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E-Heroes FTW

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As always, criticism is encouraged as long as it is constructive. Simply saying that my deck sucks does not help me and any comments like that will by readily ignored. Enjoy.

Elemental Hero Avian X2
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix X2
Elemental Hero Clayman X2
Elemental Hero Prisma X3
Elemental Hero Sparkman X2
Elemental Hero Stratos
Elemental Hero Wildheart
Evil Hero Malicious Edge
Gaia Platethe Earth Giant
King of the Swamp X3
Maju Garzett
The Wicked Dreadroot

Dark Calling X3
Dark Factory of Mass Production X2
Dark Fusion X3
Dark Hole
E – Emergency Call X2
Future Fusion
Gold Sarcophagus
Monster Reborn
Reinforcement of the Army

Cursed Seal of the Forbidden Spell
Hero Signal
Paradox Fusion
Royal Decree X2
Spell Reclamation

Deck Total: 43

Extra Deck(12):
Elemental Hero Flame Wingman
Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster
Elemental Hero Thunder Giant
Evil Hero Dark Gaia
Evil Hero Infernal Sniper X2
Evil Hero Inferno Wing X2
Evil Hero Lightning Golem X2
Evil Hero Malicious Fiend
Evil Hero Wild Cyclone
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[quote name='BDKMRV' timestamp='1300176276' post='5074921']
Eh, you're getting there :D
You need to decide on whether or not to run Ele Heroes or Evi Heroes.
IMO, I like Evil Heroes better.
Well that's the point of this deck: it runs both, essentially becoming a true "E-Hero Deck" as both Evil and Elemental start with E.
And I like Evil Heroes too.

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1. Running both E-Heroes and Evil Heroes is a bad idea

2. Running E-Heroes without Stratos is stupid. He's the best card.

3. Running E-Heroes with only 1 KotS, 3 Poly, and no Miracle is bad.

4. Your spell line up is all over the place...so many 1s.

5. Lack of Omni Heroes in the Extra deck is disturbing.

6. If you fix the above then running Decree might be a good idea, seeing as how your should get a beater out first.
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[quote name='Emerald Fan' timestamp='1300177810' post='5074939']
And I like Evil Heroes too.
Sparkman x3
Giant Rat x3
The Earth - Hex Sealed Fusion x3
Clayman x3
Card Trooper x2
Morphing Jar
Prisma x3
Summoner Monk

^Basic 20 card monster line-up for a Lightning Golem based deck^
Aside from Dark Gaia, Lightning Golem is the best Evil Hero monster.
And with a monster line-up like this, you can even main a few Miracle Fusions for each Shining Flare Wingman shenanigans.
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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1300205455' post='5075073']
You can go over 40, though, as 45 cards is pushing it.
So [i]AT MOST[/i] you want the deck to be like 40-42

Yeah, some decks can go up to 45. But the majority, mainly E-Heroes, have to stick with 40.

There are even 37-card decks (inb4greederosity)
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@t arm: epic space medafighter x is epic ;) god, i miss that show :(

2 TC: you can also run comic book heros, by using Enchanted Fitting Room for some of the normal Heros, like avian, bursten, ect. and you NEED Stratos and Miracle Fusion. they'll pretty esental here

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[quote name='BDKMRV' timestamp='1300176276' post='5074921']
Eh, you're getting there :D
You need to decide on whether or not to run Ele Heroes or Evi Heroes.
IMO, I like Evil Heroes better.
I love you.... no homo :D - either one you decide will work in this format - I mix both - heavy on the omni hero though

Let's consider this as a possibility my child in E Heroes. :D

Elemental Hero Avian
Elemental Hero Clayman
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
Elemental Hero Prisma X2
Elemental Hero Sparkman
Elemental Hero Wildheart
Elemental Hero Woodsman
King of the Swamp x3
Elemental Hero Stratos
Elemental Hero Neos Alius x3
Big Piece Golem
Evil Hero Malicious Edge x2

Dark Calling X3
Dark Fusion X3
Miracle Fusion x3
E – Emergency Call X3
Future Fusion
Gold Sarcophagus x3
Monster Reborn
Dark Hole
Reinforcement of the Army

Mirror Force
Paradox Fusion

Absolute Zero x3
Shining x3
Gaia x2
Dark Gaia
Malicious Fiend
Lightning Golem x2
Wild Cyclone
Mutlipiece Golem

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[quote name='Stein-hakase' timestamp='1300217064' post='5075458']
@t arm: epic space medafighter x is epic ;) god, i miss that show :([/quote]
They have all of the 1st series on youtube. Its awesome.

