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Years Later (Naruto RP) (started and accepting)


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Zaraii sighed as he heard from the priest ( Rock village's leader ) that he had to travel to the Hidden Leaf Village to help become part of a team. Zaraii was perfectly content with his everyday life, but maybe some change was in order. He soon packed his things and headed off. On the way, his stomach began to rumble. He took a small biscuit out of his pocket and licked his lips. "Mmmm, looks good", he said as he opened his mouth to take a bite. As his mouth opened, a kunai flew from out of nowhere, piercing the biscuit, and sticking it to a tree. Zaraii blinked a few times, then looked around. As he heard another kunai begin to come toward him, his hands moved with lighting speed to perform the correct hand signs. "Earth Release, Earth Spear", he said as his body, excluding a small spot on his back, was covered in a rock-like substance, seeming much like a skin color. The armor was smooth and glimmered in the sun. As the kunai hit Zaraii's head, it merely fell to the ground and cracked. "Earth Release, Bedrock Coffin", he said as his hands moved quickly once again. As he finished, large chunks of rectangular stone shot from the ground in all directions, twisting and curving in an attempt to find the enemy. "Earth Release, Dropping Lid", he said as he moved his hands. A large, pig face shaped lid fell from the sky, blocking the sun for a moment. As the lid fell, the stone pieces, which were used to find the enemy, shot up and lifted the lid up just enough to were the top of the lid was level with the trees. Afterward, he made another hand sign and sunk into the ground. As he came up, he found the enemy. He grabbed the, apparently rouge ninja, and threw him beneath the lid. "Earth Release, Earth Dragon Bullet", he said as he moved his hands once more. A large dragon head arose from the ground. It's mouth opened and from it came a barrage of mud bullets which struck the stones holding the lid up. As they broke, the lid fell on the ninja. As Zaraii canceled his Earth Spear, he smiled. "I wonder who that was", he said with a grin.

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After a while Daichi was forced back to reality when he heard Kinata talking to Arashi. Without looking at the painting, which was now completed, he looked on with curiosity at Arashi. Arashi looked up from his sword which he was cleaning with a cloth, although without a blade there wasn't much to clean. "Yep. I think the first time I went to the rain village I was still a genin. I can't remember what the mission was, but I do remember meeting a bunch of really nice ninja there. I always wondered why it was constantly raining." Daichi laughed. "I wonder if it's still raining now that the village is gone." He wondered, but then he realized something. "Hey Arashi, aren't you supposed to send some kind of message to the hokage. He should probably know that we got attacked and will want to dispatch somebody to help us." Arashi thought for a second and realized he was right, but he didn't want to admit his mistake, so he changed the subject the first chance he could. "Hey, that's a really nice painting." Daichi turned and had just realized what he had painted. "Holly crap!!" His face turned red and he quickly grabbed the panting so that Kinata wouldn't see it. "Why the hell did i draw this!?" Daichi thought to himself. Daichi considered destroying it, but remembered that he used special material so that it required large amounts of chakra to destroy it.

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"Ah morning. And not a rouge ninja in sight." Kinata pushed off from the tree and landed flat footed on the ground. Not sure if Arashi had sent a message back to the village about the rouge attack, "Summoning Jutsu." A raven appeared in a puff of smoke but this one was the size of a normal raven and had a black ribbn attached to it's leg. The raven flitted to Kinata's shoulder as she began to put things back into bags. 'Hopefully we will reach the Rain Village today.', she thought, 'I wonder how Diachi's panting turned out?' Kinata started placing shurikan and kunei into her poackets and sleeves for quick and easy access.


Kyumi and Tiaga reached the Hokage's home. "Well Tiaga. Let's go meet our team.", Kyumi walked inside. "Hm. It seems the Lord Hokage has a visitor though I can not seem to put name to scent.", said Tiaga. They stopped at the door, "Well we will soon see. Teleportation Jutsu." Both the Jonin and the ninja wolf reappeared in a puff of smoke on the other side of the door. "Lord Hokage.", said Kyumi as they both walked over to the two men.

