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YCM Interviews

Welcome to the YCM Interviews.
Here we will either PM members or you may suggest a member to interview. You can't suggest yourself.
Enjoy reading our interviews!

Odin el Padre de los Aesir
FTW (For the Wynn)

[spoiler=March Interviews]
[spoiler=Odin el Padre de los Aesir (9/3/11)]What is your first name?
My first name is Gitas.

Where were you born?
I was born in Lithuania but I live in Ireland.

What is your real age?
I became 12 3 months ago.

Do you have any brothers?
I dont have any brothers.

Do you have any sisters?
I dont have any sisters.

What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is Blue, but I also like Black and White.

What is your favorite food?
Hmm not sure on this one, I like a lot of foods but I will have to say pancakes.

What is your favorite drink?
Probably Fanta or Club Orange but right now I'm only drinking water with fruit tastes.

What is your favorite sport?
Probably soccer but I also really like Table Tennis.

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Simpsons, Home and Away, Zach and Cody, Sabrina the Teenage Witch and the usual which shows on T.V.

What is your favorite Anime?
Yugioh, I love to watch it and play the game.

When did you join YCM?
I joined back in 2008 in December, 17th day.

How did you find YCM?
I was searching Yugioh Cards on google and I found a link to the website so I joined.

How did you come up with your username?
I saw other members having usernames like that so I decided to change mine to Odin el Padre de los Aesir, it used to be Champion Lance and I also had usernames Rua, Charmander, Dog King and a few more.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Yugioh TCG, Your Deck and I started being active in Clubs and Orginazations again.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
It has to be RAEG.

Who do you think is the most famous member in YCM in your opinion?
Hmmm probably ~Cherry~ or maybe Clair, or maybe even Dark.

If you could choose anyone for a new mod except yourself who would it be?
It would have to be Zetsubou Black for the General Section.

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
I would clean up the Card Contests section and ban trolls in the Yugioh TCG & Your Deck section.

Do you create cards in YCM?
Not really, but I might start making cards again if I feel like it.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be?
My buddy RAEG.

What clubs are you in?
I'm in "Da Legendary Club", "Club Iron", "EFDC" and "The Destiny Orginazation.

Are you a leader of any clubs?
Yup I have a club called "Da Legendary Club", so far it has 850 posts.

Are you a co-leader/co-owner of any clubs? [/spoiler]
[spoiler=FTW (For the Winn) (9/3/11)]What's your real name?
-My real name is Paul. I'd give my last name, but unfortunately people can be cruel and the less personal information I give out, the better.

Where were you born?
-I was born in the United States, in the woodland state of Pennsylvania and I still live there.

Whats your real age?
-I turned 21 3 months ago.

Do you have any brother?
-I have 1 brother, his name's James.

Do you have any sisters?
-I have no other siblings.

What is your favorite color?
-My favorite color is blue, but I also like black and orange.

What is your favorite food?
-My favorite food is pizza, but I also like cheese, chicken and potatoes.

What is your favorite drink?
-I usually drink Mountain Dew, but my absolute favorite drink is Sunkist.

What is your favorite sport?
- I like to watch baseball and hockey for the most part. I'm not too big on sports myself.

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
-I have a lot of favorite tv shows, for example MASH, Supernatural, Everybody Loves Raymond, Twilight Zone, Mystery Science Theater 3000, etc.

What is your favorite Anime?
-My favorite would have to be Naruto, but I also like One Piece, Bleach, Yu-Gi-Oh and a lot more.

When did you join YCM?
-I joined YCM on August 10 2010

How did you find YCM?
-I was told about it by my brother.

How did you come up with your username?
-It came to me after looking at the card "Wynn the Wind Charmer".

Which sections are you mostly active in?
-I am most active in Clubs and Organizations, but I also go to Contests and Realistic Cards a lot.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
-I'm not sure, there are too many possible candidates. Most likely TheComposer now though.

Who do you think is the most famous member in YCM?
-Crab Helmet, although that might be infamous and not famous. As for true fame, it would probably be Clair.

If you could choose anyone for a new mod except yourself who would it be?
-I would choose Smesh for the Contest section.

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
-I could help to enforce the rules and get people to actually listen.

Do you create cards in YCM?
-Every now and then I like to, but not as much as I used to.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be?
-Any of the good friends that I met here.

Which clubs are you active in?
-I am currently active in Da Legendary Club, Absolute Powerforce, Order of the Black Nights, The Ultra Hotel and The Supernatural Club.

Are you a leader of any clubs?
-I am the leader of The Supernatural Club and one of the leaders of Da Legendary Club.

Are you a co-leader/co-owner of any clubs?
-No, not at this time.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=iHop (10/3/11)]
What is your first name? Philipp

Where were you born? 16th March 1997

What is your real age? 13, 14 in a few days.

Do you have any siblings? No.

What is your favorite color? Green

What is your favorite food? Probably Special meal 1 from the takeaway near my locals.

What is your favorite drink? Probably Ginger beer.

What is your favorite sport?
yugioh Probably table tennis

What are your favorite sweets?
Coke bottles.

What are your favorite T.V. programs?

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
I wouldn't go back anywhere. I'd go to the future.

Have you ever met any celebrities?
Well, I've met Nick Clegg...

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
Top the worlds.

How did you find YCM?
Gobzom told me about it.

How did you come up with your username?
It was in some name change suggestion thread, suggested by Mia.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
Because I wanted to make my own terrible cards.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
TCG, Your Deck and Clubs.

Which deck do you play?

Which clubs are you active in?
Only really EFDC and Club Iron, and some others randomly.

Do you own any clubs?
Club Iron (v2)

Who is your best friend in YCM?

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
Make it a bit more organised.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
Loki/Kiryu because I probably will do at UkayPro, and because he seems awesome.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
Not really.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
Not especially.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
Try and be a recognised decent duelist. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=~Overdrive~ (10/3/11)]What is your first name?
In Croatian, it's Mihovil. If I translate it to English, it's Michael.

Where were you born?
In Croatia.

What is your real age?

Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have a older sister. Her name's Marina. I don't know how to translate her name.

What is your favorite color?
Green. I also like orange, though.

What is your favorite food?
Eh, I don't know. Pizza maybe.

What is your favorite drink?
Fanta Orange

What is your favorite sport?
Soccer, I guess. I like some other sports too.

What are your favorite sweets?

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Documentary programs like Nat Geo or Discovery, etc.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
Anime: I can't decide between Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's and Bleach.
Manga: I never really read manga. Only Bleach.

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
Huh. I don't know. This year, I'm going to attend Middle School. So, I would probably go back in my earlier classes to be more with my friends from current class =D.

Have you ever met any celebrities?

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
Good job, familly, hobbies, etc. "Regular stuff".

How did you find YCM?
Using Google =D.

How did you come up with your username?
Before I started watching 5D's subs, I was watching 5D's dub. Jack Atlas said one sentence with "overdrive" in it, and since I was a noob, I was like "Maybe I should make my YCM username Overdrive!". I hate my username now. But since I don't have any ideas for changing it, I just left it.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
Because it looked like an awesome site.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Currently in Clubs & Organisations

Which clubs are you currently active in?
Infinity Inc; Da Legendary Club; The Soul Society; Life Stream Dragon Club...

Do you own any clubs?
Life Stream Dragon Club =3.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
Huh, I don't know. Everybody who is my friend on my profile is my friend =D.

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
Probably regular stuff; editing spams, warning trolls, cleaning up the section, etc.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
I have no idea.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
Not really. I have my club so probably that's the "project" I'm running.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
Not really.

I see you make a lot of Banners and stuff, how did you first decide to start making GFX?
I decided to start GFX-ing because it looked interesting and creative to me.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
Um...make friends, become a good member, and stuff like that. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Zetsubou Black (10/3/11)]
What's your first name?

Where were you born?
Fayetteville, NC

What is your real age?
17 (18 on March 30th)

Do you have any brother?

Do you have any sisters?

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite food?
Angel Food Cake

What is your favorite drink?
Sweet Tea

What is your favorite sport?

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Yugioh 5D's, The Big Bang Theory, Scrubs, and Cougar Town.

What is your favorite Anime?
Yugioh 5D's

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
I'd love to go back and just observe... Most points in time would be good.

Have you met any celebrities in real life?

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
To be a Pastor and Therapist

When did you join YCM?
September 15, 2009

Why did you decide to join YCM?
To save my cards

How did you find YCM?
Googled for a card maker.

How did you come up with your username?
Aporia says Zetsubou a lot, and everyone knows me as Black, so I slapped Zetsubou on Black.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Clubs, then RPs.

Which clubs are you active in?
The Absolute Powerforce, R.P.820: A Club for RPers, Organization XIII, Da Legendary Club, The Order of the Black Knights, the Chibi Knights, The Akatsuki of YCM, and the Pokemon World.

Do you own any clubs?

Which role plays are you active in?
None, at the moment.

What would be your usual RP name?
Mars Black is a regular.

Do you own any role plays?
Not at the moment.

Who is your best friend in YCM?

Who do you think is the most famous member in YCM?
Clair, of course, if you mean for now. Overall, I dunno.

If you could choose anyone for a new mod except yourself who would it be?
Hmm... Andx for RP mod.

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
Try to get RPs in order. Things are a bit... eeeeh, right now.

Do you create cards in YCM?
On occasion.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be?
~Cherry~, my Aneki.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
I've got a few things bouncin' around

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
I dunno [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Sephiroth_the_Legend (14/3/11)]
What is your first name?

Where were you born?
Adelaide, South Australia (Australia)

What is your real age?

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
Yes, 1 Younger brother. Michael

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite drink?
Alcoholic - Vodka & Lemonande
Non-Alco - Coca-Cola

What is your favorite sport?

What are your favorite sweets?

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
South Park, Family Guy

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
no idea, don't really watch anime or manga to be honest....

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
High School. Do somethings different this time around....

Have you ever met any celebrities?
Some local ones. and i met some Formula One Racing Drivers when i was on Holiday in Melboure (In Australia)

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
Success. Through one way or another

How did you find YCM?
Stumbled across it on google when looking up rulings on the Wikia

How did you come up with your username?
FF7. Sephiroth is a legend. Nuff said

Why did you decide to join YCM?
I dunno. Seemed like a good idea at the time.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Your Deck and the Yugioh TCG section.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
Not sure. Let someone else decide that.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
Probably Bowtie a.k.a Batteryman. Seems fairly chilled.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
Probably to get rid of the spam bots. So damn many lately...

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
Don't think so....

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
Spose become a Super Mod....

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to be thus far here at YCM? How about in real life?
YCM: Being a Mod is fairly cool
Real Life: Being Me (naww...), getting my degree soon so that should count.

If you could have just 1 super power, what would it be and why?
Can't go past Telepathy. Would make life so much easier... and funnier

If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do with that time?
24 hour binge somewhere. Party like there's no tomorrow i suppose

Would you rather love and lose or would you rather never love at all?
Love and Lose. Always better to experience something than never experience it.

What is your favorite piece of literature?
Nothing really. Not much of a reader apart from Textbooks.

What is the worst thing you have ever done on YCM? In real life?
YCM: Dunno. Nothing really, apart from trolling some people.
Real Life: Got really whacked out on alcohol among other things and smashed an ATM (Automated Teller Machine )

Who is your greatest inspiration on YCM? In real life?
YCM: No one really. I only know a few people and thats only online.
Real Life: Parents. Always supportive.

You said that your favorite sport is soccer. Do you also play for a team or with your friends, or do you prefer to watch?
I love to play. Watching is ok and all, but i feel to enjoy something, you need to go and do it.
I support Liverpool and I play for a local club. Oh, and I do enjoy playing Indoor Soccer with friends.

Not too long ago you were promoted to Mod status. Tell us about how it feels to become a Mod.
Good actually. Although sometimes it can be a headache. Still, it's nice to be apart of the YCM community. It's great when people actually listen to your advice rather than ignore it. Spose that's what the moderator tag does.

You said that if you could go back, you'd go back to high school and change some things. Please elaborate.
Ermm...... not really appropriate for online. There's always that one girl....

Success is a hard thing to come by sometimes, but it is something everyone yearns for. How would you go about achieving it? How far would you be willing to go to achieve it?
Strive for it. Do all i can to grasp it. That's basically all we can do as Humans. Do the very best we can. It might fail, it might not. It's a risk i'll be willing to take though. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Yin (14/3/11)]
What is your first name?

Where were you born?
Peterborough, UK

What is your real age?

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
A sister, younger. Julia

What is your favorite color?
Either Black, Red or Purple.

What is your favorite food?

What is your favorite drink?
I don't really have one to be honest, I drink a lot of milk though and smoothies.

What is your favorite sport?
F1, and the atmosphere at the event is AMAZING. I went to Silverstone back in 05 and <3ed it, my dad got me hooked probably about 10 years ago, it was always on Radio when we coming back from the Seaside.

What are your favorite sweets?
I don't have one.

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
At the moment, I tend to enjoy QI and a bit of Bones

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
Tie up between Darker Than Black and Death Note at the moment

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
Back to the time of the Dinosaurs (no specific part of the Dinosaur period), because they've always interested me.

Have you ever met any celebrities?
I wish.

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
Maybe if I set my mind to it, become a Teaching Assistant, I'm already volunteering as one, so it's a start.

How did you find YCM?
Sushi invited me, he claimed people loved RyukShingami's renders, so I decided to make an appearance.

How did you come up with your username?
Yin my favourite character from Darker Than Black, it was either going to be Yin or Suigintou (Rozen Maiden) , Yin just happened to be the one avaliable. Previously I was Blood Rose trying to sum all my favourite characters up.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
Well the forum I used to be on was trailing off, and my renders barely got any use there. So when Sushi mentioned people here like them, I had to come, because I suppose I wanted my work to be appreciated.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Anime/Graphics really, mainly because that's where I mod. Post wise, its where ever the topics take me really.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
That is an evil question, I couldn't really choose between all my friends on here to be honest.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
Hmm toughy really between maybe Nightwalker and Overdrive, because they seem like really cool people.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
Other than working with Nightwalker for a shop nope.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
Maybe, maybe not. If people like me they like me if they don't that's ok too.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
I haven't really got any, just be someone people know they ask for help. I like helping people.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to be thus far here at YCM? How about in real life?
Being known as someone you can ask for renders probably. Really life hmm toughy probably how well I did in my A Levels. (1 B, 2 Cs, 2Ds and an E), getting upto my 10 blood donation was biggy for me too, since it all goes to helping people.

