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Jay Jay's Advance Member Tournament

Jаy Jаy

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These days, it's hard for people to be known as "Legendary Member". Here is your chance to become one of the Elite Members of YCM Society. During each round, half the contestants will be eliminated. The number of contestants is 16. That number is SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Please donate to the Jay Pot as well. I get 10% of Jay Pot cause I'm just that good. Anyway, good luck! The Contest will end @ September 4th.



To make the Tournament competitive, I'm going to make a few restrictions.


● At least 1 of these must be True to Qualify (Post which one, unless it's pretty obvious):

1.) You are Level 4+

2.) You have 30+ Friends

3.) You have 40+ Reps

4.) You are one of the top 100 Points Collectors.

5.) You have my approval, or the approval of 1 of the Judges.

6.) You donated 300+ Points to the Jay Pot.



All YCM Rules apply.



● Prizes and Fees:

The fee: 100 Points AND any additional donations are appreciated :3


1st Place Winner: 5 reps+ 50% of Jay Pot and titled "Legendary". In addition, gets my Jay Jay's Special Edition Template Package (No fonts included, sorry :( ). The Template Package is not 100% official. The Template Requires Photoshop.

2nd Place Winner: 4 reps + 20% of Jay Pot and Jay Jay's Special Edition Template Package.

3rd Place Winner: 2 Reps + 5% of Jay Pot.

4th Place Winner: 1 Rep + 5% of Jay Pot.

5th Place Winner: 1 Rep.


Judging and Judges:

There will be 5 Judges at the most (With me, 6). Only Lv6 Members may request to be Judge. No more Judges please. The Judges will all get 1 Rep + 2% of Jay Pot.



1.) Tainted Black

2.) JG.

3.) Lexadin

4.) .Tsubaki

5.) Yu-Gi-Oh 5D`S



The Tournament will be Judged through a 100 point system. All judges must use this System.

20/20: The Balance of the Card(s)

30/30: The Creativity and Originality of the Card(s)

25/25: The actual effect of the Card(s)

15/15: The Image/Name/Beauty of the Card(s).

5/5: Usefulness in a duel.

4/4: Any additional "card beauty" added to the card (used a unique Template (this excludes MSE)/Holo Image or Name/ etc.) Anyone who adds ANY card beauty will get FULL 4 POINTS! You may go to a shop and get these 4 points.

1/1: You donated 100+ points to Jay Pot (In addition to the standard fee). ONE POINT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE!

100/100: Total Rating


● Contestants:

1.) Laevatein

2.) Lieutenant Renji

3.) iSmesh

4.) .:Zain:.

5.) Kuri

6.) Izanagi

7.) cocodomoco











● Rounds:







Will Announce after 8 people.



































........................................................ Points: 1111


Members who donated to Jay Pot (100+ Points):

- Laevatein

- iSmesh

- Kuri

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Why not? im in.

1.) You are Level 4+ Duh

2.) You have 30+ Friends Yes

3.) You have 40+ Reps 133 or 134 somethin like that

4.) You are one of the top 100 Points Collectors. #3 :/

5.) You own a Successful YCM Service (Shop/Image Archive/Tutorial/etc.). Successful means it's a Hot/Stickied Thread. I did

6.) You have my approval, or the approval of 1 of the Judges. Do i?

7.) You donated 300+ Points to the Jay Pot. Hell naw. im givin 110


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1.) You are Level 4+ Yes

2.) You have 30+ Friends idk

3.) You have 40+ Reps half?

4.) You are one of the top 100 Points Collectors. 82# now since I donated

5.) You own a Successful YCM Service (Shop/Image Archive/Tutorial/etc.). Successful means it's a Hot/Stickied Thread. Never

6.) You have my approval, or the approval of 1 of the Judges. No

7.) You donated 300+ Points to the Jay Pot. is 200 good?including fee

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