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After laughing at Daichi scramble to hide the picture Daichi sent a note to the leaf village with a messenger hawk. "There. Now if there are any ninja in the village we will have plenty of backup." He lifted the hawk in to the air as the bird spread its wings and flew off. "Let's move." Daichi had already taken out a blank scroll and written some symbols on it before sealing the picture in to the scroll. "Glad that's over." He rolled up the scroll, wrote on the outside of the scroll so he could tell it apart from the others, and tied it in a string before putting it in his bag. "As soon as I get back to the village this thing is gonna burn." Daichi then packed away the rest of his equipment and readied the scroll pockets on his vest with the proper scrolls needed for the mission.

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An outsider a part of my team? Well that is no suprise? -Jinn-Tu thought to himself.-


-Within the brief moment that Jinn-Tu heard one of the genin that would be on his team a strong feeling stretched out to him just outside lord hokage's office. In fact, he really did not need his kekkai genkai to sense the chakra of those two outside. It was simply instinct until two more individuals along with a ninken appeared within the same room as the Hokage and the ANBU member (Jinn-Tu). Taking a gradual step back he turned only enough to show his his byakugan eye? A black mask covering his nose and mouth while both eyes were visible. With the black hat over his head lowered only slightly; his hair moved down with a tie only a few inches above the end. And his ninja head band fixed loosely around his neck (like Hinata).-


Lord Hokage must have requested their presence?


"Lord Hokage," -One of them said as they approached the both of them.-


-Jinn-Tu's gaze remained focused upon the two new individuals and even the ninja wolf that where approaching. Sensing the chakra they possessed they appeared to be friendly? If they wanted to attack Lord Hokage they would of done it by now? But that did not seem to be the case. They were here on matters more pressing as it seemed?-


-Calmly the ANBU member moved out to the side allowing the two new individuals to approach without a problem. Jinn-Tu kept his gaze upon them carefully examining their posture and stance to ensure no harm. Even the ninja wolf was calm as it seemed. However, Jinn-Tu would not impose any problems or situations unless he was directed to by the hokage. For now he simply stood firm with his hands behind his back waiting and watching carefully.-

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Zaraii decided to leave the lid there, and soon vanished from the scene of the battle, or in this case, beat-down. As he raced through the forest, he began to hum a tune. A tune taught to him by the Priest. He sighed. "Is it really that far away?", he asked himself as he continued to race through trees. A grin very soon appeared upon his face, for he had now come upon the gate to the Leaf Village. He smiled as sarcasm entered his mind. He then knocked on the gate, waiting for an answer. As he looked at the gate, he thought of what his teacher would like like. What gender would they be? It was a small matter, but he thought not.

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After everybody had loaded up there stuff Arashi had his backpack on and was waiting on Daichi, who was taking a while because he was trying to figure out which scrolls would be best to use. "It's about time." Arashi said as he patted Daichi on the back when he finally got the bag on his back and was completely prepared. "Are you sure you're up to this? You might have to let that other guy, Kurei, take over." Daichi shook his head. "If it where up to me that man would never have control, He take too much pride in manslaughter. I can take care of myself. Besides, unlike my last fight, I'm prepared this time." He smiled and patted his vest that he had filled with scrolls. Arashi looked at the pockets. "What exactly are in those scrolls anyways?" Daichi answered. "Paintings." and said nothing more on the subject. After everybody was ready and packed up they set out to the Rain village.

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In the outer rim of the Land of Fire as morning broke Akima dropped from the tree where he was keeping watch and landed next to where Rei was sleeping. He brushed his hand through her hair and felt the fabric of the headband she always wore over her eyes. *Well at least she's sleeping calmly tonight.* He then pulled back his hand not willing to push his luck, he knew better than to try and wake her and that despite her eyes being covered she'd be able to tell that it was him next to her. So he turned to where his pack was, took out the necessary items and started to make breakfast. A few minutes later he heard the all too familiar sound of two bells and smiled, "So you're finally awake, did you sleep well?" She walked up to where he was cooking and sat next to him, "Yes, it was a lot more peaceful than any sleep I've had recently, but you were supposed to wake me up for my turn at watch no matter how good my sleep was." Akima shrugged, "Well it was worth it to see you smiling again." He handed her a bowl of the soup he'd been cooking, "Here, I just finished cooking." Rei reached out for the bowl and began eating.