If you could have just 1 super power, what would it be and why?
Tough one really and something I've never really thought about. Probably be able to fly because I can go where I like then =D.

If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do with that time?
Hmm, probably make sure I see my friends and family and spend time with them. Lavish alot of attention on my dog Oscar.

Would you rather love and lose or would you rather never love at all?
Love and lose, as painful as it is. I recently broke up with my boyfriend so that's still quite raw.

What is your favorite piece of literature?
Toss up between Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (Douglas Adams) and The Sookie Stackhouse Series (Charlaine Harris), because they both cover things I enjoyed, Space in the former, Vampires in the latter.

What is the worst thing you have ever done on YCM? In real life?
On YCM is hard to think of something, a few decisions I've made I've felt bad for. In real life, well that's a bit too personal and raw still, going to counselling to resolve that, my friends on here and elsewhere have been very supportive.

Who is your greatest inspiration on YCM? In real life?
Very tough one, but to be honest I don't really aspire to be like anyone.

In lieu of the fact you are already a mod, I have a different question. How do you feel that you have improved YCM so far by being a moderator? What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment is so far as a mod?
I like to think I've helped reduce the flaming that went ahead in graphics. I don't think I've really accomplished anything to be honest, or rather anything I would feel was an accomplishment.

You said that you plan on opening up a new shop with NightWalker. What would this shop offer and how do you plan to make this a successful shop?
We haven't really got that far yet to be honest, we're still in the really early stages.

YCM is often a place of drama unfortunately. Is there anyone here that you wish would be banned or that you were happy to see banned?
Well I percieve a grudge to be a very dangerous thing in a moderator, given past experience as a mod on another forum. So there's no one I wish to be banned.

Defining the "greatest" things in our lives can be very difficult. Who do you feel has inspired you to be better, both in YCM and real life, and why?
In Real Life, my dog, he's been a real lifesaver, so I want to better myself so I can take him out, even when I feel quite low. He has dodgy knees that pop out sometimes when he hasn't been walked, when it came out when I was low, I felt I really had to sort myself out to help him. I know that sounds strange, but in part I think he's given me something to really live for. Plus he's so loving.
On YCM um...hard to say, the member base has inspired me to be better, they're really supportive, so I want to be better to help them out. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Flandre Scarlet (14/10/11)]
What is your first name?

Where were you born?
Mansfield, Ohio

What is your real age?
19, about to become 20 in 3 months, 13 days

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
Yes: David and Alisha

What is your favorite color?
Black and Red

What is your favorite food?
Any sort of Chicken I can get my hands on

What is your favorite drink?
Mountain Dew Livewire

What is your favorite sport?
IDGAF about sports, but if I must answer, Basketball

What are your favorite sweets?
uh.... Any sweets I get my hands on is typically gone in an instant, but I particularly like sour candy

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
I rarely watch TV, but if I had answers: 1000 ways to Die, Most Shocking..., World Dumbest..., Mythbusters, and How it's Made

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?

Anime: Again, Rarely watch TV, but then again, i'd rather not list
Manga: Yugioh 5Ds, Bleach, Psyren

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
not Interested in any sort of events in the past, I try to look at what's ahead for the future

Have you ever met any celebrities?
Not myself, but my Dad met Chuck Norris

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
I Aspire to be a Video Game Designer/Programmer, and, aas with most 'mentally disabled people', prove everyone wrong about me not being able to live a good life.

How did you find YCM?
I googled it by accident

How did you come up with your username?
First Username (Duelist_King_Ryan): this was my Yugioh WC2008 name
Second (before current) Username (:.Death Whisper Ryko.: ): I was hankering over my first successful RP: Death Whisper, So I Used the Series Name with the main Protagonist's name
Current Username (Flandre Scarlet): I was playing Mugen and had recently downloaded Flandre Scarlet for it, I drooled over the character, her looks, her power, and i thought "hey she kinda resembles me a bit" so you know...

Why did you decide to join YCM?
I was Bored, and i needed a place to save my cards XD

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Role-Playing, Fan-Fic

Who is your best friend in YCM?
hmmmm.... That's a toughie.... My best friend on here would have to be Kokonoe

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
I don't think I would be any help

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
Larxene, cause I want to see if she really is what I think she is XD

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
I know I am famous amongst Role-players for what we all know as the "War against the Advanced Clause" (I call it as "The Nightingale War" Personally) before my long abscence, now I believe I'm a forgotten soul...

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
My Goals here is already accomplished, i just stay here for the game Suggestions

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to be thus far here at YCM? How about in real life?
YCM: The Death Whisper Series of Role-plays
Real Life: Doing Calculus in 8th Grade

If you could have just 1 super power, what would it be and why?
The Manipulation of Boundaries, Because it can do anything

If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do with that time?
If I "had 24 hours to Live" They would in fact be giving up on me, but being on topic, I would in fact Lie down and enjoy the serenity from inside my mind

Would you rather love and lose or would you rather never love at all?
i'm going to skip this one

What is your favorite piece of literature?
If Fan-Fics count, I would say the Trio of DEF

What is the worst thing you have ever done on YCM? In real life?
YCM: Start the war against the Advanced Clause(If memory recalls, i complained that nobody was informed causing the entire Role-playing section to revolt)
Real Life: Threw a Chair at a teacher

Who is your greatest inspiration on YCM? In real life?
YCM: Umbra, Rinne, ESPECIALLY Shadius
Real Life: My mother

You said that you have never met any celebrities. If you could meet any celebrity(ies), who would it (or they) be and why?

if I could meet a Celebrity, ironically, it would be Chuck Norris, cause both my mom and dad have actually met him

Unfortunately, I am not a Role-Player. Please explain this "Advanced Clause", its importance and why you think it is necessary.

At the time of the Nightingale war, i thought the "Advanced Clause" was nothing more than a hinderance to me and all my friends, I was enraged mainly due to the fact the "Advanced Clause" came very very suddenly(To most others, I read up upon it so i had time to prepare). it was, in turn, banning many of my friends...

I now see the true importance of what is now called the 4 line rule... to make most RPs not as boring to do

You said that if you were a mod, you doubt that you would be able to improve YCM. Why do you feel this way?

I was a Super Mod of another forum and that very forum died

I have also read The Trio of DEF. What makes it your favorite piece of literature and why do you value it as such?

1. It is written by a friend, 2. it has me in it, and i believe that most stories that have me in it could be worth reading (To me that is), and 3. very intense action, and a very unique plotline [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Anger Level (19/3/11)]Where were you born?
New York

What is your real age?

Do you have any siblings?

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite food?
Cheese Pizza

What is your favorite drink?
Mountain Dew

What is your favorite sport?

What are your favorite sweets?
Ice Cream!

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Not a clue.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
Rosario + Vampire

Have you ever met any celebrities?
You wouldn't believe me even if I told you.

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
Not a clue.

How did you find YCM?
Google Searched, "Yugioh Card Maker"

How did you come up with your urername?

Why did you decide to join YCM?
Make cards

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Clubs, General, Questions & Help

Who is your best friend in YCM?
Too many.

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
Get rid of the spam bots!

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
Sorta, yeah. *shot*

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to be thus far here at YCM? How about in real life?
YCM: Shooting up from newb to well known member.
RL: Not a clue.

If you could have just 1 super power, what would it be and why?
Flying, it's always been my dream.

If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do with that time?
Find the one I love, interpret the rest as you wish.

Would you rather love and lose or would you rather never love at all?
Love and lose.

What is your favorite piece of literature?
Hmm...don't know.

What is the worst thing you have ever done on YCM? In real life?
YCM: That would be....no clue.
RL: And I also have no clue.

Who is your greatest inspiration on YCM? In real life?
YCM: Whoever told me how to be a good member.
RL: Eminem, his music is really deep, and makes me think. And his music is awesome at the same time.

You said that we wouldn't believe you about what celebrities you have met. Who have you met and how did you meet him/her/them? What did you think of them?
Now that I think about it more, I can't even remember their names or who they were. I seem to forget things from several years ago sometimes.

Why do you think that you are "sorta famous" on YCM? What would you say to someone who just joined YCM now that you have been here for awhile?
"Sorta famous" because I'm not completely known, but every now and then I end up with new members noticing me when they join, maybe it's because they find me on the front page of the points leader board or something else. I would say to someone new who just joined, "Welcome to YCM, enjoy your stay, read the rules, and especially the Status Feed Rules, because there are so many Status Bar spammers these days. And, don't spam."

Why would you rather "love and lose" as compared to not loving at all?
Because you had a chance and lost it rather than not have the chance at all. I don't have much more to back that idea up, like some of the other philosophies I have.

Well, for good or for ill, you have certainly made an impact in certain sectors of YCM. How do you feel about that? What would you tell your friends? What would you tell the haters?
I'm not so sure if I caused some sections of YCM harm, or benefit. And i'd really like to have the sections benefit from YCM, if there were only a clear definition of what is beneficial and what is harmful to certain sections of YCM. I'd tell my friends to come and join me, and hopefully that would further benefit to YCM, and not harm it. And i'd be telling the haters to buzz off. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Clair (19/3/11)]What is your first name?

Where were you born?
U S of A.

What is your real age?

Do you have any siblings?
I have a younger brother. No naming names, though... the government is everywhere. ;D

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite food?
Ramen, various Qdoba foods, or Wheat Thins. Healthy living!

What is your favorite drink?
the dews of the meadows Ehhh, probably iced tea or lemonade. xD

What is your favorite sport?
To watch? American Football. To play? Track and field.

What are your favorite sweets?
Swedish Fish. <3

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Oh, god. There are a ton... hmm.
Law and Order, MythBusters, Glee, Last Comic Standing, Seinfeld, Everybody Loves Raymond, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air... I could go on.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?I have to choose only one? o:
Then Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kai. Kept me on the edge of my seat until the end. xD
... I can't read manga. *shot at*

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
I can't really think of any time in which I'd rather be, to be honest.

Have you ever met any celebrities?
when i look in the mirror, i meet a star every day
Unfortunately, no. Wait, does the celebrity tag apply to Mickey Mouse? Because I hugged him at Disney World.
He needed a shower. Phhhwww...

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
Change people's lives, and steer them on a path to success. Even if I end up only changing one life, that's an accomplishment enough for me. I also want to be known as a nice person with a good reputation.

How did you find YCM?
Friend recommendation. ^^

How did you come up with your urername?
I'm a big fan of the game Okami, but when I joined, 'Amaterasu' was already taken. So I immediately turned to my second favorite game, Pokemon. Then I started looking through all the Gym Leaders I liked.
A coin toss made me Clair. It could have been Jasmine, just as easily.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
To save my cards, of course.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
i'm in da clubs

Who is your best friend in YCM?
I truly apprieciate all of my friends, though. All of them are important to me. ^^

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
I don't know, really. Be myself?
Becoming a mod is definitely not on my to-do-list. I'm happy just being a member here. biggrin.gif

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
Dark - we'd play pokemon and okami and discuss things and stuff ^^
Kokonoe - I want to see her. ;_;
~Cherry~ - he's my wife. no exceptions.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
Crafting the next Video Game Music Station is one of my top priorities right now. Stay tune- *shot at again*

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
When I look back at all the famous members throughout YCM history, no, I do not.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
Leave before college. ;D

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to be thus far here at YCM? How about in real life?
YCM - Have I really accomplished anything? Awards are nice, I guess. I must be doing something right. xD
IRL - Becoming a section leader in my band and co-creating the Anime Club.

If you could have just 1 super power, what would it be and why?

If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do with that time?
Streak for .1, YCM for 5.9, cry for 18.

Would you rather love and lose or would you rather never love at all?
Love and lose. It's good while it lasts, and at least you're happy. And hey, it might be the person you're destined to spend the rest of your life with!
If you close yourself off, you'll never get a chance to find the right person. D:

What is your favorite piece of literature?
"Ten Little Indians" - Agatha Christie

What is the worst thing you have ever done on YCM? In real life?
On YCM, I lied to someone during a very serious conversation. Still feel bad about it.
IRL, I ran away from home for three days and sent my mother into a depression. What was I thinking? ><

Who is your greatest inspiration on YCM? In real life?
YCM - Omega Red/Dark
IRL - My clarinet instructor.

You said that your next big project for YCM is the VGM Station. What were you planning to do with it to make it successful?
I'm planning to make it more user accessible and offer reputation for particularly stunning tracks that people may stumble across. I don't want it to go up in flames as soon as I release it, that's for sure. xD

I have also had the pleasure of reading "Ten Little Indians" by Agatha Christie. I also enjoy it. Why do you feel that it is your favorite piece of literature? What sets it apart from something else?
I loved this book because it contained an element of mystery and a huge amount of suspense. Christie's development of her characters, and the correlation of the murders to the tune of the nursery rhyme, make this one sickly thriller, in my opinion.

You said that your greatest accomplishment in real life is becoming section leader of your section, which incidentally is the clarinet section. As a former band member and also section leader, I know how honorable this accomplishment is. How did you come to be section leader and what do you plan to accomplish as such?
The underclassmen like me and decided to vote me in as term section leader. I try to be open to all, cheerful, and non-judgmental. I think that's what earned me the spot. biggrin.gif

I want the clarinet section to do more things together and bond more as a unit. We already had a fun bowling night and I'm looking forward towards creating fun activities. ^^

I would hazard a guess that, at one time or another, most members want to be a Mod. Why do you feel otherwise?

Being a Moderator would be absolutely awful, for me at least. I'd hate to punish anybody because of a mistake, and I think I'd be a hell of a biased Mod towards... everybody really. I'm happy being a member here, because I just like viewing this forum as a regular user. Being a Mod would immediately trigger YCM to judge you on the job that you are doing, and I don't think I could handle the pressure.

The end of your primary school career is nigh on the horizon. What are your plans after graduation and why?
I don't think I have enough money to go to college at the moment, but I am really hoping to go off to university. I'm trying to get a job, but it isn't easy. After I graduate, I also plan to quit this forum as well.

Name one member that you dislike on YCM, if you can. If not, is there someone you wish would be banned?
I would not wish a ban on anybody, but member that has rubbed me the wrong way is Brushfire. (Think he left, anyways.)
We just got off on the wrong foot in the past, and that's nothing a little talking can't fix. ^^ [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Opalmoon (20/3/11)]What is your first name?

Where were you born?

What is your real age?
21. yeah really ._.

