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Dark Magician Girl of Innocence, 2nd card posted


What do you think of my card?  

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  1. 1. What do you think of my card?

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Ok, don't get on me about Spellcasters being used alot. This is like my 2nd ever Spellcaster, so there! XD

Ok, well, I got some help from Godaze. No, he didn't directly help, but he helped me LEARN some wording. So thank you very much Kaze ^_^

BTW, if you can think of a better name, please say it. I am really uncomfertable with this name =/

Thanks ^_^



When this card is Normal Summoned, decrease the ATK of this card by 1000. Then destroy all cards on the field with and ATK lower than this card. When this card is attacked by an opponent's monster with a higher ATK than this card, you may pay 300 Life Points to remove this card from play. As long as this card is removed from play, all cards with 2500 ATK or more cannot attack a monster with 1500 ATK or less.



This card cannot be destroyed by a card effect. When an opponent's monster attacks a card you control with an ATK of 1300 ATK or less, decrease the ATK of the attacking monster by 400. If the attackinng monster is destroyed by battle, decrease your Life Points equal to half the monsters DEF. When a card is removed from play by it's own effect, thw owner of the card canpay 300 Life Points to return it to their hand.


Thank you very much for looking at this card ^_^

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When this card is Normal Summoned, decrease the ATK of this card by 1000.


little harsh for a 7 star monster whos attack is allready really low.


Destroy all cards on the field with and ATK lower than this card.


When is this effect activated?


When this card is attacked by an opponen's moster with a higher ATK than this card, you may pay 300 Life Points to remove this card from play. As long as this card is removed from play, all cards with 2500 ATK or more cannot attack a monster with 1500 ATK or less.


Very unique effect, I like.


also, grammar n spelling errors.

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Ok, thank you very much Azuh. This is actually a test card. I am tring to figure out my grammar. I always have problems, so i'm trying to fix that ^_^I am glad you think that I have done some good cards. I find that the effect actually makes it not underpowerd. You may have killed opponent's monsters without attacking, and you may not take damage form an attack by an opponent, and you can make 2500 ATK or more monsters usless, I think it's borderline OVERpowerd, lol

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Ok' date=' thank you very much Azuh. This is actually a test card. I am tring to figure out my grammar. I always have problems, so i'm trying to fix that ^_^I am glad you think that I have done some good cards. I find that the effect actually makes it not underpowerd. You may have killed opponent's monsters without attacking, and you may not take damage form an attack by an opponent, and you can make 2500 ATK or more monsters usless, I think it's borderline OVERpowerd, lol



this is why i think its underpowered XD


1. its attack is reduced to 1300 when summoned... not good for 2 tributes

2. Even though it destroyes your opponents monsters... 1300 ATK and less is very small... and not good for Sangan >.<

3. It doesnt come back when its removed from play... which can be a real bummer

4. No one really plays monsters over 2500 ATK... Cyber Dragons, Monarchs all scrape this side mark...


my theory


1. Increase this cards ATK to 2500... at least it can destroy things like Six Samurais and Six Attribute Searchers

2. Change all cards to 2400 ATK... therefore it can stop Monarchs attacks

3. Maybe return it to the Graveyard after a certain amount of turns


But oh well.. its not my card XD

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Guest JoshIcy

umm... the second card has a glitch, when your opponent gets one of his/her cards removed from play... you actually get their card..... but unique effect...


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