An hour later their site was cleaned up and Akima shouldered the pack. He looked over to were Rei was still sitting. "Let me guess, we only have a few days right?" Rei didn't even speak she simply nodded. Akima looked up at the sky and sighed, "Well then we should do it tonight. We just have to remember to find a secluded place to set up for tonight." Rei stood up, walked over to him, and placed her right hand on his cheek. "You worry too much. We still have three days before it becomes a real problem. Besides, didn't you want to make a quick trip to that home of yours?........ We can do it another time, now give me my pack." Akima laughed and handed the offending item over to her. "Well then fine. But tell me if it gets worse." The two of them then leapt into the trees and headed to their next destination.





Sorin was laying on his roof watching as the sun rose above the cliff with the faces of the Hokage. *Ugh, to think I've been given another mission, but now I can't even go. I have to sit around the village and wait for some Mist Shinobi to arrive to act as my partner...... I wonder what she'll be like. All I was told was that she's a high level shinobi from Kirigakure who the Mizukage trusts completely. I wonder if this pairing will work, I mean I'll do whatever's necessary to make sure we don't kill each other and succeed the mission, but I'd rather no have another partner who contradicts my every action.* He sat up as the sun inched higher into the sky, "Well, there's nothing I can do about it at this point. We've already been paired. She should be here either today or tomorrow so I should prepare.* He slid off the roof, caught the edge with his fingertips and flung himself into his home through the small window he'd left open when he'd gone out.





Harumi was standing on top of a tall cliff and looking off into the distance could see the Hidden Leaf Village. *Well I'm almost there. And I have the form with the Mizukage and Hokage's mark on it, so I shouldn't have any trouble getting in and finding this person I've been paired with. I wonder what he's like* She thinks back on when the Mizukage gave Harumi her mission: The Mizukage laced her hands infront of her face, "Your mission is to head out to the Hidden Leaf. There you will be teamed up with a Leaf Anbu Captain who reports directly to the Hokage. He shall be your commander in this mission. Is that understood?" Harumi nodded her understanding, "Well you'll want to leave soon. They'll be expecting you in the next four days. Dismissed." Focusing back on the present Harumi made sure her sword was in place, leapt off the cliff and headed out for Konoha.





In a large underground cavern not too far from the Rain Village Kasumi sat in her room thinking about what had happened recently at Amegakure. *We weren't responsible for what happened, but I want to know who is because I was about to make a place there for us. Well Shei is checking it out, his ability will make it impossible for anyone to catch him. So all I can do until then is wait.*


Shei walked among the ruins of Amegakure, searching for evidence of what happened. *This doesn't make any sense...... everyone is gone, it looks like ther was a serious battle, but we were close enough that we'd have heard the fighting and our spys who'd infiltrated the village would have come to inform us. It just doesn't make any sense, there's no way something like this could happen without us knowing unless the opponent was powerful enough to cast a visual and audio illusion that would affect anyone in range of the fight and on top of that Lady Kasumi would have had to have been asleep or she'd have recognized what it was and broken free of it instantly. I have no doubts now, the one who did this is extremely powerful, maybe even equal to Lady Kasumi?*



(NOTE: I'm not godmodding by saying that he might be equal to Kasumi, Shei is her undyingly loyal to her and is exaggerrating her abilities as they appear to him. )

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KInata ran through the trees with Diachi and Arashi. "You guys feel that?", Kinata asked feeling the light rain fall. They were getting closer to their target. It continued to rain when they finally reached a gate that looked a lot like the gate at the Leaf vilaage. In front of them what was once the Rain village was now nothing but charred remnents of biuldings and a large gaping hole in the earth. "This is the Village Hidden in the Rain?", Kinata asked shocked as she looked around. When the shock cleared from her mind Kinata walked into the village, "Well. We're not going to find any survivors or what happened standing around." She lept up onto the remains of the roof of a building and began searching but hept her senses alert foor trouble.