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
yes, David/Nadine

What is your favorite color?
When I was a child, apparently I liked yellow. It’s a pretty colour really and other than that, I like light blue, petrol, navy and other shades of blue, mint, dusty/antique rose and a lot of others. I like too many colours >.<

What is your favorite food?
pasta and noodles in almost all flavours, soy everything, cheese, gratin, fish, salt, fries, potatoes in all shapes, sweets, chocolate, pancakes… oh god I love food :3

What is your favorite drink?
Tonic, Coke and juice
Alcoholic: I still like Absinthe D: and melon or mint liquor, that stuff

What is your favorite sport?
me and sport? no =P

What are your favorite sweets?
sour sweets, regular sweets, chocolate, pancakes, desserts… I can’t say no to most things =D

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Cold Case and Law & Order SVU

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
Saint Seiya (just the original and Lost Canvas, the rest is repetition or has questionable artwork)

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
Regency era, 1785-1820 England or France. Also the Etruscans. But really, I’d prefer to live in this time but be able to travel through the eras.=P They didn’t have computers and the buildings weren’t safe nor very ecological either, plus considering my family background, I wouldn’t count.=P

Have you ever met any celebrities?

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
To be happy, keep a positive attitude and live some of my dreams. For precise dreams, right now it’d be picking up glass-painting, classical singing, learning to play the Erhu, viola, painting bridges, coming up with a great version of the Canon in Trance and just being a good person. Lame right

How did you find YCM?
I think I saw it on the chatroom I used to visit before. I wrote for the German Yugioh Wikia and the chatroom was tied to it. One member was showing off a self-made card in his profile and I think that set it. But I’m not sure, maybe it was something else…

How did you come up with your username?
Can’t remember, just struck my mind I guess and it was the same with Raven.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
I liked the idea of making your own cards, but mostly I was looking for a better environment to socialize. And it seemed to be the busiest site I’ve ever been to. Tbh people keep whining about a lot of things these days, but it’s a chance that this site exists.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
All of General and Music.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
I don’t have any friends anymore except MarbleZone and Omega Red.=/ Everyone else…either became inactive or changed in a negative way. It’s mostly the former but it makes me sad to say it. Whoever wants to be my friend will happily be one though ^^

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
oh if I became a mod I’d try to help YCM =P really

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
well I mentioned them as friends, so MarbleZone and Omega Red definitely
Judgment and Flame Dragon (I liek dragenz)
Death Metal, Eury, Dismal Euphony, Jester Head, Willieh, Krow - oh god XD
Sephiroth the Savage would be one hell of a lot of fun too =P
and Legend Zero
my list used to be longer but I’m going for the people who are still around (kind of)

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
Yeah, I wish to revive the YCM Nightly show. It was a lot of fun with Star in 2009 and a good number of people were following it. I want to make interviews in Clubs or something more interactive like that. Mainly I want to go back to making those projects, it was the best thing for me so far and General could use that again.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
hehe no. maybe because I’m on the mods list but if I wasn’t, I don’t know

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
I want to be a good mod and help out the community. That’s all I wanted to do.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to be thus far here at YCM? How about in real life?
On YCM I think it was reviving the Awards with KA Flame/Krow. I know I don’t have the merit of starting it but it was fun bringing them back and making them more popular. Then I’d say the happiness of people when I made them member cards, or just talked to them. I think that was a lot more gratifying than being famous for flaming or being an asshole…which seems to be an accomplishment these days.
In real life, I cherish all the small accomplishments, like when someone says that an article I wrote was good, or when I finish sewing something and it looks more or less how it should.

If you could have just 1 super power, what would it be and why?
Flying. Apparently our brain doesn’t want the idea of flying and yeah, I’m usually just flapping around.=P

If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do with that time?
Party and get drunk with people I want to be with, or/and do something calm. Can’t pick yet.:S

Would you rather love and lose or would you rather never love at all?
Love and lose. I wonder why some people prefer not to make an experience at all because it could hurt. If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain, and I’m not talking about the stuff that’s happening in Japan right now, but about the stuff we’re mostly complaining about everyday. In the end I’m glad to have made every experience because there’s always something you can learn.

What is your favorite piece of literature?
Mostly anything by Paul Verlaine and I really started loving Guillaume Apollinaire too. Yeah I’m mostly a poetry over prose person and Verlaine was the first person where I said, well this guy is making some of my favourite stuff. Apollinaire is totally different but just special. And that’s not something I say a lot because most artists don’t do anything new.=P

What is the worst thing you have ever done on YCM? In real life?
On YCM, I made a lot of mistakes back when I was moderating General. I did some mistakes later too but let’s say pressure from the team and members back then contributed to it and I wasn’t able to deal with all of it.
In real life, a lot of things go wrong when you’re drunk too often. I definitely shouldn’t have done that but now I know what to do.
But I made a lot of mistakes, a lot of stupid stuff because I wasn't focussing enough on things.>.<

Who is your greatest inspiration on YCM? In real life?
On YCM: everyone who contributes in a positive way!
In real life: Yui Kanno, Meng Jia from Miss A, Yuki Kajiura’s songs, Touhou music, well people I cross on my way inspire me.

You said that you have never met any celebrities. If you had the opportunity to do so, who or whom would it be and why?
Well like I said about inspiration, I'd love to meet Yui Kanno and Meng Jia, but I don't know if I'd be able to say anything.>.< Also Asuka from AP.:3
Jesus would be pretty cool too and Lao-Tzu/Lǎozǐ, I'd love to know what they really were like.

Being a mod is something many members aspire to be, no matter how hard it is to become one. As a mod, what do you think your greatest accomplishment is thus far? What do you hope to do in the future? How would you like to improve YCM?
Well I think my accomplishments as a mod were all the small things that got done. Cleaning up sections and trying to keep it in a good state. Winning the second place in the moderator battle was really surprising and I still can't believe so many people voted.>.< It's awesome and feels like members are satisfied.:3
I'm thinking about doing some challenges or interactive stuff in Clubs and I've really been scratching my head about how to make Music more active. But I'm more worried about Music than Clubs so... But it's better like this than being in General, having a lot of things to do and no one is happy about it (that's why I shifted).
To improve YCM, I think it would be time to revamp the mod team. Let's see if YCMaker thinks the same.

Being a member of a college that is infamous for its drinking, I know what it is like to see people doing drunk things. If you had the chance, would you go back and fix your mistakes such as that? Why or why not?
Haha =P Well I've never been someone who jumps to bed with the next best guy (or doing anything with anyone who isn't my bf) but I did have some stalking tendencies and I wish I could undo that.=/ Being drunk makes you think you have more guts, so I went asking for phone numbers myself while before I used to send a friend out.=P That isn't a bad thing but I wasn't exactly not to be ashamed of so yeah...:3 God I was annoying sometimes.=P

Sometimes certain YCMembers get on our nerves, as is the case with people in the real world too. Is there anyone you would like to ban, or have banned that you felt was detrimental to YCM society? Is there someone who tends to get on your nerves?
I don't know, I can't think about individual names, but it's more the atmosphere especially in General that tends to be negative lately. So to improve that, I'm not sure what could be done. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Legend Zero (22/3/11)]
What is your first name?
I think it's well known, among my friends on here, that my real name is Jacob. Feel free to call me it if you wish.

Where were you born?
I was born in Terre Haute, Indiana...good old U.S. of A.

What is your real age?
I am currently 18 years old.

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
I have 2 siblings, whose names I will not reveal. However, I will say that one of my bro's is the former member known as GHawk.

What is your favorite color?
Silver has always been my favorite color.

What is your favorite food?
Tacos. Not Taco Bell either, I mean "real" tacos.

What is your favorite drink?
Well I've cut pop out of my life a couple years back, now I get by on lemonade and gatorade.

What is your favorite sport?
Hm....a tough one eh? Well it depends really. I prefer to watch soccer (football) and american football, but I enjoy playing tennis also.

What are your favorite sweets?
Cake. Original, plain, generic white cake. Gotta love the classics.

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
I have many favs, but I'll try to list my top 5.
1. Psych
2. House
4. White Collar
5. Las Vegas

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
Again, an ultimate favorite is out of the question. So top 5.
1. Zero no Tsukaima (anime & manga)
2. Tegami Bachi (anime & manga)
3. Zennou no Noa (manga)
4. Iris Zero (manga)
5. Digimon (anime)

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
I'm more of a tech guy, so going back would probably destroy me. =P
If I had to I'd say some time where I could make in big with my knowledge.

Have you ever met any celebrities?
Well, Obama came to my school and campaigned...I got to shake his hand, thanks to my uncle.

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
Graduate from college, get a good paying job, get married....live a well off life without too much hassle.

How did you find YCM?
Same as most I'm sure. Google->"Make Yu-Gi-Oh cards"->3rd link

How did you come up with your username?
I was originally Minatocloud, which I used in various other places. Legend Zero....just.....came to me really. I know that sounds odd, but as I pondered my name change in school (thinking of Gundam Wing) it hit me.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
There was a DBZ club I wanted to join, and I think Demented hosted it. That's where I met my first friend 4tutoralcom.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
I currently go to the TCG sections and discuss the game. Although mostly I lurk everywhere except CC. Since Skyfire started a Fantasy club I'll be hanging out there now.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
Yondaime, definitely. Me and him just click, the only thing we disagree about is PS3 over XBOX. ;D

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
Well not that I'm asking for it, but I'd probably like to mod the Q&A or C&S sections. I feel a lot of members get a bad glimpse of YCM through it. I'd also like to try and get new members to read the rules before signing up, and having an easy quiz about them. This would stop bots and reduce wrong section posts. Organizing the Tutorial Section would be a goal, too.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
List time. XD

Yondaime, Yin, Icy, Skyfire, haris, PikaPerson, Spoon, JMax, and most GFX'ers on YCM.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
I was thinking about restarting my old Digimon fanfic, "Digimon Dreams". I'm sure the thread is still here so read what I did and hit me with a PM of your thoughts.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
Oh, God. I shouldn't be, I just go with my feeling at the time...I haven't really earned a status like that.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
tbh, I don't have any goals for YCM right now. This is just the place I go to in my free time.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment to be thus far here at YCM? How about in real life?
Well on YCM I completed 2 RP's and actually got digimon into the Clubs section. IRL I get paid $4000 a year to go to school in extra scholarships, that's pretty cool imo.

If you could have just 1 super power, what would it be and why?
Invisibility. It's Book of Moon in a super power, it's so versatile! I could do naughty things *wink* or help others.

If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do with that time?
Go on YCM, duh.

Seriously, I'm not one for thinking about death and time left. So I actually don't know what I'd do.

Would you rather love and lose or would you rather never love at all?
Love and lose. Although I never plan on that happening.

What is your favorite piece of literature?
Sherlock Holmes. A Study in Scarlet is my favorite one.

What is the worst thing you have ever done on YCM? In real life?
YCM: When I was a n00b ShushiTheLegend locked a FILLED request thread of mine and warned me not to make another request that day because I used the wrong request form, or face a week ban. Well since the request was filled I thought nothing about looking back into the thread, so without knowing about being kicked out of Request I made another....and got banned. To this day it ranks in my top 5 of dumbest things ever.
IRL: I stole from a teacher. =O

Who is your greatest inspiration on YCM? In real life?
YCM: haris and Omni. They lifted the Showcase section out of the darkness, only for it to fall again.
IRL: Parents, obviously. Without them I'd be wasting my time on something educational.

You said you met Obama. How was that experience? Has it influenced you at all? If you had the opportunity, would you do it again?
It was meh, so to speak. Boring in the fact that it was just a handshake and a hello, but he was one of those people who you could feel his confidence. Me and a teacher also played pranks on the bodyguards there. =3

Why would you rather "love and lose" then "never love at all"?
Nobody cares about this. D:<

Sherlock Holmes is often considered the penultimate detective. What draws you to the literature of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle?
The oddity of the crimes, the perspective it's told from, and almost everything about it. Although I am a huge detective buff.

Since you don't have any goals for YCM, what would you like to see established on YCM?
Eh......I can't really think of anything atm. The only thing that comes to mind would be reasons for reps, and more skin choices. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=J-Max (26/3/11)]
What is your first name?
James. Well I may as well give my full name here as I hide no Secrets. The name is James Stuart Peacock Armstrong. Take the First Letters of my Name and you have JSPA.

Where were you born?
Mile End Hospital in London UK. Did you know that I was actually born under the Bow Bells. This actually makes me a full blown Cockney.

What is your real age?
28. Will be 29 on the 6th April. I'm getting old now lol.

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
I know this Interview is about Comedy but to be honest I was going to have 2 Sisters but they died while still in my mother's Womb. I was the lucky Third Baby and have all grown up now.

What is your favorite color?
Pink. Yeah yeah, you can all leave the fa**** jokes at the door lol. Used to be Blue but the color Pink just relaxes me.

What is your favorite food?
Good old Fish & Chips. Has to be the traditional kind though. No crappy Mcdonalds style fries

What is your favorite drink?
Used to be Coca Cola but have moved onto Diet Coke now. I often enjoy some Alcohol. Favorite Tipple is Brandy & Diet Coke (Has to be a Double)

What is your favorite sport?
Not really a Sporting fan myself but I do enjoy watching the Golf on TV. I actually played a few rounds at my local Golf Course. Best was a +34

What are your favorite sweets?
Cadbury Chocolate. I can;t get enough of it especially the Fruit & Nut Variety. I also love eating Haribo Sweets.

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Classic British Gameshows such as Bullseye "Everyone loves a bit of Bully!" & Cacthphrase. "Say what you see!" I also enjoy Animal Documentaries such as Life of Mammals.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
I'm a huge fan of all the Mainstream Anime such as Pokemon, Digimon, Monster Rancher & of course Yu-Gi-Oh. I also enjoy the cute Anime such as Cardcaptor Sakura. The Cuter the better. *Note to self* Try to not talk about Hentai in this Interview lol.

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
The Roman Age. The Max part of my name is a shorterned version of "Maximus" a well used phrase in Roman Gladiators. I would persoanlly overthrow Caeser and free all of the Slaves from Captivity.

Have you ever met any celebrities?
I met my favorite Drumer Phil Collins once. He actually shook my hand. I never washed it for a week!

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
My Goal in Real Life is to make myself and my best friend Charlie happy. I haven't got any Far Fetched Goals. Just more down to earth.