[quote name='Stein-hakase' timestamp='1300217064' post='5075458']2 TC: you can also run comic book heros, by using Enchanted Fitting Room for some of the normal Heros, like avian, bursten, ect. and you NEED Stratos and Miracle Fusion. they'll pretty esental here
You only run Enchanted in a build that can better benefit from it, and/or are running Avian and Burstlady in 3s, as well as a bunch of other level 3 or lower Normals that can be milled via Prisma.

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1300203578' post='5075022']
1. Running both E-Heroes and Evil Heroes is a bad idea

2. Running E-Heroes without Stratos is stupid. He's the best card.

3. Running E-Heroes with only 1 KotS, 3 Poly, and no Miracle is bad.

4. Your spell line up is all over the place...so many 1s.

5. Lack of Omni Heroes in the Extra deck is disturbing.

6. If you fix the above then running Decree might be a good idea, seeing as how your should get a beater out first.
1. As Evil Heroes depend on having E-Heroes, it would be unwise to separate them.
2. Stratos is side decked right now. If I find that I need him during my testing, he will go in the main deck.
3. I've added 2 more KOTS so that's fine. As this isn't a strict E-Heroes Deck, I would say 3 polys and miracle would be pushing it. Besides, finding a Miracle Fusion right now would be about as likely as being struck be lightning 3 times in a row after you win the lottery for the 4th consecutive time.
4. Having the other spells at 1 each allows a better chance of finding a Dark Fusion or Dark Calling faster.
5. I'll think about adding Dark Gaia. However, since I am not building an Omi-Hero Deck, the others just don't fit in.
6. I say no to decree, but I may make space for a couple trap stuns if the mood hits me.

[quote name='CDDRodrigo' timestamp='1300204476' post='5075047']
And you're running 50 cards. This reduces a lot the chances of you drawing the card you need.

Nowadays, almost ALL decks run only 40 cards.
Actually most of my decks run around 50 cards, and the crazy thing is they actually work.

Oh, and Deck updated.
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[quote name='Emerald Fan' timestamp='1300264288' post='5076611']
1. As Evil Heroes depend on having E-Heroes, it would be unwise to separate them.
2. Stratos is side decked right now. If I find that I need him during my testing, he will go in the main deck.
3. I've added 2 more KOTS so that's fine. As this isn't a strict E-Heroes Deck, I would say 3 polys and miracle would be pushing it. Besides, finding a Miracle Fusion right now would be about as likely as being struck be lightning 3 times in a row after you win the lottery for the 4th consecutive time.
4. Having the other spells at 1 each allows a better chance of finding a Dark Fusion or Dark Calling faster.
5. I'll think about adding Dark Gaia. However, since I am not building an Omi-Hero Deck, the others just don't fit in.
6. I say no to decree, but I may make space for a couple trap stuns if the mood hits me.

Actually most of my decks run around 50 cards, and the crazy thing is they actually work.

Oh, and Deck updated.

Dude. Noooo.....
You need to main Stratos.
Decree is best this format because it's at 3.
And buddy, this 50 card deck will not get you to draw Dark Fusion or Dark Calling faster because you have nothing good to thin it out.

