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.:Black Hills Academy of Supernatural Entities:. l Started l Accepting l PG16 l Romance/Action

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The date is 2011.You live a somewhat normal life and nothing is right. The Devil was having a talk with his apprentice Vinexcis. They were arguing how the Devil isn't evil enough to have the throne. A couple of days later Vinexcis kills the Devil. He had taken over the throne and begins to terroize the Humans. Suddenly a school that had hundreds of students with unknown powers was made. It's name is The Black Hills Academy for Supernatural Entities (aslo known as BHASE).This school was formed to kill the Demon named Vinexcis and end the madness. This school was founded by Abraxos Iaoel, demon hunter extraordaire, and you are one of his students. Welcome to The Black Hills Academy.

No Godmodding
No Powerplaying
No Metagaming
Four Line Plus Only Posts
to Prove You read the Rules Put Your Application in a Spoiler

Race(From List):
[spoiler=Race List]
Vampire- Like humans, except they're stronger and faster, and have fangs and pale skin, and get severe sunburns, live longer, drink blood, and can only die by destroying the heart.
Neko- Part cat, part human, can communicate with feline animals
Werewolf- People who turn into wolf-man hybrids every night, and are stronger, but slower.
Human- Like you or me(Hopefully), except with powers
Changeling- Can turn into any 1 animal of any color(s)
Lemurian- Half human, half reptile. Can communicate with reptiles
Sexual Orientation:
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[spoiler=Cyrus Morino]Name: Cyrus Morino
Age: 17
Race(From List): Werewolf
Personality: Cyrus is a very calm and relaxed young man. He is also adventurous and tends to look at the outcome of events before acting upon them. He is very intelligent and he is an expert football player. He loves hanging out with friends and watching Family Guy.
Sexual Orientation: Straight[/spoiler]
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Name: Selene Hawthorne
Age: 17
Race(From List): Changeling (she can change into a rather large raven thing)
Personality: She is rarely unhappy or sorrowful, preferring to be cheerful and bright. She has a quick temper and stinging insults though, so if you are her enemy, watch out. She hasn't had many friends yet, and she doesn't know why.
Power(Human): N/A
Sexual Orientation: straight
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[Spoiler=My App]Name:Shin Ito
Race(From List):Neko- Part cat, part human, can communicate with feline animals
Personality:Shy,and cares about his Freinds.
Sexual Orientation:Straight[/Spoiler]
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Name: Henry Smith
Age: 87
Appearance: Henry looks to be about 17 years old, and is rather tall and fairly lean. His natural paleness blends well with blond hair, and his eyes have traces of both blue and red, making them appear purple from anything further than extreme close-up. Overall, his complexion can almost be passed of as him simply having Northern European ancestry, helped by a British accent, although he does look ill and burns a little too readily...
He usually wears a black three-piece suit with white shirt for no reason other than he likes it.
Race(From List): Vampire
Personality: Rather cold and detached, though capable of being social, and quite charming, should the need arise
Sexual Orientation: Mostly, asexual, with a preference for females.
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[spoiler= my application]
Name: Jason Tenma
Age: 17
Appearance(Pic/Desc): [IMG]http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll3/nekxus23/1bd3.jpg[/IMG]
Race(From List): Human
Personality: normally calm and very social with a mysterous charm, Jason tried to keep his cool no matter what happend, but he stuck up for his friends no metter what the sittuation
Power(Human): able to creat and control fire
Sexual Orientation: straight [/spoiler]
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[spoiler=MAH APP]
Name: Virgil Helsing (If You Don't Get the Reference, Consult Bram Stroker's Dracula)
Age: 17
Appearance(Pic/Desc): Avatar
Race(From List): Human
Personality: Towards whom he deems not his enemies he's polite and friendly as can be, although he is arrogant, and almost sadistic in his love of conflict, but to his enemies he's incredibly short tempered, belligerent, foul mouthed, and still has his love of conflict and is still arrogant if not more.
Power(Human): Teleportaton
Sexual Orientation: Straighter than an Arrow
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[spoiler=bisexual emo kid]
Name: Chase Archer
Age: 17
Race(From List): Vampire
Personality: Emotional, moody, shy.
Power(Human): N/A
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

BTW, can I play 2 characters?
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[spoiler=Wut, another bisexual emo kid?]
Name:Hayli Kendrake
Age: 16 (turning 17 soon)
Appearance(Pic/Desc):[img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs36/PRE/i/2010/011/5/f/Emo_Girl_01_by_Lady_Matsuura.jpg[/img] She also dyes her ears and tail to match her hair.
Race(From List):Neko
Personality:Emotional, but flirty. Sassy and oppinionated. Hayli's outgoing and fun-loving.
Power(Human): N/a
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Character note, my two characters are an ex-couple, they certainly won't be getting back together.
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