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Why do Females fall for a GUY insted of Man? and yet they say they want better.


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This is a topic of which that dicusses why Females fall for GUYS=A$$-HOLES insted of a MAN=GREAT MALE.

Watch the video and answer this.

Why is it a MAN who works hard for his money, knows how to treat a woman right and is well-rounded
keep getting screwed over. girls who are the female version of a guy keep saying things like
it's confidence and that a guy will protect them.
thats a bunch of bull crap! because A man does have plenty of confidence,
just we dont blurt things out like a guy does dont mean we dont speak our minds.
and a MAN will protect his woman but if we do it all the time we get accused of being over-protective.

will somebody help me understand please.

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Well obviously I can't speak for every girl, but I know I dated my fair share of a******s over nicer guys. I can say I do because I value my nicer guy friends and want to keep them close and don't loose them either that or I didn't feel that way about them. But anyway, you can't be over-protective, obsessed, ect, ect there is a lot of factors that play a role when becoming a "good" boyfriend and in most cases, you can't win. And if you're trying to win every time against a female they're just gonna point out the flaws in the relationship. Girls are complex and you just have to read the individual, but that's what I think. But you don't gotta pay attention to me :P

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[quote name='~Jay~' timestamp='1299722714' post='5063637']
Well obviously I can't speak for every girl, but I know I dated my fair share of a******s over nicer guys. I can say I do because I value my nicer guy friends and want to keep them close and don't loose them either that or I didn't feel that way about them. But anyway, you can't be over-protective, obsessed, ect, ect there is a lot of factors that play a role when becoming a "good" boyfriend and in most cases, you can't win. And if you're trying to win every time against a female they're just gonna point out the flaws in the relationship. Girls are complex and you just have to read the individual, but that's what I think. But you don't gotta pay attention to me :P
This actually makes a lot of sense.

Point is, you can't give up. A lot of relationships I've seen are the result of good timing.

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[quote name='King.' timestamp='1299725268' post='5063728']
[size="3"][font="Times New Roman"][b]This coming from the guy who spelled "Intelligent" incorrectly. >_>[/b][/font][/size]

Don't stress over it. He's the type of person who judges intelligence by age. Pretty shallow, anyways. Just move along.
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whatever. just give a answer for the topic please.

I think why Females fall for a GUY is because that they like
being mistreated and want someone to fight with and thats
why they dont settle down with a "nice male=Man"
either that or they want to be told what to do although they say they dont.

I need more female imput on this topic.
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[quote name='Blackwing-San' timestamp='1299734030' post='5063972']
well care to enlighten me and prove me wrong?
btw I did say "I think"

I know you said think.

All I'm saying is that women have struggled to even get rights in America, so why would they want to be mistreated now? :/
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[quote name='Tsukasa Hiiragi' timestamp='1299734257' post='5063977']
They do because they do. There is no single answer.
Not good enough, bro. Is it because they don't think they deserve more than a douchebag to love them? Or do they think they can make a nice guy out of him...? Or are they just a bunch of masochists?

Or am I a huge retarded dickhead?
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[quote name='Tsukasa Hiiragi' timestamp='1299734257' post='5063977']
They do because they do. There is no single answer.
That's because there are a medley of answers.

Anyway, women wonder similar things about guys from what I've noticed. Personally, I don't think personality comes into play for awhile on either side. Both sides are more interested in physical attractiveness in the beginning. Personality does play a part early on of course, but it is a lot smaller in the beginning. It isn't until later that people show their true colors 100%
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[quote name='Horrific' timestamp='1299734457' post='5063984']
Not good enough, bro. Is it because they don't think they deserve more than a douchebag to love them? Or do they think they can make a nice guy out of him...? Or are they just a bunch of masochists?

Or am I a huge retarded dickhead?

love.... ha! now if that isnt a hell of a topic idk what is.
guys and girls give men and women like me and 2 of my best female friends a bad image that we have to try and break past.

[quote name='FTW (For The Wynn)' timestamp='1299734459' post='5063985']
That's because there are a medley of answers.

Anyway, women wonder similar things about guys from what I've noticed. Personally, I don't think personality comes into play for awhile on either side. Both sides are more interested in physical attractiveness in the beginning. Personality does play a part early on of course, but it is a lot smaller in the beginning. It isn't until later that people show their true colors 100%

and heres another thing. ppl expect to find great attraction right away but cant and wonder why.
I can answer that. it's because ppl except a select few bother to learn about them selves.
If you learn about yourself then you will know what you want out of a partner and belive it or not but you will
notice right away that if you like e'm or not.
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im not female but id like to say my part in this, like everyone has mentioned already there is no single answer because a mind shifts, shapes, mold, creates walls of biased, walls of judgement and everything in between. But ill try to answer questions in my opinion and not generalize to much

question #1 why do girls like jerks?

its most likely a trust issue
1. generalization (sorry) majority of males are jerks, because from my experience guys have fun by being offensive. the difference is some have a control or limitation known as "crossing the line" or "pulling the last straw" that make guys seem like less of a jerk.
2. and because of what as mentioned we've created a typical steryotype for ourselves
3. and because of that no matter how much of a gentleman, your freinds will go up to you and go "haha nice bro, using the ol' gentlemen trick, whose pants are you getting into?" even if you had no intention of doing so.
4. this logically means girls will feel the same way, "he just wants to get in my pants"
5. so ultimatly acting like a jerk is more trusting than being a gentleman, if they deal with jerks they know when to pull out it's so obvious when things get to "real" for them, because well jerks are also dumbasses and they have no idea that the girl's just messing with his head. thats why girls like jerks... cuz they're dumb and controllable. generally girls are smarter than guys cuz they just never get arrogant and guys do, period. ive never seen an arrogant girl in my life and if there was one, well she probably bragging about getting stuffed with 5 dicks last night or something XP.

question #2 so what the hell am i suppose to do with out stooping down to a jerks level?

