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Voltic Zombie Mill

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I first got the idea ages ago, back when Voltic Bicorn was first released, and it was remarked somewhere that it's a good thing Voltic Bicorn wasn't a Zombie.

Then I remembered Zombie World.

This deck actually works extremely well, but I'm curious as to how to improve it, since it's not perfect. However, there are some elements I won't change on the grounds that the deck is built around them.

[u]Monsters: 22[/u]

[3] Pyramid Turtle
[3] Goblin Zombie
[3] X-Saber Airbellum (Voltic's Tuner)
[3] Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower
[1] Plaguespreader Zombie
[2] Zombie Master
[1] Mezuki
[1] Sangan
[1] Tragoedia
[1] Morphing Jar
[1] Necro Gardna
[2] Wulf, Lightsworn Beast

[u]Spells: 14[/u]

[3] Book of Life
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Card Destruction
[1] Foolish Burial
[3] Zombie World
[1] Mind Control
[1] D.D.R - Different Dimension Reincarnation
[1] Burial from a Different Dimension
[1] Book of Moon

[u]Traps: 4[/u]

[1] Mirror Force
[1] Call of the Haunted
[1] Miracle's Wake
[1] Torrential Tribute
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What? That would make me deck out. I have no difficulty getting Zombies to the Graveyard with my other cards, and actually I run into similar mill issues due to Pyramid and Goblin Zombie's searching, if I don't get a chain of milling going.

Wulf is to get a benefit from Voltic's mutual 7 card mill, plus Foolish Burial can make it a quick beater or Synchro Material. If it gets into my hand, I discard it for Zombie Master or topdeck it for Plague.
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[quote name='Nexus Prophet-Evanm7' timestamp='1300758423' post='5088615']
Glow-Up over 1 Wulf?

Now I've considered Glow-Up before, due to the easy Special Summon, but could never really find good room for it. Being a level 1 allows for maybe a level 5 Synchro, but the problem becomes that it doesn't have much use beyond a one-time Summon, although it could go interestingly with Plague in some cases.

I wouldn't remove Wulf for it because Wulf is just that valuable, especially with Foolish Burial or Voltic Bicorn. Having Foolish and Airbellum in the opening hand is practically a guaranteed Voltic, and milling Wulf with Voltic is a sudden beatstick.

I would consider Glow-Up, just not in exchange for Wulf.
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[quote name='Yusei & Akiza' timestamp='1300768012' post='5088935']
I notice you have 2 Mind control perhaps one of them is for Monster reborn? i like the deck i was hoping to make one for Voltic Bicorn to mill. I'm going to try testing it and see what possibly missing

Oh, thanks for catching that. No, Monster Reborn is already listed. The last Mind Control was meant to be "Book of Moon", actually. Changed it.
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[quote name='evilfusion' timestamp='1300768791' post='5088952']
Oh, thanks for catching that. No, Monster Reborn is already listed. The last Mind Control was meant to be "Book of Moon", actually. Changed it.

hmm ok, i really like the idea, is this intend to be a bit stall and milling? also right at the moment, Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower appear to pose more threat than Voltic Bicorn i have all 3 of them out in few turns and got my opponent to milled 20 cards after that. after that the opponent play smart for not attacking my face-down monster. the duel delay to 15th turns
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[quote name='Yusei & Akiza' timestamp='1300770671' post='5088982']
hmm ok, i really like the idea, is this intend to be a bit stall and milling? also right at the moment, Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower appear to pose more threat than Voltic Bicorn i have all 3 of them out in few turns and got my opponent to milled 20 cards after that. after that the opponent play smart for not attacking my face-down monster. the duel delay to 15th turns

Not really. It can trade off aggressive and defensive, and Voltic Bicorn specifically works to pull this off. Sometimes I win by LP->0, other times I deck them out.

Soul-Absorbing is the main force of the mill engine, but it only really works when you have 2 out, as 1 isn't strong enough. However, Voltic Bicorn is an extremely vicious monster in this deck, because its 2500 ATK can inflict a bit of damage and force them to kill it, which furthers my strategy. Not every duel will bring it out, it depends when I get my Airbellums.

Sometimes the deck successfully brings out Bicorn and spams it with Zombie World/revival abuse.

What I often find myself doing is having a Bone Tower or two on the field, and ramming Pyramid Turtles into monsters to mill out most of their deck. Voltic Bicorn's threat isn't so much that it can come out at any moment (unlike mill cycles, which just involve a chain of Special Summoning), but that once its out, you either have to fend it off to avoid being milled, or accept the mill to get rid of it. The fact Zombie support lets me spam it if I so wish is what makes Voltic work so well.
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Dark Hole is one of those cards that you really like to have as an insurance policy, in case things go bad. Similar to Torrential Tribute, actually. The number of times I actually had to wipe my own field (with Torrential) to keep my opponent from murdering me...

Plus, with some of the revival and swarm, can't go wrong with a card that says "Use me and 0 your opponent's LP". It's true that the card is more of a last resort than anything else, since it would screw over my Bone Tower accumulation, but it's just one of those Spells you're happy is in your deck, even if you never play it.

Also, it triggers Sangan and Goblin Zombie in a pinch.
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