How did you find YCM?
I was looking up Yu-Gi-Oh cards once when I came across this Forum in the Google Search. The funny thing is, I thought that other Members made the cards for Members lol. I had to learn how to make cards from scratch.

How did you come up with your username?
As mentioned above. The first for letters of my Username (Well my old one anyway) is the first 4 Letters in my 4 Names along with Max for Maximus. I thought that J-Max sounded a lot more Sexy so decided to go with it. I often get called Max ( I don't mind though)

Why did you decide to join YCM?
To hang with people that shared my love of Yu-GI_Oh. Also to mak some friends... It's hard in the Real Life to make friends as people take the Piss out of me due to my size. On YCM I can be who I want to be without any predjudice

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Used to be Custom Cards but have moved onto more Genral now since my Mod Demotion, Oh by the way if any Mods are reading this Interview, i'm always available if you need a hand

Who is your best friend in YCM?
Saturnpaladin, currently known as Omega Red. He pushed me to be my best at designing Cards. We often share a Rivallry in which we try to better each other. All for good fun though. If you are reading this Bro, thank you for being such a great mate, I'm honored to call you a Friend

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
I was a Mod! lol It was a tough time but I managed to work well with my Role on Custom Cards, even gaining a few Fans on the way due to my more relaxed Nature. I would love that opportunity again. I still have the heart of a Mod.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
Again, Omega Red. We wouldn't just chat about Yu-Gi-Oh cards though lol. We share a lve of Henai so we would probally talk about that for hours

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
I have a few Card Sets cooking in my mind. I have my baby the Pokevolution Project which I hope to bring back soon. I'm considering making it a Multi User Project but I need time to think about that. Also my constant rivallry with Omega Red is always burning.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
I'd like to think so but I don't want to inflate my own Ego. I know I have a few Fans on here due to my general laid back attitude.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
To have a grea time and be friends with some of our readers. All of you, I class you as a friend. Even if you have a problem with me just remember that if you need a friend to talk to, i'm there.

You mentioned that you were a Mod. What section(s) were you a Mod of? Why were you dismissed? Would you like your former position back and why/why not?
I was a Moderator for Custom Cards for around a year. Well I actually started in just the Pop Culture section due to the temporary loss of a PC and relying on my trusty PSP Web Browser to do my Mod Duties. I eventually managed to convince Falling Pizza to promote me to full Custom Cards Duties and the rest was history. I believe that I was a successful Mod. I had what most Mods at the time was lacking. A calm and relaxing nature with Members. I wouldn't Warn unless really needed and a Ban was always the last ditch effort. I was actually Modding CC on my own for a Month or so before Yankee was assigned as Backup to help me out as Modding was starting to consume my Free Time.

Sometime last year I recieved a 2 Month Ban due to my openess about my Hentai obsession. At that time I was also stripped of my Midship. I am always ready to resume my Mod Duties. To be hinest I had a lot of fun overall with it

How did this famous rivalry between you and Omega Red begin? Do you think it will ever reach a conclusion, or do you think this will be an ongoing rivalry?
Our rivallry will nenver reach a conclusion. We are always pushing each other to be our best and when one person does a good thing, the other comes right back with a even better idea. Our rivallry has always been friendly though and we often discuss ideas with each other to improve our Card Making Skills but when it's contest time, I get my Rival Cap on lol. I hope that Omega feels the same way about our Rivalrry, as I mentioned in the Interview he is easily my best friend on YCM. Even though our Time Zones are completely different as well

What exactly is the Pokevolution Project? When and how did it start? How do you plan to improve upon it from your first project version?
The Pokevolution Project was originally started by myslef and a departed member known as Sushi the Legend. We wanted to make every Pokemon into a balanced Yu-Gi-Oh card. I also spearheaded the Pokevolution Hybrid Project. A special set of Fusion monsters that resemble girls Cosplaying as various Pokemon. This was very popular with the other Pervs on the Forum lol.

Right now I am working on improving my idea of the Hybris concept along with incorparating some ideas from other Projects that I have worked on. [/spoiler]
[spoiler=Dark (26/3/11)]What is your first name?

My first name is Michael, and my last name is obviously... never mind. Michael is a given name that comes from the Hebrew "Mikha'el", derived from the Hebrew question blahblahblah, meaning "Who is like God?" In English, it is sometimes shortened to Mike, Mikey, or, especially in Ireland, Mick. However, if you call me Mike, Mikey, or Mick, I will personally murder you. Michael is also one of the Archangels, which is extremely ironic considering I'm atheist. Good job mom and dad, giving your atheist child a name that holds deep religious meaning. Granted, they tried to get me to reconvert after I deconverted from a religion I was indoctrinated into, but I said no. The female version of Michael is Michelle, and I know a pretty hot girl in my school named Michelle, but I'm not sure if having sex with her would be considered incest, since I would be having sex with the feminine version of myself. It's a tad confusing for me.

Where were you born?

I don't understand the point of this question. Are you asking where I was born, or where I currently live? In a lot of cases, the two result in the same answer, but I feel like you want to ask where I live. I could say I was born in my mom's uterus, or I could give the name of the hospital I was born in, but I'm almost certain that isn't the answer you were looking for. I was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and yes, I still live in Boston. Boston is the town of awesome things: coffee, the New England Patriots, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I was born approximately at 42°21′28″ N 71°03′42″ W, but I'm not really certain where those coordinates were taken, and they could be a tad off with respects to the hospital I was born in.

What is your real age?

My real age? Are you implying that I have two ages, a real one and a fake one? Furthermore, what really is a fake age? An age that you lie with so you can get drunk or get into a party without the bouncer punching you square in the face? I'm going to guess that my fake age is 65, but my real age is 17. You could have just looked on my profile, but you told me I had to go through these "boring" questions before I got to more exciting ones. Boohoo.

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?

One sister, four years older than me. I doubt anyone cares about her name, so I won't bother saying it. She's the more artsy one, and I'm the more intelligent one, but we still get along as best as siblings can. Y'know, the usual scratching and fighting over who sits in the shotgun still takes place despite her being in college, but we sort of love each other. <3

What is your favorite color?

Well, let's see. My username is Dark, and the darkest color I can think of is black. I prefer Pokemon Black over Pokemon White, despite Zekrom being in Pokemon White. About 66% of my wardrobe is in black, with respects to shirts (my jeans are all blue, obviously). When I bought my first Rubik's Cube, I raged because there was no black side. I'm really not sure what my favorite color is, to be completely honest. I just typed the first four sentences of this paragraph for kicks, just to lead you on into thinking my favorite color was black. Hah, Dark liking the color black! Blasphemy!

What is your favorite food?

I prefer things that are either sweet or spicy (obviously not both), but since you asked what my favorite food was, I can kind of throw out all of my succulent desserts I was about to post. I honestly think my favorite type of food is Mexican food, and despite the dearth of them here in Boston, my favorite food is Taco Bell. Like, literally anything from Taco Bell. Despite it being fast food and heart attacks and slave labor, it still tastes awesome.

What is your favorite drink?

I love Coke products because I believe they are of better quality and taste than Pepsi products, and I've always loved orange soda ever since I was a little boy. As such, my favorite drink is Fanta. However, water comes in a close second, because I try to avoid all of that Gatorade and Vitamin Water crap that is always at the stores. It's either water or it's bad for you, no in-betweens.

What is your favorite sport?

I only really play two sports, tennis and bowling. The former I'm not really good at. Well, no, I am good at tennis. My backhands could use a bit of work, and my serves could be a bit faster, but I can still give the Asian people at my school a good fight. Bowling, however, is my favorite sport. It is something that you can do leisurely or competitively, and it's the perfect balance of strength and skill. Everyone who says bowling isn't a sport can suck my fourteen-pound ball(s), because they probably suck major ass at it anyways.

What are your favorite sweets?

Cool, I get to talk about sweets anyways. Ice cream, particularly chocolate chip cookie dough. Brownies, usually with walnuts, almonds, or peanuts on the top, and warm chocolate sauce drizzled over. Cheesecakes I don't like as much, but I'll still eat the occasional chocolate cheesecake with almonds or walnuts. I'm getting into eating more Italian desserts like cannolis, and I really like them so far. I only really like cherry pies, not apple or blueberry or other crap. And let's not forget cookies. Oatmeal, chocolate chip, sugar, any type of cookie sans oatmeal raisin, I will eat it.

What are your favorite T.V. programs?

Too many to list. God, where do I start? Almost anything on the History, Discovery, or Science Channels. Ace of Cakes on the Food Channel. Almost anything on CNN or BBC, since those are the only two news channels I will ever watch in my life. American Idol on FOX. Err... the Colber Report, sometimes. There are definitely others (like the Twilight Zone), but I rarely watch TV anyways so I couldn't really give you an exhaustive list.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?

I don't watch Anime, and I don't read Manga. I know, I'm such a buzzkill.

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?

...back to 1993, to stop my mother from giving birth to me. More honestly, I wouldn't want to go back in time. I'm more of a guy who is always looking forward to the newest technology, and I'd rather step into the future than revert to the past. Besides, absolutely nothing that happened in the past interests me. I guess that explains why I suck at history. Moreover, time travel is theoretically impossible unless you assume a lot of things, so you couldn't send me back in time anyways.

Have you ever met any celebrities?

No, and thank god I haven't. Celebrities are annoying, and they can go die. Y'know, except the celebrities I like. Like Rebecca Black.

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?

As I mentioned before, MIT is probably my main goal for college, whether it is for my undergrad or not. I really just want to make a shitton of money and retire at a relatively young age. Y'know, maybe I can throw some time in my life for some romance. Ladies on YCM, I'm super-single. Before I die, I want to affect society in some way, be it good or bad, and I want my name to appear somewhere in some textbook, even if it is because I killed a ton of people. I WANT TO BE NOTICED, GODDAMNIT.

How did you find YCM?

As sad as it sounds, I used to play MapleStory, and there was this website called BasilMarket where you could set-up MapleStory trades, similar to how we have eBay. There was a thread made on BasilMarket telling its users to come to YCM and make a card that had an image of their in-game character. I made my first card, DarkMage6400, and realized that the forum was pretty chill back then. I joined, and never looked back since.

How did you come up with your username?

If anyone remembers me from when I joined, I started out as DarkDragonX. Yeah, I was a complete retard back then, and knew literally nothing about how the internet works. I was your representation of what a "noob" really is. I liked Dark as a word in English, as I find it aesthetically pleasing, Dragon was just an awesome word, and X was my second-favorite letter, only losing to M. I found this name too stupid, and the first chance I was able to get a name change (which was when I won the first Card Contest I entered, Browarod's Christmas Diamond in the Rough), I changed it to Dark. Between then and now, I changed my name a few times, once to [Dark], I think once where the K was part of the stupid symbol fad, but I eventually went back to Dark. Dark is just a really cool word, and I'm glad I've been recognized with this name.

Why did you decide to join YCM?

...didn't I aready explain that earlier? Unless you wanted to ask why I stayed? YCM is like cocaine; take it once and it takes pure willpower to quit. I never actually wanted to quit YCM, either, and I'll leave whenever the hell I want to.

Which sections are you mostly active in?

I'm a very active reader of News. No, crap, Clair already used that joke in her interview. Damn, I hate my life. -slits wrist- I'm active in General, Clubs, Debates, and Multimedia. As you can see on my profile, the majority of my posts are in General, and the others are from when I used to visit Custom Cards. General is really the only place I hang anymore (y'know, and Multimedia), because I don't watch Anime, I don't make cards, I don't know jackshit about the TCG, and I could care less about people's shitty fanfics. Where else am I supposed to go, Comments and Suggestions?

Who is your best friend in YCM?

Unlike other people, I'm not going to say how they just can't choose one, because that would be mean or some other bullshit. Honestly, my best friend on YCM is most probably Clair, although Ice comes pretty close. I use friend very loosely, though, and I don't consider any of these people close enough as I consider my real-life friends. Clair is probably the person I'm the most close with, and she's just chill in general. I have very few actual friends on YCM (I can count them on my fingers), but the few friends I do have are very close to me.

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?

First of all, if anyone ever offered me a mod position, I'd reject outright. I would never want to be a mod after what I've experienced in these two-and-a-half men years. However, if I were a mod, I would not even try to help YCM. My main goal if I were a mod would be to get YCMaker to ban me himself. At least he'd finally get off his lazy ass and do something useful. Maybe I might lead a raid, and using my mod powers, I could sticky all the raid threads and hold off the mods as long as possible. Did I really say that out loud? No wonder I'm never going to be a mod. =P

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?

Despite being close friends with Clair, I don't even remotely care enough to want to meet her in real life. I would want to meet HORUS in real life, and although many of you newer members don't know him, he has had such an impact on my life. He is easily my biggest inspiration on YCM. Just from his posts I can tell that he was one of the most intelligent beings to post on this forum, and I bet we could get along fairly well. After he got permabanned, I almost contemplated quitting, because he was literally the best, most well-rounded person I knew on this forum.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?

No, period. I added the "period" as I didn't want to make it a one-word answer.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?

Hell yes. And I'm not even being egotesticle right now. If you frequently visit General or Video Games, I can bet that you know me somehow, whether it be a post of mine you repped or an argument with me you lost in. Overall, however, I'm not popular at all. Considering 99% of the members are running around like maniacs in Custom Cards and Fan Fiction/Role Playing, I can bet most of this forum has never even heard of my username before. Not my fault they are wasting their lives "roleplaying". What the hell is the point of roleplaying, anyways?

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?

Quit. (Yes, that was a one-word answer.)

YCM really is a very addictive place overall. How do you plan to fulfill your goal of leaving? When do you hope to accomplish this goal?

I honestly have no idea how I plan to leave. YCM has not gotten boring for me yet, but when it does boring, expect me to very soon after. YCM will have its withdrawal effects, but I'm sure I can get over them with enough willpower. Just know that when I do decide to leave, I'm almost definitely going to leave with a "bang". You can interpret that however the hell you want, but you know nothing until I want you to know something.

A lot of members tend to think a lot higher of the past YCM then they do of the current YCM. Why do you think this is? What is your opinion on this subject? How do you think YCM could improve?

Yeah, the past YCM was a lot better in my eyes, as well. A lot of the "legends" that left or were permabanned were very active in the old days of YCM, and truthfully, the only reason people go on forums is to have a good laugh and to hang out with friends. Once the laughs diminished into nothingness and once the friendliest people left, there was really no motivation to stay on YCM. If you have been lucky enough to see the 2007 and 2008 years of YCM, you'll know how fun they were, and I'm extremely jealous of people who were around during those times. Their stories make me rage that I joined about six months later than when I should have. Also, back then, a majority of the new members were actually decent. Nowadays, we have a ton of shitty members walking through YCM, making stupid posts in General and just ruining everything. It's fun to troll them, true, but they just detract from the forum.

