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[color="#FF0000"][size="3"][font="Palatino Linotype"][center]through out everyones lifes there has always been that one person that you no matter what you try, cannot tolerate them. in a sense, your mortal enemy. i have had many a people like this through out my life and have dealt with them appropriately.

who is that one person you can't stand? and how have you dealt with them?[/center][/font][/size][/color]
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My mortal enemy rose to annoyingness since 1rst grade. He has acted quite strange, and always lets me down, even though I pown him in some things. He's a weirdo. He makes cat and car noises, he fails at attracting girls, and....let's just say he has a weird social life. He won't leave me alone. In pokemon, he always beats me cause he always gets the good pokemon and still, makes fun of me. I even try beating him and it got me into detention. On the last day of middle school, I vowed never to meet him again. And he does, I swear I will rip off his face.
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Oh... I know who it is! And he may just be, the most annoying person, and the weirdest, one this planet! Ok thats an over-statement, he doesn't fail as hard as Sarah Palin

But he's terrible at everything he does, HE'S EVEN BAD AT YGO! HE HAS A DECK OF 21 CARDS! HE THINKS 40 IS THE MAXIMUM! He litteraly only has 2 friends, both of which, he fights with way to much to be real friends
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When I was a kid, there was this annoying neighbor kid. Always insulted me and such, calling me loser or whatever. Always had to be better then me at everything too. Just, a really aggravating kid. I eventually got the better of him though. My Pokemon kicked his Pokemon's ass at the Indigo Plateau.
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