Naruto smiled at the new visitors. "Ah Kyumi and Tiaga. I was wondering when you two were going to get here.", Naruto looked at Jinn-Tu, "This is Kyumi and her partner Tiaga. I called them here to meet their team and update them on the situation. But since you are both here I..."Naruto stopped and a messanger hawk landed out side a window. He walked over to it and took the message from it. He read it and handed it to Jinn-Tu. "Well looks like you guys have your first missions to. Arashi and his team ran into a couple of rouges that have been to the Rain. THey are heading out again so they're ok." He looked at Jinn-Tu, "Jinn-Tu I need to and Zarraii to go meet Arashi and his team at the Hidden Rain as back up."

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-Jinn-Tu understood fully of the situation at hand that was occurring; knowing that the Village Hidden in the Rain was destroyed had to be accomplished by someone. And even after hearing that Arashi and his team where in need of some assistance nearly spelt trouble. Stepping up towards Naruto; Jinn-Tu extended his hand out reading the message over of what Arashi had sent. Back up was needed through recently coming in contact with some rogue ninja. Lowering the message down; Jinn-Tu nodded in approval quickly folding the message and placing it inside his ninja bag for later viewing.-


"We will make our leave right away lord hokage."


-With those words; Jinn-Tu disappeared in a cloud of smoke - just like any other ANBU member. Appearing outside his gaze shifted around the area. Before he could leave he would need to find his teammate that was acompanying him on this mission. Knowing that there was a possibility that he would not be in the village at this moment; Jinn-Tu decided it was time to take a look at the Hidden Leaf's main gate.-


-Quickly jumping through the rough tops; the black band tied at the back of his head waved in the air just as did his long hair that was standered for a Hyuga clan member. Jumping up high he landed on the highest arch of the main gate. Soon his gaze fell upon an individual who was approaching the village.-


An outsider? I wonder if this is Zarraii? -Jinn-Tu thought to himself.-


-Keeping the hat over his head; he decided it was time to introduce him to this new comer if it was indeed his teammate for this mission Zarraii. If memory served him right then he was from the Village Hidden in the Rocks. Clearing his throat he moved forward to speak.-


"Hey you down there?" -After saying this Jinn-Tu arched his knees and jumped off the edge landing a few feet away from Zarraii with his back facing him. Slowly he turned sideways moving his gaze over to him with a slight turn of the head.- "I can see you are an outsider, but by any chance are you Zarraii?"

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Zaraii turned to see a strange man asking him a question. As he heard the question, he smirked. "Yea, thats me. I guess my reputation is larger than I thought", he said with a smug smile. As he looked at the man, he couldn't help but be impressed. "This guy looks sort of cool", he thought to himself as he stretched and yawned. He scratched his head as he wondered who the man was, then he realized it. "Are-Are you my sensei?" he said with his eyes bulging. His mouth grew into a large smile. "I'm telling ya, I'm not one to mess with", he said as he gave the man a thumbs up. He really didn't realize how dumb he looked, so he kept that stance, waiting for a response from the strange man. His grin grew wider as he thought of the adventures he would go on.

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"Well I would only say as much seeing as the Hokage told me about you?"


-Jinn-Tu could not help but chuckle at this. Reputation was one of those deals that many people were hopping to gain. In fact, many had requested him when it came to solo missions for the Hidden Leaf. Now this was not one of those solo ranke missions that he would be going on? He had Zaraii to back him up? Lifting his arms up he crossed them over his chest as Zaraii questione about him being his sensei.-


"It would be a lie if I told you that I was not your sensei now woul it?"


-Uncrossing his arms he turned out to the path.-


"But I am per-say; my name is Jinn-Tu. And let me just say this.... I'm not one really to mess with either." -Chuckling he continued on.- "I know you where hopping to meet with the Hokage of this village, but we have a mission."


