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[quote name='Menton' timestamp='1290553706' post='4805869']
I'll try that later. I'm making examples for my shop. Wud u like to work in it. There is pay

Don't use any of my stuff without getting my permission first.
And sorry but I'm tied up enough with my current things to be producing items for other shops.

[quote name='BlindMonkey' timestamp='1290553782' post='4805875']
I'll be distributing your Propaganda. Believe it.

Well you don't know my ideology.

The basic idea;
-Gather all the elite members.
-Make the Swastika non-nazi.
-Make the forum better cos it's full of noobs.

And if you want a personalized profile thing, you will have to pay for me to make it.
e.g. Avatar, text, info, project and project info + 1/2 minor personal detail/images to add on
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[quote name='BlindMonkey' timestamp='1290553990' post='4805884']
Make it better by eliminating n00bs.


I've got to say. I agree.

It's a Nazi stance on the whole thing. Elites are better, noobs suck.
Sorry to bring it down to this level...

But yeah, YCMazi (Yugioh Card Mazi) is just a satire cult/group used to show that you're a serious or good member.

I may make little YCMazi tags for sigs...

Not sure if this thing will take off cos it's controversial.

Pay say... 100 points if you provide the information
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[quote name='BlindMonkey' timestamp='1290554194' post='4805897']
Obviously not, dammit. It's as if [i]you[/i]'re gaining from [i]his[/i] work. Which you actually would.

Take the YCMazi thing to PM now.

And, you can't use the actual card template, I will only allow usage of the Attributes, though they are slightly large, unless you want to shrink them a bit.
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[quote name='Menton' timestamp='1290554308' post='4805905']
Just the tokens and dark synchros

Sorry no, anything that uses my Template, and has the 'Template by LiAM' on it, there or erased, isn't reproducible.

I have a list of all the members with the template, those who paid full, those who have half, and I check up every now and again to see what features they are using and if they are selling my work. Thankfully, no one has actually ripped off my template yet.

Though if you are caught selling my template on to third parties, then you will be reported; like fraud.

I could offer a... Full Usage Rights deal, where you would have complete power of it, you can make people cards with it and so on, but not actually sell the template itself, though that itself would cost around [b]3000 points[/b].
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[quote name='Menton' timestamp='1290554623' post='4805922']
So can I just use the custom attributes in my shop

Yes, you can only use the Attributes provided in the 1st post of this thread.
No selling of the template or altering it to sell again.
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[quote name='Menton' timestamp='1290554759' post='4805931']
I'm not actually selling the template onto 3rd parties. I'm just using the token and DS parts to make cards I can pay another 70 pts just to sell them on my shop

Nope, I wont allow that either.

No extracting from the template in anyway, you can only use what is in the Spoilers in the first post.

[quote name='BlindMonkey' timestamp='1290554350' post='4805907']
Remember that you couldn't PM me this Template in the first place? That problem is still on.
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[quote name='Menton' timestamp='1290555100' post='4805955']
Then what's the template 4 if u can't use it

You can, you can make cards with it and use them for competitions, printing and general faking real cards.

You cannot make profit from the template, i.e. sell cards or the template.
Or sell the contents of it.
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[quote name='Menton' timestamp='1290555677' post='4805981']
Ok. So yu can use them in contests

Yeah, you can make and whatever you want with the cards, it's an alternate to the Card Maker on the forum (which sucks).
You just can't make profit from it.
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[quote name='BlindMonkey' timestamp='1290556953' post='4806038']
...I've been thinking about it for a while now...

Is there any way you could make an instant Advanced Holo? Or a customized brush that created the Holo effect?

That would be one nice way to decorate a card.

It's almost impossible to create an instant advanced holo, as I would have to make every combination of holos.

Stick to erasing the shape of the monster ofr now ;):)

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