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End Game - remade


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I've finally worked out how to use Showcase!!! So for the first time here's a card with a decent image!!!

Take that back, this is Father Wolf, so this image is amazing, just hope I did it justice.

Lore: This cards effect cannot be negated. Reduce your Life Points to 100. Increase the ATK of one monster on the Field by the number of Life Points you lost due to this cards effect until the End Phase.

updated version:
Lore: You can only Play this card if you have 3000 Life Points or less. This cards effect cannot be negated. Reduce your Life Points to 100. Increase the ATK of one monster on the Field by the number of Life Points you lost due to this cards effect until the End Phase.

This image is not mine. It belongs to Wolf Father and can be found in "FW's Custom Image Archive" found in the Showcase Forum.
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[quote name='Maha Guns' timestamp='1299939465' post='5068352']
this is definitely banned,
>>You had this card is very first 5 cards, your opponent summon 1 Lvel 4 monster, not more than 2000. You summon 1900 ATK ,activate this. Your monster ATK boosted to 1900+7900=9800 ATK

That's when your opponent drops one of their many removal cards that they had face-down and you lose.
Eh, too much of a cost to be used if I'm entirely honest.
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damn, how'd I miss that. It's supposted to be played late game. (why do I keep making the same stuped mistakes??) I'm going to impose a limit on it that you have to be below 3000 life points of activate it. That way the max increase is 2900, which (if you're losing the duel) would probably not take your opponent out in one blow, but could give you a fighting chance if you used it in a good combo.

I've impossed the limit, but I think it might be under powered now. Playing it could drop your opponents life points significantly, but only by the same amout that you just lost as a result of it's effect. I really like this idea for a card but I'm begining to think that it's redundent. It could be used as part of a combo, which means it could be very useful, but if it fails you are going to lose. But then, it was always supposted to be a "last resort" sort of card.
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The updated version is indeed better, as now it is really for the end game. It might still be pretty strong, but not stronger than things like Gift of the Martyr and the likes.
[quote]That's when your opponent drops one of their many removal cards that they had face-down and you lose.[/quote]
Giant Trunade/Trap Stun/Royal Decree?
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[quote name='Skythief' timestamp='1299963532' post='5069320']
The updated version is indeed better, as now it is really for the end game. It might still be pretty strong, but not stronger than things like Gift of the Martyr and the likes.

Giant Trunade/Trap Stun/Royal Decree?

Book of Moon.
Or you know, simply set a monster.
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[quote name='Kokonoe' timestamp='1299965914' post='5069387']
Book of Moon.
[b]Giant Trunade/Magic Jammer/Dark Bribe?[/b]
Or you know, simply set a monster.
[b]Fairy Meteor/Big Bang/Meteor Shower/Bora?
Okay, I must say I don't see these cards run a lot, except for Bora, but if you don't have any of those, you aren't gonna use this card to begin with if your opponent has a set monster.[/b]
That said, I can see some usefulness in particularly psychic deck. Can happen fast that their life points go down to 3000, and just as fast getting back from 100 to 3000+ Also, I see some possibilities to OTK with cards that take big bites out of your life points at great use, like Solemn Judgement, or cards that rely on getting big hits, like Gorz.
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Well I'm glad I've at least finally managed to make a card that's got some people taking. Especially high star members. I don't think I'll change it again. Will probably call this my first "finished" card. It is powerful, but I think being played late game and dropping your life points are strong enough side-effects. Plus, as you say, there are plenty of counter cards and good card combinations to go with it. But, being played late game, most of these card will have already been played, making it an interesting proposition to have in your hand. As you wont be able to make the most lethal combination possible (having played the cards) but in the knowledge that your opponent is probably having the same problem at this point.
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