But that is just General. Maybe Custom Cards hasn't changed one bit and I am taking too narrow of an outlook on this.

So your biggest goal overall is to be remembered in the annuls of history, even if only briefly. How do you plan on making this goal a reality? How would you prefer to be remembered?


Seriously, how can I not be remembered if I do all of that?

As it has been throughout the history of mankind, there are many problems in the world today, most of which are man-made. What do you consider the biggest problem to be, and why? What do you believe the solution(s) to this problem to be? Why?

I think the most important problem, despite it not being man-made, is 2012. Considering that the Mayans predicted the world to end, and considering that the Book of Revelation blatantly states the world will end in the year of MMXII (2012 in Roman numerals), and considering Halubaris Maphotika, the most intelligent member on YCM, is a devout believer in the 2012 theory, it is kind of obvious that 2012 is a huge problem and it needs to be fixed as soon as possible. We are only, what, one year and nine months away from the ultimate doomsday, and we are not prepared whatsoever. The clock on our lives is ticking down to zero, and we need to fix it soon. I think the most intelligent solution is to create a base on Mars, that way if invading space aliens come to eat our brains, we can divert them by blowing up Earth. We'd have to take cover on Mars, but who cares? Another possible solution is to create a huge plasma ray gun that pewpews all of the aliens so that they die in a vaporizing fire, but that takes too much effort for Earth.

If I was in charge of things, I would really make sure that each person has an anti-alien suit equipped with a freeze ray, that way each person is capable of taking down at least two aliens before dying a horrible death. I would also increase the range of the draft age, letting us draft men between the ages of five and fifty, and women between sixteen and thirty-six. We need to be well-prepared to handle this scenario, and if we are not fully equipped with the most advanced technology, 2012 will spell utter doom for us, and the human race will die altogether. In fact, 2012 might be coming quicker than we expect. Considering we just had an oil spill which represents Jesus' blood spilling across America, and two earthquakes, both of which offset the tilting of the Earth by a total of sixteen or so inches, it shows that the aliens are ready to strike our weak planet. We need to be prepa- I AM NOT A GOVERNMENT-CONTROLLED ROBOT. I AM A NORMAL CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WHAT IS UP, BROSKI? HOW ARE YOU DOING TO... -backspace that, initiate internet-speak mode- YO HOW U DOIN' NIGGS THIS SHIZ IS CRAZY IM NOT A GOVTFAG MAN I HATE TOSE GUISE 2012 IS A BUNCH OF BS I SWEAR TO DRUNK IM NOT GOD I MEAN RLY 2012 AINT GONA HAPPN THE GOVT RULS REVOLUTION SUX B@LZ OKEY STOP TALKN BOUT 2012 ANIT GON HAPPN NIGGS KAY SO LETS TALK BOUT PRONZ AND VIDEO GAMS AND- what the hell was that? Why does my brain feel numb? Oh my god, not again. Listen. There is a robot trying to ta-

[spoiler=Omega Red (26/3/11)]What is your first name?
Christopher, but I prefer to be called Chris. Christopher just sounds too formal and stuffy for my taste - and I prefer to keep it casual

Where were you born?
Born in California, spend early childhood in Alaska, and currently reside in Louisiana

What is your real age?
I'm 28 - probably one of the older, if not oldest, member on the site

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
I have one younger sister - but she doesn't want me throwing her name around the net. She's 24, though - and no, none of you guys can hit on her...

What is your favorite color?
I'm quite fond of blue - although I prefer blue, black, and green for Magic: The Gathering

What is your favorite food?
I honestly eat just about anything. It'd be easier to give you a list of things I DON'T like

What is your favorite drink?
Water and Dr. Pepper. Been trying to drink more water than Dr. Pepper

What is your favorite sport?
Not a sports fan - unless you wanna count Dodgeball in school

What are your favorite sweets?
I like all sorts of sweets - but I absolutely LOVE gummy candies (especially worms)

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Mostly cartoons - but I like to watch the Weather Channel, Animal Planet, and the History Channel from time to time

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
I've seen a ton, but let's go with a Top 5 list (for now):
- Sailor Moon
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
- Bleach
- Shuffle!
- Sakura Taisen

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
I have mixed feelings about time travel. I would hate to alter the entire time-space continuum by doing something as simple as stepping on a butterfly or bending a blade of grass the wrong way. Next thing you know, the Axis Powers would be the victors of WWII. I wouldn't want to go BACK in time; I would rather want to go FORWARD in time

Have you ever met any celebrities?
I've met two celebrities - both at an anime convention:
- Scott McNeal - the voice of Piccolo from DBZ
- Doug Smith - the voice of Kentaro Oe from Golden Boy (and many other animes) and artist (damn good one, too)

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
Get married and settle down

How did you find YCM?
Found it while looking up the banlist for the YGO cardgame (back when I played). Yugiohcardmaker came up right under what I was looking for and I decided to take a look

How did you come up with your username?
Well, I am a big Sailor Moon fan - especially Sailor Saturn. I also primarily play as a Paladin in Dungeons and Dragons. I took those two aspeccts and combined them together to form my initial name of SaTuRnPaLaDiN. Recently, I decided to change my name - as I hadn't done so since I started the site. I decided to change my name to my favorite villain from the X-Men universe - Omega Red

Why did you decide to join YCM?.
To make cards. To date, I have over 1800 cards made

Which sections are you mostly active in?
I used to be VERY active in the Custom Cards section. Nowadays, I seem to hang out in the General section - but mostly to browse around

Who is your best friend in YCM?
I've been around a LONG time; I have a ton of them. Some of those include J-Max, Opalmoon, Clair, Engetsu, Phantom Roxas, Zalpyr, ragnarok1945, etc...

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
I could keep the section I'm put in charge of clean and problem free. Those who would intentionally cause trouble to the section or the members would be dealt with swiftly

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
Again with the lists? All right, here are a FEW - J-Max, Opalmoon, Clair, Engetsu, Phantom Roxas, Zalpyr, ragnarok1945, Larxene, and Mako 109

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
Right now, I just make a couple cards here and there. I've got several interesting archetypes and set ideas on my computer, but they're not quite perfected

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
I used to be very well known back in my prime. Not so much now. Some members still tend to hold me in high regard - and I am the OFFICIAL cardmaking rival of J-Max. I dunno, I GUESS I could be considered famous...

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
So far, I've accomplished being reognized as a great cardmaker and friend. What more could you possibly want to accomplish?

You said that you met both Scott McNeal and Doug Smith. What was that experience like? Has it changed you at all? Who else would you like to meet and why?
It was pretty cool. Just talked with them both like there were everyday guys. Scott McNeal's cool as hell. Doug Smith was my favorite one - and I've met him twice. The coolest part was that he recognized me at the second con. He said that he would autograph my copy of Golden Boy if I brought it to another con that he was at. As for meeting other celebrities, I don't really have any in mind to meet.

What do these archetypes your working on focus on doing? How do they work? Do you think they could revolutionize the game or perhaps even the meta?
The cards I've designed have never really been based on 'trying' to change the game. They've always just been cards that I would want to use in a duel - and speed usually isn't taken into consideration. One of the new archetypes involves attacking monsters that are in places OTHER than the field. One of the monsters is able to attack monsters that are in the opponent's hand. Another keeps the top card of your deck revealed while it's out - and if the revealed card is a monster, then you can declare an attack with it during the Battle Phase. They really make you consider where you want your monsters to be. Another idea involved monsters that had NO level stars - but that one's taking a bit to perfect. There's also a mechanic that involves giving the player Level Counters and the monsters gain effects based on what your Level is (how many counters you have). I should also go back to the Turn Count manipulation cards - as those could really affect the current game.

Do you feel your famous rivalry with J-Max will ever reach a conclusion? Why or why not? How did your rivalry begin? What do you think is the current high point of it?
As long as the two of us still reside on YCM, the rivalry will never end. It's more of a friendly rivalry and it pushes both of us to make better cards and new mechanics. The rivalry began WAY back in mid '08 around when I first started out. I made an archetype (later made into a set known as Power of the Princess) involving monsters that Special Summoned Token Monsters that could be tributed for special effects. One member (I forget the name) thought that the cards were rather bad (due to the images being too cute). J-Max came in and told the guy off and said to just keep making whatever cards I liked. As for a high point - it would probably have to be when J-Max had seen both my Cute Crusader and Dirty set (yeah, 200 cards with a very perverted and dirty theme). He basically called me a cardmaking god for making those (and no, you're not gonna see those dirty cards). Honestly hoping that the rivalry spark can be ignited again - as the battles and commentary was always fun....that and YCM got to see some interesting (and cute) mechanics.

As one of the older and wiser members of YCM, what advice would you give to some of the newer members? Why?
I dunno about wiser....lol. Anyway, I would suggest that they read the rules (to make sure they don't get into trouble with the mod team) and to have fun (but not at the expense of others). The point of the site is to enjoy yourself and to interact with others, but not to cause others to feel bad. People can try and feed me that whole "This is the Internet, you're supposed to be rude" or whatever garbage all day. People should live by the Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Why make other people feel bad when you wouldn't want others to make you feel bad, right? Also, don't spend ALL your time here. There are greater things out in the real world besides this site. Sure, it's nice - but you won't accomplish anything sitting in front of the computer hanging out on a YGO site all day. (Trust me on that one)
[/spoiler] [/spoiler]
[spoiler=April Interviews] [spoiler=Metallitard (19/4/11)]What is your first name?


Where were you born?

Waco, TX. Whoo Dr. Pepper and rednecks.

What's your real age?


Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?

1 brother, Marco. He has an account here but he hardly uses it.

What is your favorite color?

I honestly don't care. xD But I guess red.

What is your favorite food?

Fawkin Lobster. I even eat some of the shell if it's in butter sauce.

What is your favorite drink?

Mountain Dew. What a redneck. STFU.

What is your favorite sport?

I like baseball and tennis equally.

What are your favorite sweets?

CHURROS. Ohmahgawsh those are f***ing amazing.

What are your favorite T.V. programs?

Dun watch TV.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?

LOL. I find Anime and Manga to be a stupid waste of time.

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?

If I went back anywhere, I'd probably f*** something up, but if I had to go, I'd go back to Aztec Mexico. I've just always found that fascinating.

Have you ever met any celebrities?

Sammy Sosa and Steve Martin.

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?

Not fail.

How did you find YCM?

Friend: Hey look at this joke card!
Me: That's f***ing stupid.
*gets on later that night*

How did you come up with your username?

Jesse rhymes with Smeshy, take off the y you get Smesh.
And I'm a Metallitard.

Why did you decide to join YCM?

I wanted to win contests and schtuff.

Which sections are you mostly active in?

Eh...General, Clubs, Polls, Music...Used to worship RC and CC but I realized I'm not that great at cardmaking. ._.

Who is your best friend in YCM?

I dunno. Maybe FTW, Composer, or Starrk.

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?

Make contests more enjoyable and lock topics that need locking. I'd try to be all MarbleZone-ish.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?

I'm fine knowing people off the internet. xD
Any of my friends really.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?

I want to make an archetype for RC sometime, but I never finish. Dx

Do you think you are famous in YCM?

Yeah, kinda sorta.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?

leave Be remembered I guess.

eing nominated for Contest mod is an honor on here. If you are made Mod, how would you improve the contest section and what do you hope to accomplish? What is your overall highest goal of being a Mod?

It was an unofficial nomination, and it probably won't happen for a long while or ever, because I really don't have a great knowledge of YGO and don't intend to learn.
But like I said, I would lock spammy contests, try to keep order, and post and stick contest events regularly.
If I were a Mod, my main goal would be to somehow improve 1v1's so the forum becomes more active, and just more fun.

You mentioned "be remembered" as a goal for YCM. How do you plan on being remembered? Would you prefer to be remembered famously or infamously and why?

FOREVAR. Lol, nah, but just leave some sort of mark on YCM. If the mark I left is good, cool, if the mark I left was being a dumbass, haters gonna hate. xD

As one of the more well known members of YCM, what advice do you have for new members that have recently joined or just joined? How do you think YCM has improved in your time here? How do you think YCM could improve?

Start out in RC, cause that's more than likely what most people sign up for. Take advice, ignore trolls, and get better. Then become more social.
Eh. It hasn't really improved or gotten worse imo.
If we had active admins that would just be great.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Fusion X. Denver (19/4/11)]What is your first name?
Where were you born?
The cleanest place on Earth:
New Jersey

What's your real age?
Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
I have a sister 2 years younger than me.
What is your favorite color?
Blue, red, mainly blue though.
What is your favorite food?
Toss-up between pizza, ramen and chocolate.
What is your favorite drink?
Water. Soda can flow down the drain.
Lol, it's a pu-

What is your favorite sport?
Yeah, I don't really do sports .-.
I like watching baseball (surprise) and football though.

What are your favorite sweets?
What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Fox's Animation Domination block and South Park is it really.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
Toss-up between DBZ and Naruto

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
The 60's. I'd lol at my parents' younger selves and experience Woodstock hands-on.
Oh, and seeing movies for a quarter is beastly.

Have you ever met any celebrities?
Bon Jovi, Def Leppard, Jesse McCartney, 2004 Boston Red Sox (AND Johnny Pesky), Lionel Ritchie, apparently 3rd Phase (anyone remember that band? Me neither), possibly more.
Side note of interest: My dad's met more than triple that amount.

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
To become successful, mainly.
Get a good job.
Raise a close, loving family.
Live comfortably.
Turn my fanfic into something the general public would actually enjoy and publish it.

How did you find YCM?
One day, I was at BlackSkullCortez's house (IRL friend on here) and I saw a Sonic YGO card on his laptop. I asked what was up with that and he showed me the cardmaker. After messing around with the cardmaker for a while, I posted some cards in Pop Culture and haven't left since.
How did you come up with your username?
At first, I was notdointhis16 (answer behind that is in my bio).
When I found out we could get name changes, I asked to be FusionXD. Fusion's one of my favorite words (thank you Fusion Dance) and the XD sounded cool (...noob logic is noob logic, but it worked for me >.>).
As for the "X. Denver", I went on Twitter one day, came up with "FusionXDenver" for a username, and gave up after 2 minutes. Then I made the change here.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
To make cards.
And to talk to my friend Cortez, who never answers his cell phone, nor has a facebook.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
General and FanFic. Pop Culture and Contests were on that list, but...yeah sleep.gif
Who is your best friend in YCM?
Other close friends are Hayate Ayasaki, El Make (gone, never forgotten), Ultimate Assassin Ninjew, Zetsubou Black, and a ton of others.

