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[quote name='Clair' timestamp='1300418195' post='5080229']
Fun and bloody times. xD

You kidding? Nothing's like shaving a block of wood with a Rotary Sander, and loosing 1/9th of the skin of your arm in the process. Then proceeding to wrap it up with bandages and continuing.

For me, it was more of a... deceptively flimsy.
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[quote name='Icyblue' timestamp='1300421266' post='5080323']
You kidding? Nothing's like shaving a block of wood with a Rotary Sander, and loosing 1/9th of the skin of your arm in the process. Then proceeding to wrap it up with bandages and continuing.

For me, it was more of a... deceptively flimsy.

That sounds like it hurt. At least you soldiered on? ;D

I remember being scared of the sanders in my wood shop class after my teacher told us all that could go wrong. xD
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Classic soap carving in cub scouts, then tried to clean the blade with my bare fingers.

And if that's not extreme enough for you, I was making my bed on the top bunk of a bunk bed right next to a full power ceiling fan. Leaned my head in a little too close. You finish the rest.(And I still have the scar to prove it.)
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one time


i was hungry so i went to the kitchen to get something to eat so i got some frozen burritos out of the fridge and 2 were stuck together (if 2 are frozed together then you try to mircowave em apart it messes up the burritos) so i got a knife out of the kitcten drawer (i shouldve gone with a butter knife) but i had a steak knife and i was trying to pry them apart when the went though the gap between the burritos and i stab my palm i bled out some then i pass out out of shear pannic (i still have a scar form that)

hahaha fun times
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[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1300421567' post='5080338']
one time


i was hungry so i went to the kitchen to get something to eat so i got some frozen burritos out of the fridge and 2 were stuck together (if 2 are frozed together then you try to mircowave em apart it messes up the burritos) so i got a knife out of the kitcten drawer (i shouldve gone with a butter knife) but i had a steak knife and i was trying to pry them apart when the went though the gap between the burritos and i stab my palm i bled out some then i pass out out of shear pannic (i still have a scar form that)

hahaha fun times
Next time put the burritos on a plate before you do that. A lot safer that way.
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[quote name='Clair' timestamp='1300421446' post='5080330']
That sounds like it hurt. At least you soldiered on? ;D

I remember being scared of the sanders in my wood shop class after my teacher told us all that could go wrong. xD

Actually it was my teacher who that happened to. But I was there and watched it happen in Graphic Detail. I had used an exacto knife to smooth out bamboo (sanders to me feel... uneven when handling circular things and only really help with smoothing it out). I had cut into a good portion of my finger by carving in the wrong direction and applying too much force.

I continued later that day, but then I get a call that my Step-Dad (may he live in hell) had to get his finger sewn back on. And well... yeah after that I didn't carve again for some time.
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[quote name='judedudemude' timestamp='1300421882' post='5080354']
i had the 2 burritos frozen together in one hand the knife in the other plus i should just use a butter knife any ways
That's what I mean, put the burritos on a plate then use the knife to pry them apart, that way if the knife goes all the way through, it hits the plate and not you. I've cut myself on a butter knife before.
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[quote name='Tsukasa Hiiragi' timestamp='1300421992' post='5080357']
That's what I mean, put the burritos on a plate then use the knife to pry them apart, that way if the knife goes all the way through, it hits the plate and not you. I've cut myself on a butter knife before.

i know but thanks for the advice

i was a kid at the time (and clearly was not thinking at the time LOL)
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My idiot cousin decided to help open a sealed box at my brother's birthday party.

He brings out this huge knife from the kitchen. My friend says "Dude, there are much safer ways to open that box."

Cousin says "Don't worry, I got it."


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