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>_< Sorry I havent been on much, stuffs been going on....
I cant believe i have to write a report over chritmas break AND its one that i honestly cant think of anything else to add....

I have about half a page and i need a full one =_=
I hate it........

On the other hand though i got a xbox 360 and code geass is my background (Theme, whatever its called) ;D
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Can i join plz?

Why your joining this club:Because I FREAKING <3 CODE GEASS!
How you found this club: looking for a code geass club
Favorite Code Geass Character: Lelouch
Favorite Code Geass Quote: Lelouch vi britannia commands you... & Brit S*it
How active you think you will be: 9/10, im on almost everyday
Pick a color: RED!
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Name:MKS, MortalKombatSmoke, ect.
Why your joining this club: cuz I joined the last one and.... I LOVE CODE GEASS!!!!
How you found this club: Joined the last one, you invited me lol.
Favorite Code Geass Character: That's a hard one (That's what she said) umm, Lelouch or Suzaku.
Favorite Code Geass Quote:
"I have- destroyed the old world... and- created a... new... one..."
-Lelouch (to Nunally)
How active you think you will be:24/7 activness lol(unless I'm not online XD)
Pick a color: Purple?
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