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.:Overdrive:. 's Shop [CLOSED]


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Me again~ :3


Text: Hell shall rise!

Text Colour: Red

Text Size: Large

[spoiler=Anything Else - Renders!!!]



Can I have that above the writing and in the center.




This above the text and to the right of the middle render.




This above the text and to the left of the middle render.



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ignore my pm plz





I'm not ignoring it, I was occupied with other stuff.



Thanks Yin, Overdrive do you want me to repost my order? Or can you use that as the image and get started?

You don't need to repost it =D.


Thank you Yin for helping =3.


All orders will be done tomorrow.

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Text: VanitusGamer

Text color: Yellow

Text size (Big, small, medium): Big

Anything else: Could you make that effect you usually put around the letters black? And make the letters a tiny bit cartoony. Imma use it for a my logo on Little Big Planet. :D Oh, and add this render in the top kinda with the faded edges look, please.








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Doctor Who

Through the Vortex

Text Colour

Blue and Purple

Text size

Big for the "Doctor Who" part

Medium for the "Through the Vortex" part


Anything Else


In the middle of the text


To the right edge of the logo


To the left edge of the picture




Danke Schonne~


And any other Doctor Who images you can find. I'll pay extra for any more images you find

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Anything else:seceret government seal thingy

What secret government seal thingy? Pic/render?


Okay, I think someone said that this was a good place to have pics made into renders, so here it is.




If this could be made into a render, that would be great. Just wish I could have found a better pic.

Well, you can probably ask Kenichi or Yin to render it. They help here with renders...




Doctor Who

Through the Vortex

Text Colour

Blue and Purple

Text size

Big for the "Doctor Who" part

Medium for the "Through the Vortex" part


Anything Else


In the middle of the text


To the right edge of the logo


To the left edge of the picture




Danke Schonne~


And any other Doctor Who images you can find. I'll pay extra for any more images you find

If Yin or Kenichi get the renders, I'll make it (Only need renders for the 2nd and 3rd image).



Do you take workers?

We already have So Legit You Quit and Yin and Kenichi as render helpers here. Maybe some other time.



EDIT: do you hire worker for doing the card edit??

Answer: Look at the answer above...





• Cost: 8




[spoiler=Unorthodox Simplicity]



• Notes: Eh...I know it's messy, but...I don't know how to/can't do better.

• Cost: 20




[spoiler=~Shadow of Alpha~]



• Cost: 15




• Cost: 8




Still have to do the orders from:

- Itacђi

- .:Fader:.

- VanitusGamer

- The Unwritten Law (When I get the renders)

- HadesRuler


I'll make these tomorrow. I'll accept only one more order...

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Logo Please


Text: Beyblade Club (in a somewhat smaller text put: Let it Rip!)

Text color: Red and Blue

Text size (Big, small, medium): Medium

Anything else: Please PM because I usually forget about things like this :/ also do you think you could add a Beyblade to it if not that's fine.


Do I pay before or after?

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