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Pure Earthbound

Dr. Cakey

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So, a lot of people are irritated by a certain member/THe ReBeL having a strange habit of putting EBIs into most of his decks. And he doesn't even do it well. So I said, screw it, I am going to show him how to do it right. And that is indeed what I have done.


This deck is PURE Earthbound Immortals - there is no win condition but Immortals, it relies on having them out. It keeps them out consistently, so it works with crazy cards like Earthbound Wave for +0 negation and Earthbound Whirlwind to keep them safe. And, of course, Revival of the Immortals. Hell, I use Offering to the Immortals!


Monsters x 20:


3 Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu

2 Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu

1 Earthbound Immortal Uru


3 Battle Fader

2 Giant Rat

3 Hardened Armed Dragon

2 Masked Dragon

3 Nimble Momonga

1 Tragoedia


Spells x 13:

2 Earthbound Whirlwind

2 Fires of Doomsday

2 Gold Sarcophagus

3 Mausoleum of the Emperor

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

3 Terraforming


Traps x 7:

1 Call of the Haunted

2 Earthbound Wave

2 Offering to the Immortals

2 Revival of the Immortals


I'm currently testing Field Barrier, Revival of the Immortals to see how they do.


EDIT: Swapped Field Barriers with Masked Dragons.

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I wanted to see how far I could push this deck in terms of having Earthbound support only. I wanted a deck whose ONLY goal was playing and maintaining my EBI. It does surprisingly well, actually.


If I were to do this more seriously, I'd take out Earthbound Whirlwind and Revival of the Immortals, along with Offerings, probably. A single copy of Earthbound Revival might work, and then Torrential, Mirror Force, 2 BTH, and maybe Giant Trunade and such could go in. And I'd probably want to fit Sangan in somewhere.


Should I neg a Battle Fader for Sangan?

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