[quote name='HaouJudai' timestamp='1300218577' post='5075464']
I love you.... no homo :D - either one you decide will work in this format - I mix both - heavy on the omni hero though

Let's consider this as a possibility my child in E Heroes. :D

Elemental Hero Avian
Elemental Hero Clayman
Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
Elemental Hero Prisma X2
Elemental Hero Sparkman
Elemental Hero Wildheart
Elemental Hero Woodsman
King of the Swamp x3
Elemental Hero Stratos
Elemental Hero Neos Alius x3
Big Piece Golem
Evil Hero Malicious Edge x2

Dark Calling X3
Dark Fusion X3
Miracle Fusion x3
E – Emergency Call X3
Future Fusion
Gold Sarcophagus x3
Monster Reborn
Dark Hole
Reinforcement of the Army

Mirror Force
Paradox Fusion

Absolute Zero x3
Shining x3
Gaia x2
Dark Gaia
Malicious Fiend
Lightning Golem x2
Wild Cyclone
Mutlipiece Golem

>_> No homo, and Paradox Fusion is beast.

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[quote name='BDKMRV' timestamp='1300266706' post='5076624']
Dude. Noooo.....
You need to main Stratos.
Decree is best this format because it's at 3.
And buddy, this 50 card deck will not get you to draw Dark Fusion or Dark Calling faster because you have nothing good to thin it out.

Stratos is awesome, no doubt, I just want to test this deck without it first before I commit to it.
You gotta come up with a better reason to add decree than "it's at 3". This deck uses traps, in case you didn't notice.
How about Future Fusion to thin it out? Or Prisma? Or Gold Sarco? Or KOTS? Any of those help?
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[quote name='BDKMRV' timestamp='1300268798' post='5076634']
Gold Sarc is a 3, it thins out.
Future Fusion this out.
Prisma, eh I guess.

Follow Judai's build. It's way more consistent.

Decree is at 3 and your opponent sets 5 backrow they can't use.
I'll think about decree, ok?

Quick question: Judai's build is more consistent with what? Everybody's Hero build? That is why I'm staying away from the Omni Hero Deck, because [b]everyone[/b] is making the Omni Hero Deck. I know that having any pride in your creation and making something different is terrifying and blasphemous, but I'm feeling like doing it anyway. My deck is not going to be just another Omni build, lost in the sea of meta, I'm better than that.
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[quote name='BDKMRV' timestamp='1300271654' post='5076657']
So a Jaden deck?
No, I was thinking more like a simple Evil Hero with an Elemental Hero base. Once I get into testing and clearing out all the excess options, it should become quite the competitive deck.
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[quote name='Emerald Fan' timestamp='1300271516' post='5076654']
I'll think about decree, ok?

Quick question: Judai's build is more consistent with what? Everybody's Hero build? That is why I'm staying away from the Omni Hero Deck, because [b]everyone[/b] is making the Omni Hero Deck. I know that having any pride in your creation and making something different is terrifying and blasphemous, but I'm feeling like doing it anyway. My deck is not going to be just another Omni build, lost in the sea of meta, I'm better than that.
1. Decree is run for 3 reasons. One, it's at 3. Two, if you don't use it many of your opponents will. Three, ruining your opponents protection is a pro move.

2. Omni Heroes are used in everything that has E-Heroes. Their Generic-ness makes them so versatile. Plus it also for maining a Super Poly to steal opponents monsters.

3. Nothing with Evil Heroes are close to meta, so no need to worry.

4. It's alright to be original, but don't use that as an excuse to not use good cards.

[quote name='Crab Helmet']
5. A lot of beginning players think that a good Deck Size is whatever size will allow them to include all the cards they want. Some even think that larger decks are better, on the grounds that they permit a wider variety of cards.

Simply put, this is wrong. Smaller decks are superior to larger decks.

The thing about larger decks is that, though there are more cards available, you have a significantly lower chance of drawing any given card. If you are unable to draw the cards you need with some degree of consistency, the deck will be unable to win with some degree of consistency. Furthermore, since you can only have three copies of each card in your deck, and many staples can be run only in one or two copies, your chances of playing your best cards are slim.

This is not just my opinion; this is a commonly accepted standard among better duelists. If you look at large tournaments, such as Shonen Jump Championships, all the best decks have low numbers of cards; most have 40, generally the best number, and none has more than 45 (and even 45 is generally only seen in odd special cases like decks with nine Gadgets).[/quote]
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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1300276403' post='5076718']
1. Decree is run for 3 reasons. One, it's at 3. Two, if you don't use it many of your opponents will. Three, ruining your opponents protection is a pro move.

