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Dark Shadow Shop


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This is my first shop, so why not use name banners?

If you want me to make you a banner, put this in your post:

Text Color:
Backround Color:
Backround pattern: (solid, gradient , diamond gradient, etc.)

This is a simple gradient banner I made.
[img] http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h416/AliceTheEgyptianPrincess/Mynamebanner.png[/img]

I can also put part of your picture or avatar into the banner, like this.

These are the effects I can do:

Additive: [img]http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h416/AliceTheEgyptianPrincess/MynamebannerADDITIVEEFFECT.png[/img]

Glow: [img]http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h416/AliceTheEgyptianPrincess/MynamebannerGLOWEFFECT.png[/img]

Diamond Gradient: [img]http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h416/AliceTheEgyptianPrincess/MynamebannerDIAMONDGRADIENT.png[/img]

and more coming soon!

All banners are 5 points.

Please allow a little time so I can get them done. I have school, so I may not get them done immediately.

I recommend PMing me your order as well as posting it.

Thank you!
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