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3 Giant Rat

3 Morphtronic Celfon

3 Morphtronic Remoten

3 Morphtronic Boomboxen

2 Morphtronic Scopen

2 Morphtronic Slingen

2 Morphtronic Radion

1 Morphtronic Boarden

1 Sangan



3 Junk Box

3 Morphtronic Accelerator

2 Pot of Avarice

1 Machine Duplication

1 One for One

1 Giant Trunade

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Brain Control



3 Threatening Roar

2 Dust Tornado

1 Torrential Tribute



1 X-Saber Gottoms

1 Mist Wurm


2 Stardust Dragon

1 Colossal Fighter

1 Scrap Dragon (it's really pro o: )


2 Scrap Archfiend

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Arcanite Magician

1 X-Saber Urbellum


1 Goyo Guardian

1 Iron Chain Dragon


1 Magical Android


1 Armory Arm


almost thinking about running magical merchant + 3rd pot



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Rat and Sangan are too slow, Slingen is horrible.


Why is Radion NOT at 3?


3 Accelerators can and will clog. 2 Accelerators tend to be better.


Just a quick recommendation here, 3 Cyber Valley and a second Dupe. The Valleys give you more One for One targets (Celfon isn't always a safe bet), the second dupe gives more consistency for the Celfon variation of the OTK, as well as an easier Remoten combo and quick and painless Cyber Valley abuse.

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Rat and Sangan are too slow, Slingen is horrible.


Why is Radion NOT at 3?


3 Accelerators can and will clog. 2 Accelerators tend to be better.


Just a quick recommendation here, 3 Cyber Valley and a second Dupe. The Valleys give you more One for One targets (Celfon isn't always a safe bet), the second dupe gives more consistency for the Celfon variation of the OTK, as well as an easier Remoten combo and quick and painless Cyber Valley abuse.



You had me until cellfon not being a safe bet. In morphtronics, i dont care what kind of build, 3X cellfon is a staple. Oh, and for the other dude that thinks pot of avarice belongs in here, here are some more tips you can and should use:

+1 boarden

+2 cyber dragon

take out any and all pot of avarice

put in a reasoning (optional)

-2 threatening roar

-1 dust tornado

+1 solemn judjement

dont run magical merchant

switch iron chain dragon for a brionac dragon of the ice barrier

switch x-saber urbellum for ally of justice catastor

take out both srap archfiends for an ancient sacred wyvern and thought ruler

take out scrap dragon for 2x chimeratech fortress dragon

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