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
I just want Reputation and My Content back, seriously.
If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
I want to meet all of you because I love you ;D [/creeper]
Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
Finish my fanfic, first of all. After that, I'll do random one-shots within that fic's continuity while developing a 2nd story to heavily invest my time in. After that, I'm working with Enzax Aito to make an awesome YMB3 for everyone to enjoy.
And of course, leave.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
Just in General, might not even be that famous there either.
What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
Form everlasting friendships (done for some already).
Leave a mark here? Nah, that's too pathetic of a goal out of the question.

u talked about finishing your fan fic, entitled "Trio of DEF". How did you come up with the idea for it? How do you think it has changed since you first began? What do you hope to accomplish at the end of it?
One day, I was joking around with my friends DL (Hayate) and El in our club, Akatsuki of YCM. DL's fanfic or something of that nature was what we were discussing and we jokingly said there should be a fic of us. At some other point, someone said the three of us were like a trio, named DEF initializing our names. We then began to refer to ourselves as such for a short time and DL said when he finished his fic, he'd probably write that.
I basically gave into temptation and wrote 2 chapters because I felt like it. I posted them, and after receiving positive feedback, I continued it. A whole school year later, I'm in the midst of writing the final arc. Kinda funny how it randomly started when I think about it.
It changed a LOT. I originally wanted to do an "ordinary life" take to YCM, like a typical high school story or something along those lines. And then, when I made a decision to completely transform the story into something more action-oriented, the boundaries of reality were shattered and I found myself writing a story set amongst (don't highlight if you don't wanna be spoiled) a world dominated by an evil dictator and his legion of doom.
At the end of the fic, I want people to have enjoyed the story through and through. That's all I need.

You mentioned the Reputation and My Content issues that have been the backbone to many threads about improving the forum. How has the removal of these affected you personally? How do you think it has affected the forum overall. Why would YCMaker remove them?
I have, in several places I think.
The removal's not staggeringly inconvenient, but it's inconvenient nonetheless.
First of all, I've received a few negs within the recent past. I have no idea why and have no means to find out how. What if I hurt someone's feelings or misunderstood a rule? I won't know and learn from it because I can't find it. Plus, there are noobs and noobish members who can abuse the neg system, I've seen one HEAVILY abuse it by negging my friend several times over in a thread by negging posts buried in the earlier pages where no one would look. Overall, I think it's made some people feel the same as me, everyone else doesn't care one bit. But I don't think I've ever seen anybody APPROVE the removal.
As for My Content, it's a vital problem in need of fixing. The vast majority of the website agrees this is a serious issue and it's been unresolved for months. Sure, we get along fine without it, but not bothering to fix a helpful convenience like that is pretty irritating since it can be easily fixed if YCMaker or FP sets aside some time and makes the fix.
And if it's NOT easy, they haven't told us that or even acknowledged the issue. I'm grateful to them for YCM and keeping the site going and stuff, but when the majority of the community is crying for changes, they need to be acknowledged at the very least.

You have met a fair amount of celebrities already as it is. What did you think of them overall? Has meeting them inspired you at all? Why or why not? Who else would you like to meet and why?
Bon Jovi-Whole band are a bunch of nice guys. My Dad and Jovi go way back, he's a down-to-earth guy and I feel privileged to have met him. He and his band are really awesome musicians and deserve to be regarded amongst the greatest.
And swimming in his pool was cool too.
Def Leppard-Same as Bon Jovi, I got into their music after hearing them for the first time at one of their concerts. They were cool to talk to too.
Jesse McCartney-I met him back when he was in a boy band called Dream Street, don't know if anyone remembers them. He was like 14, kinda nice I guess. I only really remember Chris Truesdale though (the "leader"), he even called my little sister on her 6th birthday. They had a bad break-up, but the 5 were chill when I knew them.
2004 Red Sox-They were just cool. Got baseballs signed from most of the team. David Ortiz was friendly, my Dad actually got David Wells' cell number, Johnny Damon was cool before he became a traitorous jerk, Manny was alright too before he turned out like Damon, and Johnny Pesky was one of the coolest old geezers I've ever met. My Dad kept calling him Mr. Pesky and that it was an honor to meet him, he kept answering, "It's Johnny, it's Johnny!" xD
Third Phase-Don't remember them much, aside that they were nice to the adorable little 7 year old that despised loud noises backstage.
Lionel Ritchie-My Dad randomly took me to a radio station when we were driving home from MA to meet him. He was doing a recording session and when he was done, he came out and greeted me all friendly-like, I could tell he was genuinely interested in meeting me and was a good-hearted guy. I also feel privileged to have met him.
I guess they all inspired me by showing that it's possible to achieve stardom without turning into dickwads. And that reaching your dreams isn't impossible.
If I could meet anyone...I'd want to meet Chuck Norris Seth McFarlane.
Why? Not just because he created the funniest show on TV (inb4familyguysucksandisn'tfunnybecauseitshumorisrepetitiveandimmatureandunoriginalandstupidandblabbityblah) but because of his talent in voice acting.
I've tried experimenting with voices a lot in my recent years, I think I have a decent Zapp Brannigan and Barney impression, I want to see what he would think and if he had any advice on that. Even if people hate his work, you can't deny he has talent.

[spoiler=MarbleZone (25/4/11)]What is your first name?

Starts with N. The rest sounds much too weird to divulge and keep any credibility. tongue.gif

Where were you born?

Lisbon, Portugal.

What's your real age?


Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?

One younger brother, Luis.

What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite food?

Don't really have one... Big fan of salmon, for instance.

What is your favorite drink?

Lemon-verbena tea, lemon iced tea, 7-Up.

What is your favorite sport?


What are your favorite sweets?

Guylian chocolates.

What are your favorite T.V. programs?

House, Bones, Lie to Me.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?

FullMetal Alchemist, Code Geass, Prince of Tennis.

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?

Happy where I am. If anything, I'd travel 10 years back in time. But not to be a total buzzkill, I'd also like to go back to the late 1400's/early 1500's, when the Discoveries were in full motion and Portugal was one of the the most powerful and prosper nations in Europe (and the world, by extent).

Have you ever met any celebrities?


What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?

Above all, settle down with my girlfriend and marry, do my share in providing her the life she deserves. Become a competent doctor in whatever field I end up in. Raise a child properly.

How did you find YCM?

DJ Osiris posted some cards on a Pokemon forum I used to go to, I asked him how he made them and he told me about the site.

How did you come up with your username?

It's not exactly a creation of my own, is it? But it was my favourite level of the very first videogame I played, and I'm the nostalgic type, so I went with it.

Why did you decide to join YCM?

Mostly for the card maker. Still the main reason I come online, to be honest, the community has never been the main point of attraction for me. But registering was the only way I could save cards online, and considering they were in bitmap format back then, saving them in the computer took a lot of space.

Which sections are you mostly active in?

General, pretty much. I browse TCG frequently, but don't feel inclined to post.

Who is your best friend in YCM?


If you became a mod how could you help YCM?

Don't think this one applies wink.gif

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?

Opalmoon, my one friend in the community.
Crab Helmet, for being one of the most interesting members on the forum.
2sick4u, although I think he's been inactive for a while, also seemed to have a head on his shoulders, yet didn't come across as conceited or arrogant, which is a refreshing sight around here.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?

Unfortunately, can't say I have any at the moment. I'm taking a semi-hiatus from YCM this semester, as college work will be intense until late July, so I really can't commit to that sort of creative thinking.
In all honesty though, I've never been too good at it to begin with, PikaPerson, Yin and Opal are much better at coming up with activities and events.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?

Nowadays, relatively so, due to my current status. Until last July, 3/4 of the site had probably never heard of me - as you can tell by my post count, I'm not a very active member, even if I do log in nearly every day.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?

I don't really have any; becoming mod was never one to begin with, I guess I'm just around to have fun as I've always been.
A big personal victory would be convincing YCMaker to implement several changes that I and the majority of the staff have been requesting for months (some of them, years).
Individual mod work is relatively straightforward and I've been getting fewer complaints as of late, so I must've gotten the hang of it, but I'm always open to criticism, so any future improvements will hopefully come from the members' input.

Being a mod must be an interesting experience. How do you feel now that you are a fairly established mod? Why do you feel that way? What are your goals as a mod and how do you plan on accomplishing said goals?

I was the kind of guy that filled reports after reports. I've never posted much, but I browsed General a lot, and it didn't have a dedicated mod so the section was a heck of a mess. Being a mod is a way to make a much more effective contribution to the site I've been a part of for over 3 years now, so it's rewarding in itself.
My current goals are to keep General as organized as possible, not necessarily through more rules, but by changing behaviours. I've gotten more people to send reports, and discussions on touchy subjects have been more mature recently, so even if I had little to do with it, I'm intent on keeping things on the right track.

YCM has certainly changed over the years. What changes do you think were for the better? For the worse? What would you like to see changed and why?

Oh, don't get me started tongue.gif
I feel the community was "better" in 2007/8. The whole approach to being respected was different, as card making was the focal point and the big names around were mostly awesome card makers. Being friendly worked fine, so the whole atmosphere was different. Of course, I was never big on Graphics, RP or those other sections, so I don't know how people behaved there, but the hotspot of the site was CC and it was certainly pleasant.

The biggest attempt at improvement since 2007 (or, at least, the most significant one) was the migration to IPBoard. It brought a lot of new features, so I can see it as an improvement for the overall community. However, as a mod, I liked the way tools worked in MYBB a lot better, and as a member I have no interest in the Status Feed, profile comments or any other feature, so the change was actually for the worse, but it's purely a matter of opinion.
Obviously, as long as the card maker is updated to keep up with the TCG, it'll be serving it's purpose, but the fact that a lot of user-created templates produce better results suggests some tweaks would be welcome to the engine - admittedly, the only actual improvement to the card maker since I joined was the removal of holo effects (don't worry if you weren't around back then; they sucked terribly).

As for changes I'd like to see, mainly fixes to the mod tools. I think that, as a forum, it works well, and provides more than many other forums I've been a part of. However, I've also seen other sites that make much better use of IPBoard, so it's impossible not to wonder why some things are missing.

Post quality is something that's hard to change. Would I like to see more meaningful, interesting posts in General? Of course, it's near brain-dead at the moment. Would I like to see more mature, respectful Debates taking place? Certainly, it had become my favourite place before I left for nearly a year.
But between the forum's demographic, and the fact you really can't forbid people from posting uninteresting stuff, it's wishful thinking to believe I can "guide" 13-year-olds into keeping up with the older members.
Perhaps a joint effort can save Debates, but General is, unfortunately, serving its primary purpose - talking about anything. If older members (myself included) start contributing with interesting discussions more regularly though, perhaps we can revive General as well. Here's to hoping.

And instead of going into the tons of fixes that need to happen backstage, I'll bring it down to one: we need serious changes regarding the administration. Because it's pointless to suggest new mods, features, fixes or anything else that is beyond our direct control, if the people who do have the power to put our plans into motion are, for all intents and purposes, ghosts.

You mentioned being in college. What do you think of being a college student? Is it better or worse than high school and why? What is your opinion of all the payments you have to make?

College is bliss once you're integrated. I've actually been living the best years of my life in college, in part because I didn't make the most of it in high school, but also because I'm finally having classes exclusively about stuff I actually care about. Adding to that, at 22 I'm pretty much your own man, and I get to do things I didn't even dream of asking my parents when I was younger.
Sure, it's very demanding, and "school life" is ending just next year, but college for me has been a great way to close the cycle.

As for the fees... they're heavy. 1000 euros each year hurts (I understand fees are much higher in more developed countries, but Portugal is the bottom of the civilization barrel wink.gif), and several people have to rely on need-based scholarships to continue studying. Luckily my family can provide that money without suffering too much. I understand it's a necessary investment, but it's been proven that the current value demanded per student is much higher than it really needed to be. It's an ongoing battle with the government, hopefully by the time my brother enters college we'll have accomplished something with the struggle.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Mikhail Nekem'evič Tal (25/4/11)]What is your first name?
Alfred. Named after a dead relative, nothing special. My surname is an extremely rare one though.

Where were you born?
I was born on Christmas Day in 1996 in a hospital in South London. That day was the last White Christmas in South London.

What's your real age?
Fourteen, nearing fifteen. I am very small in stature (about 5ft or so), but I have a very deep voice and reasonable muscles.

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
Jean, 10, Martha (Step), 17, Alice (Step), 20, Ava (Half), 3, Leonard (Half), 1.
As you can probably tell, my parents divorced and both remarried! My step-father already had kids from another relationship but my step-mother and biological father had more kids. I get on well with all of them, surprisingly.

What is your favorite color?
Pink. I was very open about it too, until I discovered in Year 1 (American Grade 2, I think) that kids started teasing me and calling me a fag. I changed it to red, but pink is still my favourite colour.

What is your favorite food?
Probably a good medium-rare fillet steak, or a brisket/chuck/short-rib burger. I dislike food as a whole. I eat a lot of unhealthy food yet due to something (perhaps a high metabolism or lots of exercise) I never get fat. I remain very skinny. I have built up more muscle mass in the past year so I'm not underweight any more, but I still doubt that it will help much. I barely have any body fat at all.

What is your favorite drink?
You Americans have great soft drinks, one must say. Coke Vanilla, Mountain Dew...such a variety. One has always preferred a different beverage - tea.

What is your favorite sport?
Again, another thing you Americans won't have heard of - Rugby. It is similar to American football in the respect that it involves strong men running with a diamond-shaped ball except that no padding is worn and no safety equipment is worn (expect mouth guards and the occasional foam helmet, though no one expect players with previous skull injuries wear helmets). You have to make the ball touch the ground after passing the try line (I think the End Zone is what Americans call it) instead of just running past it.

What are your favorite sweets?

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Probably Question Time and Have I Got News For You.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
I'm not much of an Anime and Manga fan, though I would probably have to say Death Note.

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
To the 1930s during Prohibition/Depression-era Jazz. I'm a massive Jazz fan and a Jazz pianist, so it would be amazing.

