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Thousand Foot Krutch

Face McShooty

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heres another band i LOVE, especially Rawkfist and Phenomenon



[spoiler=Lore]When this card is Summoned, add 1 "Steve Augustine" and 1 "Polymerization" from your Deck to your hand.




[spoiler=Lore]When this card is Summoned, lose 400 Life Points to Special Summon 1 "Joel Bruyere" from your Deck to the Field.




[spoiler=Lore]When this card is sent to the Graveyard as a Fusion Material Monster, add 1 "Trevor "Teerawk" McNaven" from your Graveyard to your hand.




[spoiler=Lore]"Trevor "Teerawk" McNevan" + "Steve Augustine" + "Joel Bruyere"

This card can only be Fusion Summoned with the above monsters. This card cannot attack your opponent directly. This card can attack two monsters per turn.


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Oh, sorry, sorry, editing my post. I misread. Usually when threads have names like this, it's a BAND thread. Name it something less bland. (I clicked from New Threads, not from Pop Culture)


Also, don't smart mouth. Anyone can make a mistake. You oviously did, as you ONLY capitalized when you were 'yelling', and never used punctuation.

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Let's see... you attacked me for making a mistake? I had no problem before that, just TFK fan issues.


And I don't think bands should have ards for them like this. It makes no sense. Furthermore, I could care less about Avenged 7 Fold, I don't like them. Screw their image to the moon and back, I won't even look.

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And? I made a mistake! Improve your darn grammar and I might not have retaliated! You obviously have a plank in your eye, and you are going after the sawdust in mine!


I don't have a serious problem. I respect the band, and making cards of them makes NEGATIVE sense, on a scale of 1-100.

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Let's see... almost no punctuation, no capitalization, except when yelling or speaking of Texas... Your typing grammar is horrible. See the typing you do on your cards? Do that. It makes you look like less of a n00b. Also, Creator(Whatever those numbers are...) on here is from Texas, and he has good typing grammar. Furthermore, What? ALL Texans type like that, so it's alright? lolno.

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Ok then, ask ANYONE. When you have a reputation as universal n00b, I won't even care enough to say 'Told you so'. I toold you how to fix it, and you ignored it. Not my problem.


Also, Band cards make no sense. Neither do celebrity cards.

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