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Dark Necrofear

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The reason I have made this Topic is because I had an incident that was distantly related to the user of this card in the anime. It's NOT because I want to show off that I know Dark Necrofear was called Dark Necrophillia at one point, because as far as I know everyone here knows that and it's utterly pointless.
TCG here is always asleep when it's my computer time in Japan. As a result, when I leave here this section normally says "By: Darkplant" ten times in a row on the right.
So, to crush computer time when YCM was asleep, I registered in this place called the Yugioh Forums under the name of "The F***er". Yes, serious, "The F***er". I look at the list of people who have come to check my profile and is shocked to see all Admins and most Mods in there. With a tint of more trollishness than in here I proceed to rape its sections, when I come across this user called Yami Bakura. When I saw his username I instantly decided he's going to be a noob, but I later realized he knows the game AND is a nice guy. I was utterly flabbergasted at the fact anyone localized can actually hope to be even slightly nice against someone who made a 60-card deck with Obelisk and BEWD and Dark Magician and all that sort. Then, I realized how much influence I had been getting from YCM, and broke into tears...

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Dark Necrofear is one of my favorite cards. I wish I had the cards to make a proper deck for it. It's sort of like an anti-thesis of Dark Armed Dragon, except weaker.

As for the story, you shouldn't judge people based on their names or what shows/games they like. I mean, heck, this is a YGO site. Most people think that YGO is for babies anyways.

Also, do you just not like posting in the other sections so you make excuses to post your stories in here? >>
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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1300420834' post='5080304']do you just not like posting in the other sections so you make excuses to post your stories in here? >>
No, I do go to many other sections, it's just because TCG knows best of what I want to say. Only several General members know what this section is like.
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