Have you ever met any celebrities?
Quite a few, actually. Jamie Oliver, lots of football players, Renee Zellweger.

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
Have a successful medical career, go far in Politics and become a teacher in later life.

How did you find YCM?
I searched up "Yugioh Card Maker" on google when I was about nine or ten. I made cards for about two years before actually joining.

How did you come up with your username?
My original username (metal_gear_solid_alf) was actually a weird choice as I only really played the early titles (Metal Gear, for instance). I only really used said name because it had not already been used. I then went through lots of variations on my first name (Alfred), before settling on Mikhail Tal, the name of my second favourite Chess player (after Tigran Vartanovich Petrosian). Tal was a genius - he was the greatest attacking Chess player in history. He could produce an attack out of nothing and had a phenomenal creative mind. He was a heavy drinker and smoker, though, so he died reasonably young. A tragedy. I see him as a hero because he spent his life doing what he did in Chess - trying to reach the impossible, an endless quest for speed. He prized happiness and glory over longevity and health. Sad romantics like me will never achieve what he did.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
To get feedback on cards. Of course, that's not my reason for staying here, but I was littler at the time.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Original it was Realistic Cards and Games. Then it gravitated to Showcase, where I stayed for a bit over a year doing GFX and CnC. I moved again to General, where I became more well known. Around the same time I started posting in TCG, which I still do to this day. In the past few months I rekindled my love for the Written Cards section, which I believe to be the best on the site. Now I consider myself most active in General, Written and TCG.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
I'm not sure. I don't really know anyone I could consider friends. Almost everyone I know well here I consider a friendly acquaintance, but I haven't had a close friend on YCM since Jesus (AkizaInsinski, former Your Deck/TCG regular). He helped me to build decks and we chatted a lot. Nice guy.

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
I'd push for democracy more fervently than before.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
Dark, Seattleite, Darkthorne (Draco, Wahrheit) and Manjoume Thunder. The former because we have very common interests (both pianists, both video game enthusiasts), Seattleite because I want to see if his demeanour is really that unpredictable, Darkthorne because having someone with similar political ambitions to talk to is always a good thing for a socially inept posh kid like me and Manjoume because I only have one IRL troll friend.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
The Democracy Project. I've been keeping it going to years and it's seen a revival in the past few months. I'm not sure if it'll ever happen, but ruling it out - not yet.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
Reasonably so.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
Democracy. Who knows? Maybe one day it might happen.

You mentioned the word "democracy" several times, including "The Democracy Project". What is this project and its purpose? Why are you so fervent to complete it? In what way do you hope it affects YCM?
Forums at heart are not...politically correct governing systems, they are fascist dictatorships. This place is a graveyard of privacy. People need to have the right to have a say anywhere. Isn't that the point of the internet, to offer freedom of speech and expression, to allow you to speak openly without fear of censorship?

YCM has certainly changed a lot over the years. How have these changes been for the better? For the worse? What do you think still needs to be done and why?
Democracy and freedom of expression are important to start with, but it is unlikely that they will happen soon. The changes have varied - some recent ones (like moderators becoming more infatuated with the idea of a democracy or Draco's reprimand) have been brilliant. We are making progress, however, there is still much corruption and a lot of oppression of opposition to the norm. These changes are good, but they aren't that significant yet.

It seems that the world lately has been going through numerous tragedies, whether it is the lasting effects of the earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan or the Gulf Coast oil spill that happened a year ago or even whatever may befall us tomorrow. What is your opinion on the ever going "battle" between mankind and nature? Why?
This seems out of tune with the other questions, but I'll give it a shot. Natural disasters have been happening since the beginning of time, whether it be stars colliding or volcanoes erupting, something has always happened. We know that nature is majestic, we know that despite our technological and social advances, nature still has the power to wreck the world. We know this, but every time a disaster happens someone says it. Nature is like an insufferable genius. Imagine nature as Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory. Nature knows it is brilliant, and doesn't mind telling everyone about it (Sheldon does this by being an idiot to people, nature does this by killing people). But like Sheldon, nature is brilliant. It is very powerful and does many great things. And like Sheldon's friends ("friends") and employers, we have to put up with the bad because the good is so good.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=♪♫Crystal Star♫♪ (25/4/11)]What is your first name?
The name's Nikki

Where were you born?
Melbourne, Australia. Should be specific enough.

What's your real age?
11, turning 12 in a bit less than 2 months from now.

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
I've got a sister and a brother. Not supposed to say their names so yeah.

What is your favorite color?
Blue and Green all the way

What is your favorite food?
Coffee Cake and Barbecue Shapes. Nomnom

What is your favorite drink?
Coke. Nuff said.

What is your favorite sport?
Soccer, but if Athletics counts then Athletics all the way.

What are your favorite sweets?
Lolipops and Milky Ways

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Letters and Numbers, Who's Line is it anyway (USA Version) and The Big Bang Theory.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
Inuyasha, 07 Ghost and Pokemon. And Yu-Gi-Oh.

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
I'd go back to around 50BC, so I could tell Vercingetorix he was a noob when deciding what to do when he fought the Romans. I have better judgement then he did anyway. Plus Celts are AWESOME

Have you ever met any celebrities?
Not that I know of.

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
I wanna become a world famous author, for a start. But I also wanna be a famous long distance hurdler and singer. ^^

How did you find YCM?
I was watching Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds and decided I wanted to make my own cards. So I looked up Yugioh Card Maker and google and BAM. I have arrived.

How did you come up with your username?
Back in the newb days, I wanted to make a deck focusing on Black Diamonds, because they are cool. So I called myself Black Diamond Duelist. Ugh. My next name, Obsidan, was thought up by Jolta. I simply spelt it wrong ^^* Then my current name was part of the name of a character I created on Serebii. Yah.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
I saw there was a forum and I'm look "woot! FORUM! Yay!" ........yeah

Which sections are you mostly active in?
To begin with it was only RPs. But then I drifted over to Clubs recently, and thats where you'll find my nowadays.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
That's tough. I don't usually interact with my friends, but t me it's Solicity and Miki. Miki because I've known him for a while, and the same for Solicity. ^^

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
I dunno. I'd inforce rules like mods do, help the newbs, and stuffz. Just what most mods do. ^^

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
It'd be my friends Miki and Solicity, because they've been my friends for some time.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
Not really. I'm too lazy to stick to more than one project or plan at a time.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
No. I'm only relatively newby, after all. Most people only know me because we're either in a club together, or we've RPed togther. But it's a nice thought bubble.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
Well, I wanna be a 6 star member. Yay. I wanna get a lotta reps. Yay. I wanna be a famous member. Yay.

Why do you wish to complete those particular goals on YCM?
Well, becoming a 6 star member would prove I'm no longer the newb I once was, to me personally. Staying long enough to acheive that makes me think I've imporved in personal ways.
Now, I know reps are un-important to most, but they also kinda say how many people you've been nice too, helped, and just been helpful and the like. As such, to me, losts of reps means I've been nice to lots of people.
And the last thing.... Kinda self explanatory isn't it? I want to be well-known because then people actually know who I am and might treat me well. Not that anyone has treated me badly or anything...

What do you think of YCM today? How do you think it could improve? Why? What do you think should stay the same and why?
Hmmn... This is tough.
YCM is OK. Yeah, it's annoying because of YCMaker's almost perpetual absense, and because of the usual stuff ups with My Content and Search. But it's still a great place. Of course, seeing as I joined just after the move, I wouldn't know what the old YCM was like.
So basically, there's not much I would want to change about YCM. Except maybe getting the rep tab people speak of back. That was pretty useful, so i could tell who repped me and where. But, like I said, I like YCM the way it is. ^^

You said that you had yet to meet any celebrities. Who would you like to meet? Why? What kind of affect do you think such a meeting would have on you, or how do you feel it would inspire you?
.....That's REALLY tough....
Well, I don't know really. If authors of little known books count as a form of celebrity, then I got a dozen I wanna meet, because they wrote my favorite books. Meeting them, they could probably give me author tips on how to finish my stories, and get publishers to take me seriously.
If authors DON'T count as celebrities........... There isn't really anyone I want to meet. I wouldn't mine meeting one of my favorite singers, Jena Lee, but I probably wouldn't understand what she says (Jena Lee is a french singer, just so you know) But meeting her could get me some singing tips. Like I said, I want to be a singer, so that'd be really helpful.

You mentioned your newb days. How do you feel you have grown since then? Do you feel you can grow even more, and if so how? If not why?
I've felt I've grown a lot. To begin with, I was your normal newb, making OPed or UPed cards and thinking they were amazing. Now I RP like a pro, and my actual behavior outside of YCM has improved a lot. When I joined, I was a tantrum infested kids, throwing hissy fits because some said my last name wrong. Now, if someone starts bullying the living daylights outta me, I don't even care.
Of course I could still grow even more. I'm just not sure how. The way I grew up by being on YCM was a slow success. I didn't even notice I was getting more mature until some things happened IRL. So yeah.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Rarity (25/4/11)]What is your first name?
It happens to be Philipp, but the majority of my friends just call me Fen. Or in the case of irl/Josh, Phil.

Where were you born?
In a land far, far away. (Caracas, Venezuela.)

What's your real age?
15. I know, shocking.

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
I have eight siblings, five of them passed away. Now before you go "Holy s***, eight siblings?!", seven of them are dogs. I see them more as brothers and sisters than pets, given I grew up around them. I also have a younger sister but why the hell would i disclose her name you sick freaks

What is your favorite color?
Grey and black with a tinge of dark blue.

What is your favorite food?
I can't really answer this question considering I am a fan of lots of different food. Pizza... Empanadas... Schnitzel... Sushi?! I can't really decide. >__<

What is your favorite drink?
Same as above, although I can probably just narrow it down to Ginger Ale.

What is your favorite sport?
To watch or actually participate in? To watch I'd have to say football(soccer), to participate in I'd go with fencing. It gets your heart pumping and nothing is more satisfying than landing a good parry.

What are your favorite sweets?
Those German chocolate eggs with little toys inside. :3

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Don't watch much TV in all honesty. I used to be a big fan of Monk.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
Eh... Anime wise I'll go with Darker Than Black, Manga wise I'll stick with Pokemon Adventures. Although I'm really not that much of a fan of anime/manga.

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
I would visit the Cretaceous era and ride some dinosaurs for a bit, cause why not? Granted I'd probably get horribly mauled but I'll take my chances.

Have you ever met any celebrities?

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?

How did you find YCM?
A close friend of mine showed it to me.

How did you come up with your username?
Since I'm planning to change back to Fenrir, I don't see the need to explain my current one.

After a few months on YCM, I decided I needed a more 'permanent' name. Something that stood out. I recalled an interesting myth on a wolf that ate the hand of a God, after doing some research I figured out it was called Fenrisulfr. It was also known as Fenrir however so I merely shortened it and added Herald. I was known as Fenrir's Herald for a bit.

Then I got lazy and just shortened it again.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
I was interested in the card maker so I decided to join so I could save them. After a bit of browsing through the forums I decided, "Why not?" and began posting there. Then one thing led to another and yeah...

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Fan-Fiction/Roleplaying. I tend to lurk in General/Video Games as well.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
Eh. This is hard to answer.

I've never felt particularly close to just one person, rather, I have a multitude of exceptionally good friends. To single out just one seems a bit silly, they all have their quirks and I consider all of them important. So instead I'll just list out my close friends~

Josh (Icyblue
Matt (Shadius)
Charlie (Umbra)
Leo (Ice)
Nexev (Pinkie Pie)
Proto (Fluttershy)
Revenant Black

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
If anything I'll give the RP section a wake-up slap and then clean it up. Otherwise what else? I would just mod whatever section I'm supposed to mod. icon_neutral.gif

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?

Josh and I would probably spend the day fighting. Matt and I would just chill. Nothing else to it.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
Eh, there's nothing I could add to YCM. I have "Dark and Fenrir's Generally Wasting Time Fan-Fic Review Thread". Besides that, nothing. Truthfully if I had an extremely interesting RP or story or whatever, I would save it for a different site.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
I am a 'veteran', but I am not 'famous'.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
If anything, maybe give my magnum opus a restart. (lolmagnumopus)

Your magnum opus seems to be a case of res ipsa loquitur (lollawexpressions), but please elaborate. How would you "restart" it and why? What is it? How would you improve upon this time around?

My 'magnum opus' was a very old RP. Well... I can't really call it that anymore. It's an 'elaborate' setting for a RP/Story/RPG. It was called NWO and as the acronym implies, it involved conspiracy theories and crafting them into a humorous and interesting story. It involved Eldritch vikings, Egyptian dragons, reptilian men in black and more. Sadly while the thought put into it was quite a lot, we (Davok and I, the creators.) did not write down all of it. We were like MMO Developers, we though of an epic idea and half assed it into something much less epic. It ended up 'dying' as an RP a few weeks later. I still have everything saved in hopes of eventually putting it all together and finishing it up.

You mentioned giving a "wake-up slap" to RPs and "cleaning them up". What do you feel needs to be done and why? How can the quality of RPs be improved on YCM? What do you feel is the best method of going about this and why?

Let me rephrase myself; it wouldn't be so much as a wake-up slap, but more of the second portion of a double-slap. In terms of cleaning them up, have you seen the announcements left on that forum? You have to scroll down half a page to read anything. -__-

For the slapping part, well, let's just say the RP forum's members aren't very keen on change.

A year ago (It could have been a bit less, my memory is foggy) there was a huge argument regarding the advanced clause, which set a rule on how short your posts could be. The majority of the RP forum was against it but Rinne and Umbra still made it official. A few months after that and hey! No more complaints. This was the wake-up slap that the RP forum needed, but it's not enough to improve the quality.

At the moment, the majority of the RPs there are very, very bad. "But Fenrir, they follow the advanced clause rule!" Well just because people stopped bitching about it and started following it, doesn't mean their RPs are any less terrible. There are a lot of rehashed plots or just badly thought out ones, and all of them either something related to YGO or Pokemon. While that isn't necessarily bad, no one ever bothers to try something new, or put some effort into it besides "plot, application, c/p'd rules". You can't actually improve in that section, you have to realize your mistakes yourself and improve on them. No one really 'critiques' RPs as one would critique a card.

If you try to improve the section, you're met with b'awwing and whining.

Personally, if I was RP mod, I would push for an approval system. Just so the RPers can see how it's like on other, much stricter sites. Maybe there would actually be some improvement there.