-Lowering his hand down he reached into the bag and pulled out the message that was sent via a hawk from Arashi. Unfolding it he held it out to revealing the message which was in clear black writing to see.-


"A previous team went off to investigate what had happeened at the Village Hidden in the Rain. They ran into a little trouble and well, requested us. You and me as a two man squad are to head there and offer back up. I hope you are ready for this because we need to keept each others backs on this."


-Folding the message back up he placed it back into the bag with the rest of his supplies.-


"Are you ready for your first mission Zaraii?"

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After entering the Rain village Arashi immediately started lifting remains of houses and throwing them in to a pule, hoping to find somebody. Daichi Took a few glances around the area, but decided that the first thing he should investigate is the large hold in the ground. "I don't know what destroyed this place, but I would bet my right arm it started from right here." He grabbed Wiz, who was hiding in his shirt, and set him in the ground. "See if you can sense any lingering chakra from some kind of technique of an animal of some sort." Wiz let out a happy squeal and started climbing down the wall of the hole.



(IDK what you want me to find, and when you said 'hole', I'm not sure if you mean like a tunnel or is it a crater? I made the post so it works both ways.)

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A man dressed in a konaha green cloak but instead of wearing it closed up he wears it in more of an open coat kind of style. Within the cloak and on his upper half he wears a long sleeved black shirt that is covered in the middle with a dark blue ninja vest that he wears for some extra storage space for summoning scrolls and protection. On his bottom half he wears light brown ninja pants that are held with a black belt that has a silver guard on it. On his feet he wears jet black ninja sandals that look no different from any others except for their color approached the gates of Konoha, where he was of course stopped by the two guards on duty. "I'll need to see you identification." The man showed the guard something of an I.D. book. "I understand, sorry for wasting your time." The guard said and let the man in the already open gate. "It's no trouble at all, I understand the security measures you must have." The man said and found himself in the center off the village. "The Village Hidden in the Leaves...it's been a long time." He said and then started walking. "I wonder if I should pop in on the Hokage first? I haven't seen him for years!" He said and then started walking up the stairs of the red building until he got to the floor where the Hokage's office was on; he gave the door a subtle yet hearable knock....

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As the two of them ran through the trees Akima decided to play a game while they went so he went down to the ground and scooped up two handfuls of pebbles. Then he smirked, "Hey Rei! Let's test that hearing of yours!" With that he threw some of the pebbles in a wide arc spreading them out infront of her. *Alright, let's see if it's really not as bad as I think. If she can 90% of what I send her way then she's right..... but if she gets hit by even 60% then it's bad and is going to be a problem unless we deal with it soon.*


Rei smiled, *Of course, he won't take me at my word. Looks like I have a challenge on my hands.* She raised her left hand and spun, anything that she wasn't able to dodge she smacked away, acting as though she was actually under attack. Akima sighed, *Of course hitting her in the first place isn't easy. As she moves her bell earrings shake releasing vibrations which she then uses to see her surroundings. It's a bit like the Byakugan except that the Byakugan has a single blind spot, but can see the chakra network and through things; whereas, Rei has no surrounding blind spot, but can't see through objects or the chakra network, and attacking her from below the ground doesn't work because she can hear the ground move as someone moves though it. She specializes in dodging more than attacking, she counterattacks.* He decided to make it tougher on her and through all the pebbles he had left towards her. In response she held a single and forwards from her and released a sonic pulse wave blasting the pebbles to dust and throwing Akima off. He used a Kunai attached to a chain to grapple himself through the wave.


Stopping on a tree the two sat down to rest for a bit. Akima frowned, "Was it really necessary for you to blast me?" Rei smiled and took out a food bar, "No, but it was entertaining seeing you struggle in the air." She then opened it and bit in. Akima shook his head and took out his own snack, "Fine, I did throw a bunch of rocks at you first."





Sorin had just finished packing his things when he heard a squeaking noise from behind him. He reached into his pack and pulled out a scroll with 23 mice drawn on it in four rows of 6. The squeaking noise came closer as the 24th ink mouse came up and went into the scroll. "Ahh, I see, so she's almost here. Well then I might as well go wait at the gate." He swiftly packed the remains of his gear and left the building heading for the western gate.