1. learn how to kick ass (trust me its a good back up)
2. just talk with girls in general keep being yourself (they'll get you...atleast, thats what they tell me but idk maybe im being f***ed around with too)
3. if another dude calls you a fa**** for hooking up and is calling you out, use your step one beat that fucka to the ground *also you should keep your mouth shut while doing this so you dont look exactly like the person you fighting, just another loud mouth jerk*
4. repeat step 2 and use step 1 and step 3 when nessesary
general tip from my expereinces
-never be to "gentle" (they may have pityed you at first) people lose intreset in you
-never be to protective and do everything for her cuz girls like to feel useful in any relationship, even if its just a freind you want. (also my opinion based on expereinces, dosnt mean its a guareenteed fact)
-never stay the same in all aspects, dont change who you are, just change according to what you want. (this sounds selfish but it works) adapt to what you see fit that interests you, dont follow around someone that has nothing you want (a freind, life partner, love interest) there is no point even if it can get you closer to someone else, DO NOT USE OTHERS AS A BOOST to get to know someone else. direct or nothing, just don't use others for your dirty work... trust me.

question #3 still not working, need practice or you dont have the guts to gamble on my method?

1. this is exactly why the social networks exists XP even YCM is a practice sight for social skillz
2. like i mentioned before there is no single answer, this is based upon my expereinces
3. dont have the guts to try? then your not worth saving because everything, requires self confidence, even if your borrowing anothers advice

last note girlz of the forum please correct me of my generalizations i have made up based upon my bias/steryotype/labeling wall
also it be even better if they told me i was right.... without lying ^_^
also if this makes no sense or just sounds plain stupid then in that case i was high, other than that im not high

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well I can honestly say fighting is a last resort. as far as the rest goes I agree but there is parts that are off but your right some what.
I cant think straight.... uhhh... my head!..... I was raised to be a gentleman and treat a woman right.
but I will fight for her but trying to find the balance between when to let her handle it and when I should is so...... hard to find.
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[quote name='Blackwing-San' timestamp='1299738410' post='5064072']
well I can honestly say fighting is a last resort. as far as the rest goes I agree but there is parts that are off but your right some what.
I cant think straight.... uhhh... my head!..... I was raised to be a gentleman and treat a woman right.
but I will fight for her but trying to find the balance between when to let her handle it and when I should is so...... hard to find.

lol fighting of course is a last resort but normally when i do this i get the respect of jerks so theres no need to fight, because beleive it or not the jerks ive met get envious because you can get really close to someone and they just scratch the surface.
works for me sometimes not for others, other tried wo imitate what i say but using there own styles adaptations (which is what you're suppose to do) and a lot people were satysfied to where they should be. of course this isnt like dating tips or w/e XD but this works for me so just go ahead and experiment if you want, whenever i mess up i usually find it okay, go back to the drawing board, apologize w/e.

okay the second part damn you reminded me
"trying to find the balance between when to let her handle it and when I should is so...... hard to find"
execellent question i handle this stuff ALOT on this forum and things turn out alright (you know childs drama XD)

for this question it all depends on the SPECIFIC i mean specific as in really really specific scenarios, for this question generalizations are impossible
if you ever do have a scenario go ahead an PM me it in detail and ill throw out some thought, you can hate them like them w/e but ill definatly have something to say, not just "i dont know"
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[quote name='Blackwing-San' timestamp='1299739717' post='5064110']
well say some random GUY tries to hit on her?(different each time)
If I say something the dude wants to start something and when I step up she gets mad.

PM it
making this kind of stuff public= well to much publicity everyone wants to be in on the scoop and it gets annoying like when anger wants to be involved >_>
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Girls are just as stupid as guys. That's why. To those in relationships that think the other is smarter(to guys), remember, she picked you so she's no smarter. If you mean by girls, you mean by those that can't choose what to wear, laugh at bad jokes, and lie that they really like what their boyfriends like then yes, they're hypocritical. Women, beings that are knowledgable of what they're doing, know what to do to get the guy to like them withut showing the girls or acting like complete idiots, and they stop crying every f***ing night like mine used to.
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hey blackwing-san. ill def post on this tomorrow (remind me!!!) but im kinda sick and i dont feel like posting a lot tonight but my bff read this with me and she had some things to say. heres hers

From personal experience, males lie, regardless if they are considered to be a "guy" or a "man". They make you believe that they are good and wholesome, but they all turn out to be a******s. I understand that there are SOME good "men" out there, but they are VERY few and far between. There's soooo many reasons as to why a chick would fall for a "guy". Basically, he lies to get her to like him, and then she sees what he's really like and then she backs away and breaks it off. Do you honestly think that after dating a****** guy, after a****** guy that a chick wouldn't be skeptical about dating a "man" who is legit? Come on, let's be realistic here. If I were to believe every guy who said I was beautiful and wanted to spend his life with me, I'd probably be a single mother without a job.
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The definition of a "good" man or guy or whatever varies depending on the female. Some prefer looks over personality, some prefer personality over looks and others just prefer similar interests. Just depends on the girl. There isn't a single answer that can answer your question. It varies.
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