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Big Card Template

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So I've been in contact with Jay Jay, and he has given me permission to give you guys the big card template. Of course, with this template comes a set of rules and restrictions. This template pack does NOT contain the fonts needed making them, therefor you must buy that yourself. Now before I post the links, I shall be posting the rules and restrictions. This template pack was made by Jay Jay and his secret army of little ninja's and so, if you do not follow the rules, these ninja's will find you, and DESTROY you! :3


Rules and Restrictions

You may not use this pack without posting in this thread that you are using it.

You may not use this pack without giving credit to Jay Jay.

You may not redistribute this pack, materials from this pack, a former pack by Jay Jay, and/or materials from a former pack to anyone on or off this website.

You may not post a modified or edited version of this pack without consulting and approving it by me.



NOTE: If you break any of the above rules and restrictions, your name will be put on the "unusable by" list and you may not use this pack ever.

NOTE: All forum rules apply here, please be organized and wait until your name gets registered on the "usable by" list before using this pack.


[spoiler=~⊡Usable By⊡~]

[spoiler=~⊠Unusable By⊠~]


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