to identifie them

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All info is from Yugioh.wiki.com i merely posted this for others you dont go to that site to know.(pics at the bottom)


Test Prints: Test Prints are cards that have been used to test the machines at Upper Deck Entertainment. Sometimes the cards are accidentally packed into Booster Packs or Starter Decks. The look of these cards may vary. If you find one, keep it, sell it, trade it, or you can return it to UDE in exchange of a Booster Pack of your choice.


Commons: A Common card is identified by having a black or white card name and the image is not holofoiled. Some common cards are short printed or super short printed by UDE. A listing of all super short or short prints can be found in Beckett's Official Magazine.


Normal Rare: Normal Rares are identical to Commons, except they are slightly harder to find. Comparable to the now-discontinued TCG Short Print and Super Short Print rarities, Normal Rares only exists in the OCG.


Short Print: Short Print's are identical to Commons, except they are slightly harder to find. This only existed in the TCG, and were discontinued after Ancient Sanctuary.


Super Short Print: Super Short Print's are identical to Commons and Short Prints, except they are much harder to find. They only existed in the TCG, and were discontinued after Ancient Sanctuary.


Rare: A Rare card is identified by having a silver card name and the image is not holofoiled.


Super Rare: A Super Rare card is identified by having a black or white card name and the image is a holofoil. More recent video game promo cards have been Super Rares.


Ultra Rare: An Ultra Rare card is identified by having a gold card name and a holofoil image.


Ultimate rare: An Ultimate Rare card has an embossed foil on the image, attribute or icon, and level stars. The card name is gold like an Ultra Rare. When scanned, the embossed image may be muted and the image indistinct from the background. This card rarity was primarily introduced to combat Scalers, since the card is much thinner than a normal Super Rare one, with a weight comparable to a Common. Ultimate Rare cards usually also come in a less rare variety that can be found in the same booster and has the same card number. OCG Ultimate Rares tend to scan much better than their TCG counterparts, due to a slightly reflective coating present on all OCG cards (but lacking on TCG cards). This has the advantage of brightening the image, and making the foil image more distinct than on a TCG equivalent. On the internet market, Ultimate Rare Cards are much more valuable than others, even if their effectiveness in the game is only upper average.


Ghost rare: Ghost Rare is a new rarity introduced in the TCG version of Tactical Evolution. It appears to have a very shiny silver lettering, much like a Secret Rare, with some colors removed from the card image, and the entire card appears to be holographic. The overall effect of these changes is a pale, "Ghost-like" appearance to the card art, especially when scanned. There are only two Ghost Rare TCG Cards: Rainbow Dragon and Elemental Hero Chaos Neos.


Holographic rare: Holographic Rare is a new rarity introduced in the OCG version of Tactical Evolution. It appears to have silver lettering like a Secret Rare Card, and many colors removed from the card image, and the entire card appears to be holographic. At the moment there are only three cards which are holographic rare: Rainbow Dragon, Rainbow Neos and Elemental Hero Chaos Neos. The angle of the card changes the reflected color just like a hologram.


Secret Rare: A Secret Rare card is identified by having a silver card name and the image has a unique holofoil known as a parallel holofoil (named due to the parallel dot effect on the image). In sets that are older than Tactical Evolution, secret Rares are all either the first (#000) or last cards in a set. Secret Rares were at first discontinued due to excessive use of electronic scales, however, they have been re-introduced in Strike of Neos.


Prismatic Secret Rare: This refers to European Secret Rare promos, whose glittery holographics follow a very different 'prism' pattern to their North American counterpart(s).


Ultra Secret Rare: A Ultra Secret Rare has the Ultra Rare foil over the image, but has the sparkly silver card name like a Secret Rare. There are very few of these cards; only one currently exists in English (the GSE version of "Elemental Hero Wildheart"), with the remaining ten in Japanese.


Secret Ultra Rare: An Secret Ultra Rare has the Secret Rare foil over the image, but has the Gold card name like a Ultra Rare. The only image known for this type of rarity, is an apparently misprinted version of "Gaia the Dragon Champion" in the original Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon booster pack.


Parallel Rare:Parallel Rare as a generic term, used to refer to cards where the entire card surface is holographic (shows up as an even "haze" on most scans).

There are three types of Parallel Rare:

Normal Parallel Rare: Normal black or white title, normal picture. Also known as "Parallel Common."

Super Parallel Rare: Normal black or white title, holographic picture.

Ultra Parallel Rare: Gold title, holographic picture.


Normal Parrellel: A Normal Parallel Rare has all the characteristics of a Common card (i.e., no foil image and a black or white card name), but has the Parallel Rare coating which makes the whole surface reflect. The coating tends to stiffen the card and when scanned the coating creates a uniform haze on the card. Currently only available from card vending machines in Japan, this rarity is also sometimes referred to as Parallel Common, as Normal Parallel Rares have always been made from Common cards.


Super Parallel Rare: A Super Parallel Rare has all the characteristics of a Super Rare (ie. foil image and a black card name) but has a coating which makes the whole surface reflect. The coating tends to stiffen the card and when scanned the coating creates a uniform haze on the card.


Ultra Parallel: An Ultra Parallel Rare has a gold card title like Ultra Rares, but also has a coating across the surface to make the whole card reflect. The coating tends to stiffen the card and when scanned the coating creates a uniform haze on the card.


Holofoil Rare: Holofoil Rares are used for early Gameboy Promos. They are akin to Super Rares, but have a coating very similar to Parallel Common cards. However, this coating has none of the consistent layout and texture of the usual Parallel coating.


Ill be adding what each one looks like later

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Thanks for the guide, I've been playing this game for 6 years, I've bought tons of packs, and joined in MANY tournaments, I've even gotten 1st place a few times. But through it all, I've never bothered even once to ask about rarities. All this Super, Ultra, Mega ghost, was all jargon until just a moment ago.


How can I ever repay this debt laid upon my buy this knowledge? Is the debt so great that it shall never be repaid? When you die do you fly up into the clouds?

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