At this point Harumi was walking on the main road towards Konoha's western gate. *sigh* "I hope this mission is as big a deal as I was informed cause otherwise I'm pulling out. The Mizukage told me it was an A Rank mission. If it turns out to be otherwise then I have no obligation to stay. I'll go back and send a replacement if that's the case." As she went she could see the western gate of Konoha and smiled. *Well at least I'm done waiting.*





As he was searching the ruins of Amegakure, Shei began to worry, *I haven't figured out anything, and Lady Kasumi will be disappointed if I don't have any information....... I have to find something that's worth reporting.* Then he rounded a corner to suddenly see a shinobi take a small creature from inside his shirt and let it crawl into a hole. He immediately hopped back behind the corner of a ruined building. *Shinobi! But, Lady Kasumi said I'm not allowed to kill anyone I find here. I have to talk to them and then maybe bring them back. But I don't want to use my ability unless it's an emergency.......... dang. What do I do?*

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Wiz Ran around in the large crater looking for signs of chakra to help figure out what destroyed the village, after a few minutes Wiz lifted up his head and raised his nose to smell the air, which was how he detected chakra. Daichi, who had been watching the hole time immediately noticed. "What did you find Wiz?" He was about to jump in to the crater, but was surprised when Wiz transformed in to a small black bird and landed on Daichi's head. "What's wrong little guy?" Even though Daichi asked, it was not hard to figure out. Daichi could tell that Wiz was not scared, and that would be the only reason to leave the hole if that is where he sensed the chakra from. Wiz turned in to his normal form and pointed one of his ears over to what used to be a building before being destroyed. "Somebody's defiantly here. And Wiz wouldn't be able to feel there chakra unless they where Ninja." He placed his hand on Wiz's head. "It's okay. They won't hurt you."

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(I hate caps lock!!)


The by opened his eyes when Kinata was working. He was about ten with black hair. He looked up at Kinata worried and confused. "I'm Inro Nategahi.", henoticed the symbol on Kinata's headband, "You're a Leaf Shinobi."


Naruto looked up at the sudden knock. He had just sent a message to Arashi and his team about Jinn-Tu and Zarraii. "Come in."

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ooc: I'm assuming that you'll make him know my character as I said we knew each other from the past


The door crept open slowly and a voice sounded off that was creepy. "The Hokage, The Hokage, The Hokage..." He said slowly as the door opened slowly to it's full position, the man was a shadow in the door frame and he slowly crept into the light of the room. "I sure do hope you still like ramen..." The man said as his face was then put into view and Naruto could finally see who it was.



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Naruto looked up at the Cloud Shinobi surprised. "Vayne. It's been awhile since our last meeting." He looked back at Kyumi, "Kyumi. Your team should be here ina afew days. When they get here you are going to the Sound Village. We just got reports of disappearences ina and around the village. I've sent a messanger hawk out to find them. When theyarrive I'll send them to meet you and Tiaga." He looked back at Vayne. "What brings you back to the Leaf Village after all this time?"


Kyumi nodded. "Right. We'll be waiting in the village." She lept out the still open window and turned around. Tiaga fallowed her. Kyumi then lept off the side and landed on the ground with the ninja wolf. They walked down the village streets. "You're nervous Kyumi. I don't think I've ever seen you nervous before.", said Tiaga. "Arashi and his team sent to the Hidden Rain to investigate why it was destroyed. An Anbu member and his team sent after them as back up. Our team sent to investigate disappearences inand around the Sound Village.", Kyumi paused, "Something has the villages on high alert Tiaga."


Kinata nodded. "Now let's get you out of here. It'll be easier to treat you that way." Kinata helped Inro onto her back and lept onto the roof. Then she lept to the ground and let the boy off her back. She examined Inro and was glad to see that none of his injuries were imedietly life threatening. Though he did need warmth and rest. She was so focused on caring for Inro that he didn't notice the moving shadows.


The shadows sliped along the walls silently and swiftly. They stoped and looked at Kinata and Inro.When they saw Diachi and Arashi they disappread.


Inro looked up at the sky. "Hey. Is that a hawk?" He pointed out the circling brown bird.