2. Omni Heroes are used in everything that has E-Heroes. Their Generic-ness makes them so versatile. Plus it also for maining a Super Poly to steal opponents monsters.

3. Nothing with Evil Heroes are close to meta, so no need to worry.

4. It's alright to be original, but don't use that as an excuse to not use good cards.
1. I said that I'd think about it.

2. Well, I choose not to use them, is that so horrible?

3. I wasn't saying the evil heroes were meta, I said the omni heroes are. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

4. I'm not using originality as an excuse not to run your suggested cards. I'm using my own spin and actually thinking my deck through. I'm not running Miracle because it would slow down the deck as most of the fusions are evil heroes, not to mention that it is hard as s*** to find. I'm taking it easy with Stratos because he might not be right for this deck, I don't know, that's why I said that I would test it first. Not everything has to be shoved into this deck.
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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1300304124' post='5077196']
^I'm not demanding you do anything. I'm simply giving out my opinions and facts, no need to be so defensive.
I believe I have a right to be defensive. I put this deck up on here to get help tweaking it, and the only thing people seem to be able to say is "Run Omni Heroes" even though I have repeatedly said that I am not building an omni hero deck. Oh yeah, and royal decree which I said I would think about putting in this deck. I'm sorry if my explanations come off as aggressive, but you can see my frustrations.
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[quote name='Emerald Fan' timestamp='1300313094' post='5077502']
I believe I have a right to be defensive. I put this deck up on here to get help tweaking it, and the only thing people seem to be able to say is "Run Omni Heroes" even though I have repeatedly said that I am not building an omni hero deck. Oh yeah, and royal decree which I said I would think about putting in this deck. I'm sorry if my explanations come off as aggressive, but you can see my frustrations.
Just because Omni Heroes are in a deck does not make it an Omni Hero Deck. :mellow:

Maybe everybody is saying the same thing for a reason? This place makes decks as competitive as possible, if you can't take that then this really isn't the place for you. I apologize for sound like a douche, but that's what it means to post a deck on YCM. Trust me, you'd rather have this than a bunch of spam/troll comments.

btw, there has been more input than OMNI HEROES AND DECREE!!!!!1!

I personally have suggested reworking your Spell/Trap line up in general, because right now it is all over the place. The Spells in your deck should serve 1 main purpose....get your fusions out fast. Placing priority on that is a given for any kind of Hero deck....things like Lighting Vortex are unneeded.

tl;dr: "Use Omni Heroes" =/= "Run Omni Hero Deck"

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[quote name='Legend Zero' timestamp='1300315007' post='5077576']
Just because Omni Heroes are in a deck does not make it an Omni Hero Deck. :mellow:

Maybe everybody is saying the same thing for a reason? This place makes decks as competitive as possible, if you can't take that then this really isn't the place for you. I apologize for sound like a douche, but that's what it means to post a deck on YCM. Trust me, you'd rather have this than a bunch of spam/troll comments.

btw, there has been more input than OMNI HEROES AND DECREE!!!!!1!

I personally have suggested reworking your Spell/Trap line up in general, because right now it is all over the place. The Spells in your deck should serve 1 main purpose....get your fusions out fast. Placing priority on that is a given for any kind of Hero deck....things like Lighting Vortex are unneeded.

tl;dr: "Use Omni Heroes" =/= "Run Omni Hero Deck"
A deck based around the omni heroes doesn't make it an omni hero deck? Then I've been missing what a theme of a deck is.

Yes people can have a reason to suggest Omni Heroes, but my deck is not going to use them, as I continue to repeat. I want to make this deck competitive without changing the whole theme. If people can't accept that I refuse to run the omnis, then why should I have to take their advice?

I know that that's not all that people are saying, but it seems to be the main point. If people were just telling me to retool the spells/traps, I think I would be okay with it. But no, I keep getting stuff like "This deck needs omni heroes" and "All e-hero decks run omni heroes" which is not helpful to my overall goal.

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