Being a "veteran" of YCM, how do you feel this place has changed for the better? For the worse? What needs to be fixed and why?
Obligatory YCMaker needs to be active.

It's really opinionated. There are quite a few members that think it's going downhill, a few that think it's going uphill, and others that think nothing is really changing. Sure, members leave and go, but that's about it.

YCM, or when you think about it, the entire internet, has in many ways brought the world closer together, but in many ways has divided people even further. Why do you think that is? How do you think this could change in say 20 years?

You are given the opportunity to communicate with various people of various age, race, status, and what not from around the world. Obviously there will be good and bad consequences from this. Change in a few years? I don't really think so. :/

The internet is, afterall, the internet.

But hey, I'm just some random 15 yr old, what do I know?[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Nukyasu 26/4/11)]What is your first name?

Where were you born?
New South Wales, Australia.

What's your real age?
13, and 5 Months.

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
I have no full blood siblings.
I do have 2 half blood brothers, and 6 half blood sisters.

What is your favorite color?
I'd have to say gold, mainly because since I was a child, I always liked the shininess.

What is your favorite food?
Chicken and Mushroom Casserole.

What is your favorite drink?
Chocolate Milk/Cherry Moutain Dew.

What is your favorite sport?
Either Rugby League or AFL.

What are your favorite sweets?
This is a hard one...Well, I guess I'd have to go with Terrys Chocolate Orange.

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
Real: Supernatural.
Anime: Dragonball Z.
Cartoon: Family Guy.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
As said above, Dragonball Z.
As for Manga, I'd have to say the 'Yugioh: Duelist' series is my favourite.

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
I'd want to see what the Jurassic Period is like, but I fear it'd be too dangerous.
I guess I'd go back to when the Egyptians were building the Pyramids. I've always been fascinated in Egypt, ever since I was 7.

Have you ever met any celebrities?
Umm...I have met a small band called Kid Courageous. That's about all.

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
My main one would definetely have to be getting a job at Nintendo or Microsoft.
To get better at Graphic Design.
Have a kid. (This is serious, and not just for the fact I want sex =\)

How did you find YCM?
In 2007, when I was 9, I really wanted to make my own cards. After a long time of using the card maker, I decided to check out the forums. It was fun, so I stayed here.

How did you come up with your username?
Well, I was a big fan of the Newcastle Knights. So, my first original name was newcasidy12. I'm not sure why the 'idy12' was there, but it was mainly because I like the Newcastle NRL team.

Eventually, a few months after I joined, I decided to get it changed to Nukyasu, because it sounded more Japanese but also kept its Newcastle feeling.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
It had a very easy-to-use, and fun cardmaker. I loved it.
When I saw the forums and started posting, everyone was nice and accepted me, although my grammar was terrible back then.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Well, over a quarter of my posts are in Shops, but I tend to stay away from there these days. Either Showcase or Clubs/Organisations.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
Although he isn't active very much, I'd definetely have to say Reece. (Frunk) It seems like a lot of people dislike him these days, but when I first joined, he was one of my good friends, and we have talked, and I have joined his forums, for about 4 years now.
Although, Lopunny (Not sure of her name now), was a really fun friend to talk to. She was nice, compasionate, and funny. I miss her because we haven't spoken for a long time, but she was a really good friend to me.

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
I'd definetely be happy to check a lot of new posts for spam and the like, aswell as look after the newer members.
There isn't a lot much to add, mainly because I don't think I'll ever get mod, so yeah.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
I'd have to choose Reece. (Frunk) Mainly because he doesn't live too far away from me, and he seems like a cool guy to be around IRL.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
Definetely. If my RolePlay thread gets any replies, I'd be happy to make it, and hopefully grow it into something big.
I also want my Minecraft club to kick off, and then recruit some members for a project I'm working on.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
No, not famous.
I was infamous back in mid '08, but now I guess everyone has forgot about me/the people who do remember me aren't active anymore.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
Definetely to become a Moderator. I've always wanted that.
But, with my withering activity (although getting better), I doubt I'd be chosen. And the fact I was banned for a bit over 2 years also makes it unlikely.

I also want to get a the best RP on YCM. Mainly because an RP I hosted once got 610 posts in 5 days, so I am really hoping to get that RP up and running again.

So, thankyou to all of you who did read my interview, and I hope you found it interesting.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Anbu-of-Sand (26/4/11)]What is your first name?

Where were you born?
British Columbia / Canada

What's your real age?

Do you have any siblings (if yes what are their names)?
10 year old named Michael Ian, or just Michael. My parents call him Ian, but I call him Teen and he calls me Teen. (To those who wonder why: He couldn't pronounce my full name when he was young, so he called me just Teen, which is just the 'Tin' part of my name pronounced as Teen and not well, Tin. I ended up calling him that too, and now it's just not right when we call each other from our actual names).

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite food?
Ehhh....I'd say, Pizza and Egg / Spring Rolls. So many too choose from though ;_;

What is your favorite drink?
I'd say Ice Tea or an Ice Cappuccino

What is your favorite sport?
Basketball and Hockey I guess. I dabble in Tennis.

What are your favorite sweets?
Too many to choose from, so I'll say Gum.

What are your favorite T.V. programs?
SO MANY DAMN CHOICES!!1! I'll say Spongebob though, tis childhood favorite.

What is your favorite Anime & Manga?
I'd say Yugioh (go figure) and Pokemon for Anime. I dabble in Naruto and whatnot though. Don't read manga.

If you could go back in time to any time period, where would you go and why?
Make that period(s), then any part of my life where I screwed up big time. Otherwise, I'm not sure.

Have you ever met any celebrities?
Not any that I can think of.

What goals do you hope to accomplish in real life?
Just the usual / stereotypical; have a family, great house, great job, etc. etc.

How did you find YCM?
Well, I use to play Gaia Online. In the Gaia Forums there was a Yugioh Thread by Jazin Kay. There was also a Create-a-Card Thread made by him as well I do so believe. Majority of the cards in that thread were written, so I thought I should go on here and make an account / some cards. I then drifted away from Gaia Online, came onto here, and haven't been on Gaia Online since.

How did you come up with your username?
Gaara was my all time favorite Naruto character. He was an Anbu at the time and from the Sand Village. I am also a fan of Chaos (Sorcerer) and Ghost Pokemon, so I may rotate it to Anbu-of-Chaos and Anbu-of-Ghosts here and there, along with a matching Avatar depending on the name at the time.

Why did you decide to join YCM?
At first, I just joined to well, make cards. Then further on when skimming through Realistic Cards, I noticed the Comments n Criticism, Reviews, whatever you may call it, where well, not only bland / not so helpful, but also kinda bad. I then kinda dedicated myself to be at the time, one of the few reviewers who would review frequently and hopefully convince others to do more in-depth reviews. As of now, I've only changed around 4-8 people I do so believe. I may have change / improved more, but have not been told about it.

Which sections are you mostly active in?
Realistic Cards. At first that is. I'm still active in it, but I'm slowly starting to be more active in Yugioh TCG and Clubs and Organizations.

Who is your best friend in YCM?
I don't think I can recall of any being my 'best' friend at the moment, but I do have a lot of friends here.

If you became a mod how could you help YCM?
I'd try to make Custom Cards more fun and active with Events and whatnot. It's been somewhat dead / inactive here and there.

If you could meet anyone in YCM in real life who would it be and why?
Smesh (Metallitard), .Kowalski, Spoon, LiAM, Lovely C.C., and I guess Lieutenant Renji for now. They (were) all very frequent Realisitic Cards Reviewers and Card Makers when I had first join, and are all very good people. Meeting all of them would sure be something. If I had to narrow it down to one person in particular though, I'd have to say .Kowalski. He was one of my first friends on YCM. I have known him since he was Klavier Gavin.

Do you have any current plans or projects for YCM in mind?
As of now, I am making a bunch of Archetypes in Realistic Cards (and maybe Written in the future), but only have two at the moment out of seven or eight done. I plan on making an Archetype for each Attribute, plus another two or so for Chaos Decks. After completing all these Archetypes, I plan on making a super duper awesome Fan Fic that'll have a total of, I guess I'll say 40 Chapters for now using all these Archetypes, along with perhaps some of my YCM Friends and Real Life Friends as bases of the characters. After this Fan Fic finishes, that may be when I leave YCM. That is, if I stay on YCM long enough.

Do you think you are famous in YCM?
Mostly in Realistic Cards for my fantastic Reviews, otherwise, I'm just a normal well-known YCMember.

What goals do you hope to accomplish on YCM?
The previous previous question already answered one, but let me think of some more. I hope to see one day in Realistic Cards every single review / comment (or at the least majority of them) very in-depth, all of those in-depth Reviews being inspired by me. I also have a few more somewhere on my Profile Page such as how many Positive Reps I want, Posts, etc. etc. That's about it for now.

Alright, now for a few follow-up questions ^^. Please be thorough.

You said that if you could go back to any time period, you would go back to places where you "screwed up" and fix them. Why those as compared to something else? How do you feel that this would improve you and/or your environment?
Well for one reason why I would go back to those certain times, is that for some of them I feel they may / can effect me later on in my life. Along with some of those times that could, or I hope not, but will effect other people as well. Of course these times would effect them in a bad way of course. I cannot think of how it would improve the environment around me though. Those are the only reasons I can think of at the moment why I would choose these times over other times.

As a regular member of CC, how do you feel that it could be improved and why? Where should the focus be? What should stay the same and why?
Due to inactivity, I say it needs more events and whatnot. It had has some really good ones in the pass, but would normally die off forgotten. What we need well, is more then one Custom Card / Realistic Card Mod. I can see Icy has a lot of work on and off of YCM to take care of, which makes it difficult for him to think of / be in charge of events to improve and make Realistic Cards / Custom Cards more active as a whole. We also need ways to improve the many newcomers in Custom Cards then just giving Reviews that will either not help them that much, help them (a bit), or scare them off. We need something like a Pinned Tutorial in RC on how to make cards / give Reviews that is made by many well-known Reviewers / Card Makers. There are some Tutorials in the well, Tutorial Section, but seriously, hardly anyone goes to look in there.

The focus? I'm not sure what you mean by this entirely, so I cannot answer this. What should stay the same? I guess most of everything. Nothing as of now is wrong in Custom Cards. Things that should change though is the inactivity, and quality of Reviews / Card Making for sure. The amount of newcomers that post low quality cards / reviews are much higher then the opposite. Newcomers that post high quality cards / reviews even being slimmer.

What draws you to Gaara in particular instead of another character from Naruto or another character in general? Why do you think that is? If not Gaara, who else do you find interesting?
I can't think of any reasons as of now, seeing I haven't watched Naruto for quite some time, so sorry about that. I just really like his mysteriousness along with the way he can control well, sand. I'm somewhat of a sucker for all the Sand Villagers though. Kankuro and Sasori to name a few. I just think Gaara stands out to me when compared to the others.

You mentioned a Fan Fic idea. What is the idea behind it? Is it an original fiction or truly a fan fic based off of an already existing universe of characters? What is the basic plot (without spoiling it, of course)?
The Fan Fic at first was supposed to be based off of a Fan Fic I am currently on, but I have left it to die due to me rushing it and whatnot, leading to various chapters that were there for fillers. I plan on making that Fan Fic just a somewhat long Prologue in this upcoming Fan Fic. The characters like I said, will be based off me, and friends on and off of YCM. The basic plot? Telling you will spoil it as a whole to be honest. I can tell you it is going to be a Yugioh Fan Fic, but I will also tell you it will be like no other, and truly will stand out from the rest.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

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Might I drop by to suggest another approach, the one Halubaris took? Instead of requesting to be interviewed yourselves, why don't you suggest somebody to be featured, and leave it to Odin and FTW to pick among the suggestions? It's less of an ego trip that way, and I'm sure it's much more gratifying to be nominated by someone else. Just a suggestion, it's entirely up to you guys ;)

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[quote name='MarbleZone' timestamp='1299708144' post='5063146']
Might I drop by to suggest another approach, the one Halubaris took? Instead of requesting to be interviewed yourselves, why don't you suggest somebody to be featured, and leave it to Odin and FTW to pick among the suggestions? It's less of an ego trip that way, and I'm sure it's much more gratifying to be nominated by someone else. Just a suggestion, it's entirely up to you guys ;)

Hmm that would actually be a good idea.
Currently everybody who asked for an interview will get one.
From now on you have to ask to interview someone besides yourself.

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If every interview is going to be like the first two, you might want to rethink a few questions or try to make each interview a bit unique. Right now it's really basic, but really you could change it up sometimes to be less bland.

Just a suggestion, though.
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[quote name='The Way of the Garo' timestamp='1299708818' post='5063166']
If every interview is going to be like the first two, you might want to rethink a few questions or try to make each interview a bit unique. Right now it's really basic, but really you could change it up sometimes to be less bland.

Just a suggestion, though.
Actually, this was already brought to my attention. It shall be edited in a bit ^^

[quote name='Tsukasa Hiiragi' timestamp='1299708852' post='5063168']
Couldn't you ask "Do you have any siblings?" instead of making 2 questions for that?
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Questions you need to rethink:

[quote]What is your real [b]FIRST [/b]name?[/quote]
There are idiots out there who will give their full name, which would result in leak of private info.

[quote]Do you have any brothers?
Do you have any sisters? [b]merge?[/b][/quote]
Ya, someone already asked this. No need for 2 questions.

[quote]What is your favorite Anime [b]or Manga[/b]?[/quote]
Gives a more broad selection.

[quote]When did you join YCM?[/quote]
Already found in the user profile. No need to add.

[quote]Who do you think is the most famous member in YCM in your opinion?[/quote]
Not really an interview question since it doesn't tell us much about the person.

[quote]If you could choose anyone for a new mod except yourself who would it be?[/quote]
Same as above, although interesting.

Add more questions!
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[s]Anyone gonna suggest me?D:[/s]

But I have a suggestion for the interviews though, maybe you could vary the questions a bit. I like the ones so far, also the ones that don't say uch about the person and more about the site, but some of them could be a bit more related to the person.
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[quote name='Opalmoon' timestamp='1299711971' post='5063261']
[s]Anyone gonna suggest me?D:[/s]

But I have a suggestion for the interviews though, maybe you could vary the questions a bit. I like the ones so far, also the ones that don't say uch about the person and more about the site, but some of them could be a bit more related to the person.
This. Also, I nominate Opalmo-- nah.
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