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Vayne walked around the office and touched certain items he hadn't seen in there last time. "Oh, nothing to specific. Just checking up on the old girl. You know me, always a wanderer never a settler." Vayne said, accidentally knocking down a world globe, he picked it up swift and then put it back. "The village seems just as I left it; nice and peaceful." Vayne walked just pass Naruto and looked out the window. "Sound Village heh? Seems a little sketchy to me..." He said and then walked over to a window on the side. "What are you doing about the Rain Village..." He simply put it out there, as if it had never happened; the smile never leaving his face...

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Daichi Decided to ignore the ninja that Wiz had sensed and ran over to help with the boy that Kinata had found. Arashi also came to see the boy. Daichi followed the boys finger and noticed the bird flying through the air. "Yep. Looks like a hawk to me." He smiled. "Well, do to the rain, fire is out of the question. But how about you watch Wiz." He held out Wiz, but the creature was too busy picking up chakra to pay any attention. "Wiz!" Daichi repeated himself, causing Wiz to snap back to reality. "I want you to keep this kid warm and safe until we leave. Can you do that?" Wiz let out a small happy squeal and transformed in to a large dog and nuzzled the boy. "Sensei!" Daichi said as he watched Wiz play. "Wiz was able to pick up somebody's chakra. I don't know who they are, but we should all be careful."

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When Akima and Rei finished their rest Akima sighed, "So, why did you lie to me before?" Rei's ears perked up at this and stammered, "W-what m-make you th-think I l-lied about something?" Akima sighed, "You lied when you said it wasn't that bad. Plus you only stammer when you've been caught, so you just confirmed it." He then closed up his pack and took Rei's as well. "Let's do it tonight, then we won't have to worry about it for a while, okay?" Rei sat there for a minute before responding, "Fine. I guess that means we're done travelling for the day." He nodded, "Yes, but I can see a small mountain range not far off, we'll set up there." Rei nodded her agreement and they headed out for the mountains.




Sorin was walking on top of the buildings heading towards the western gate when he saw a small mess in the street. It seemed that a few people had all slipped in the road which was still wet from their recent rainfall and dropped food and supplies everywhere. *Well it won't kill her if I'm a bit late will it?* With that he leapt down to try and fix the situation.



As Harumi reached the gate she slowed so as to not startle those on gate duty so that they wouldn't consider her and enemy. Then she turned to their booth and handed the two Chunin on guard a little booklet informing them that she was here on joint orders from the Mizukage and the Hokage. After a minute she tilted her head with a questioning look on her face, "Well is everything in order?"


(Auralady, according to the rules we can't control NPC's so you'll have to be the Chunin, besides, there has always been a bit of distrust between the Leaf and Mist so it's your call.)





As the shinobi Shei was watching decided to ignore him he sighed, *At least I didn't have to use it...... hm?* Then he noticed the shinobi's headband, *So, he's a Chunin of the Leaf....... Lady Kasumi will be interested in hearing that we're noth the only ones who're curious about what happened.* Shei pulled out a small scroll, wrote on it what he'd learned and then summoned a small chameleon. [whispering]"Alright, take this to Lady Kasumi. Be quick, be safe, and most of all, do not be seen." After the chameleon disappeared he returned to observing and studying the Leaf group, *Looks like I'll have to keep better control of my chakra.* He closed his eyes for a minute and then sighed, *Okay now those shinobi won't be able to sense me, but that creature with them might still be able to, though not as easily as before.*


Back at their Hideout in the mountains near the ruins of Amegakure, Kasumi walked into the main hall area and sat down at the long table, "Well the Five Seal Barrier is in place here and I've infused Shei and Otumaru's blood into it so that they may enter......... I have nothing left to do now but wait for either of them to report in. Hmm, with a table this big maybe we should get more than three valuable members. Those hundreds of fodder don't count and none are strong enough to peek my interest like those two. Well I guess I'll take this time to rest." Kasumi then leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes, still aware of her surroundings, but resting.

