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Question of the Day

FTW (For The Wynn)

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Hello, and welcome to Question of the Day. Each day I will try to update this with a new question.

I won't tolerate any flaming or trolling here. First time is a neg, second I will ask a mod for you to get a temp ban, third time and after that I will leave it to the discretion of the mods. Please stay on topic. This isn't a spam thread. Finally, feel free to debate here, or to add to the topic, but keep it within reason. I don't want to be talking about politics and then about unicorns, even if it follows a natural conversation flow. Stick to the topic.

[b]Today's Question: What do you think about the earthquakes and tsunamis and what do you predict the future to be because of this, both short and long term?[/b]

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natural disasters happen and media hypes them, its all there is to it, sure it sucks but it's already happened so all we got is dealing with all the s*** that comes after.

people are probably still gonna go "oh where is america's responce when you need it? its sooo slow" *roll eyes*..... ignorant
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Earthquakes will happen, whether we like it or not. Unfortunate though, that most of the worst earthquakes happen in heavily populated areas, like Japan.
Tsunamis are gonna happen too. It's part of nature, anyway.

As for what the future will be...I'm not entirely sure what to say. It's gonna happen, so Let It Be.
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[quote name='FTW (For The Wynn)' timestamp='1299993429' post='5070272']
Before this goes too far, everyone should at least look at [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richter_magnitude_scale"]this, the Wikipedia entry for Richter scale[/url]. The Richter scale is what is used to measure the overall magnitude (strength, for lack of a better definition) of an earthquake.

Considering that the earthquake that just happened was an 8.9 with 6.9 aftershocks, I'd say that that earthquake hit really hard.
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[quote name='FTW (For The Wynn)' timestamp='1299994428' post='5070295']
My thoughts too, but it makes you wonder about what's going to happen.


lol the consipiracy
its intresting that the frequency and intensity of earthquakes are increasing, quite curious about that for me too
future is looking eventfull my freinds
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Well america will be once again self absorbed in it's misguided pride and help relieve the country of it's problems thus causing more economic problems. While America will be giving more to Japan then they do their own citizens. We'll probably hear about a couple cases of whoever decides to relieve Japan. Think of Japan as New Orleans right now when it came to clearing storm damage from Katrina. We're still cleaning up after the b****. So in long terms notice, crime will become the usual again. People will be gathering more into the streets every year and business will resume in about three years. I can still drive down on the highway and see a whole neighborhood not even attempted to be cleaned by the city.
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[quote name='Masochistic Joker' timestamp='1300000581' post='5070426']
Well america will be once again self absorbed in it's misguided pride and help relieve the country of it's problems thus causing more economic problems. While America will be giving more to Japan then they do their own citizens. We'll probably hear about a couple cases of whoever decides to relieve Japan. Think of Japan as New Orleans right now when it came to clearing storm damage from Katrina. We're still cleaning up after the b****. So in long terms notice, crime will become the usual again. People will be gathering more into the streets every year and business will resume in about three years. I can still drive down on the highway and see a whole neighborhood not even attempted to be cleaned by the city. [b]This last sentence is only true if you have the money to afford it, but that's a different Question topic that will be covered later.[/b]
Anyway, I pretty much concur here. I could see this happening. Everyone will wonder why the U.S. can't help out, but right now the U.S. can't bail itself out and is fighting a "war" with 2 fronts in the middle east. We don't have the resources, the cost or the manpower to offer help, yet we still will and we shall be reeling from it for years when we can't help our own people (New Orleans, the family victims of 9/11, the families of fallen soldiers, etc.).

Along with that, I also wanted to post an update with [url="http://news.search.yahoo.com/search?&p=Aftershocks&fr=fp-tts-701&fr2=ps"]this link[/url]. Just to give you an idea of the damage thus far recorded.
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Just another reminder that its Mother Nature who ultimately calls the shot on Earth. Until scientists can accurately measure stress in the plates and fault lines it'll be hard to tell when an Earthquake will happen. Everywhere in the world is more of when and how strong, rather than if (Most Earthquakes are far too small to be recorded, such as the UK's 160+ a year). This Earthquake was also seem to be long over due.

Where there's water displacment directly by an Earthquake or indirectly by a Volcano (due to the cone swelling inducing a landslide, however the earthquake 'warnings' could cause one too) or Earthquake induced landslide there will always be a Tsunami. The power of water is not something anyone should take lightly.
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Alright, to keep this going, I'll give yet another update, located [url="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110313/ap_on_bi_ge/as_japan_earthquake_nuclear_crisis"]here[/url] and [url="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/ap_on_bi_ge/as_japan_earthquake"]here[/url]. So, along with all the catastrophe that has happened, a nuclear catastrophe could break out.
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