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Watt should I run for Locals?


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I'd like to have a good side for this deck.
I'm thinking about maining it too.

Monsters : 21
3 Wattgiraffe
3 Shining Angel
3 Wattdragonfly
3 Wattpheasant
3 Watthopper
3 Wattfox
1 Honest
1 Wattlemur
1 Sangan

Spells : 12
3 My Body as A Shield
2 Messenger of Peace
2 Recycling Batteries
1 Giant Trunade
1 One for One
1 Monster Reborn
1 Instant Fusion
1 Pot of Avarice

Traps : 7
3 Wattkeeper
2 Robbin' Goblin
1 Trap Stun
1 Red Screen
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