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Budget Deck: Strictly Reptilianne

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My goal was to make a strong and cheap build for the Reptiliannes:


Monsters: 23


3x Rep. Vaskii

3x Rep. Naga

3x Rep. Scyla

3x Rep. Gardna

1x Rep. Medusa

3x Rep. Gorgon

1x Rep. Viper

3x Oshaleon

3x Worm Cartaros


Spells: 9


3x Viper's Rebirth

3x Rep. Spawn

1x Rep. Poison

1x Giant Trunade

1x MST


Traps: 8


3x Alien Brain

3x Offering to the Snake Deity

1x Damage = Reptile

1x Ojama Trio


Extra: 1


Rep. Hydra


FYI: "Rep." stands for reptilianne.

If you're not familiar with the Reptiliannes, you can see them here: http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Reptilianne


It's a very consistent deck and I haven't had any trouble with it so far. I'll take suggestions, cards don't have to necessarily be budget, but monsters should stay within the lines of "Reptile" since any non-reptiles will make "Viper's Rebirth" not work.


Thanks in advance.

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