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A turtle shell flew through a window in the main hall, the shell rolled until it was a few yards away from Kasumi. Suddenly a cloud of smoke burst from the shell and a man wearing standard black ninja pants with a green long sleeve shirt covering his top section. Over his shirt he was wearing a brown robe with red markings on it resembling turtle shells. His head and face are covered by a helm made of turtle shells and the only thing you can see of his eyes is the reflection form the light so it seems like he is a demon hiding in the shadows. "Greetings Lady Kasumi; The Shelled Ruler reporting in. I have to report that the task you've asked of me was completed in fool." The Shelled Ruler said and then looked up at Kasumi. "Your next task?" He asked respectfully.

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(ooc: Um since they're in a mountain....... where would there be windows?)


Kasumi opened her eyes and looked over at the man who just entered. "Otumaru, why did you drill a hole in the wall when you could have simply walked in since I've infused your blood into the Five Seal Barrier. Well no matter, I would ask that you don't burst in like that in the future, it creates openings for unwelcome guests." As she finished speaking a small chameleon became visible on the table infront of her with a scroll on it's back, "Hmm, oh, Shei's report." She took the scroll and read it and looked back at Otumaru. "Well it seems like Shei has met some unwelcome company in the ruins of Amegakure. Shinobi from the Hidden Leaf. But other than that he has been unable to find any evidence as to what may have occurred there. He will continue his search and keep an eye on the Leaf." Kasumi then put the scroll down on the table and smiled, "Otumaru, I'd like you to go to the area around Konoha. See if you can't convince some of the native rogues to cause a few problems for Konoha, I'd like them to be a bit distracted so that they focus less on areas that aren't their own." She then dismissed the chameleon and looked Otumaru in the eyes, "Whatever you do, do not personally attack Konoha, we don't want anything leading back to us. But that also means that if you send rogues in, watch them. Kill them if they begin to spill information. I'll even let you control some if you wish." Kasumi then reached into her rope and took out a scroll. "This contains the variation of the Mind Body Switch Technique that I've been working on. It will allow you to overcome the mind of another shinobi for roughly and hour at best, and when the time limit runs out the body will die and you will return to your body. Use it to control one among each group you send. That way you can have some fun while working. But remember to hide your body when you use it or you could be killed and die when the technique releases." She smiled at the thought of the fun Otumaru would have with her technique, "I'm sorry the time limit is so low, the jutsu is still in progress, but stable."

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-They had little time as it seemed to get to where the Hidden Rain Village used to stand? From simple knowledge that Jinn-Tu had read the Hidden Rain Village was in an unknown country and was mostly surrounded by rainy clouds; hence the reason why it was called the Hidden Rain Village in the first place. Already, the hokage had sent off a squad of four to investigate what had happened to destroy this village, but ran into trouble. Now an ANBU member along with a genin shinobi from the Village Hidden in the Rocks where tasked with traveling to the Hidden Rain Village and offer back-up. The only other thing was that Jinn-Tu and Zaraii were a two-man squad. Well at least he was trained enough to see through deception, because of his skill with the Hyuga clan's Byakugan, the ability to use the Gentle Fist style of combat, and the overwhelming training as an ANBU member.-


-Both Jinn-Tu and Zaraii moved jumped from tree branch to tree branch en-route to the very same location as Arashi's team. This distance was far enough; so, it would take some time to reach their destination to offer the kind of back-up they where hopping for. Leading out in front; Jinn-Tu lead the way to the Hidden Rain Village seeing as he had been there only but a few times with the ANBU to gather some information. With his Leaf head badn tied loosely around his neck (like Hinata) the wrappings flapped through the air behind him that tied his mask up while he black straw-like hat remained upon his head.-


"So, you are from the Village Hidden in the Rocks? Am I not correct?"


-He questioned calmly as he pushed off another branch moving himself further.-


"I have not heard much about the shinobi from that village except for when they fought against the Hidden Leaf and drove them back into the Land of Fire?"


-It seemed right enough for Jinn-Tu to know this stuff as Zaraii was a part of his team now as a two man squad? It was best he knew at least some about those he was working with. Although, he could reveal little, because of him being an ANBU member of the Hidden Leaf Village.-

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