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Hidden Meanings


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For those of you who are bashing Rebecca Black's song "Friday" I'm sorry to say are too simple minded to see the deep complex political overtones of the song.

Believe or not, this song is actually about the rise of modern day China.

First let's examine the intro, we see her going through her week; this could be inferred as Ancient China going through its pacing in history. But then come the Age of Exploration when Europe takes over and China goes into a slumber.

Que when she wakes up on Friday, this is when the Maoist revolutionaries take control of China in the 40s, and the rest is her getting ready for school, or in this case, China's gradual rise to power.

Now we have the real political message, when her friend drive up, the convertible represents the World Powers, I'm going with France, U.K., Japan, with the U.S. the superpower, driving.

China wants to be a superpower as well so it discusses with itself if it wants to jump in the front seat (the front seat being position as superpower) or the back seat content as a World Power for now.

She gets in the back seat content to wait for her chance to shine and this is when we hit the chorus which is about the Fall of the U.S. as the world's first superpower and the collapse of the world's current Unipolar Balance of Power.

If we say the U.S.'s time as a superpower is like a week, then she is saying that it is "Friday" I.E. the U.S. is in decline.
Then she talks about "partying" and "fun" concerning how the U.S. is declining, because like the Roman Empire, it became content and decided it would rather party and have fun rather than keep itself together.

And that is why Rebecca's song is actually about the Rise of China and the Decline of the U.S.
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That's an interesting take on the song... but, I just have a hunch that you are bullshitting. Just a hunch, it's very slight and I'm probably being paranoid.

You want some hidden meanings?

Britney Spears has a shitton of them.


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[quote name='Frunk' timestamp='1300810257' post='5089504']

Well you're having a fun time negging aren't you?

You shouldn't give a rep to someone for such a broad assumption. Everyone can interpret the lyrics as something different. And even if he was right, it doesn't always mean this is his original thoughts. By that I'm mean he could just take that from somewhere else around the internet or from someone in real life.
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[quote name='Cōyōté Stárrk' timestamp='1300829821' post='5090038']
Well you're having a fun time negging aren't you?

You shouldn't give a rep to someone for such a broad assumption. Everyone can interpret the lyrics as something different. And even if he was right, it doesn't always mean this is his original thoughts. By that I'm mean he could just take that from somewhere else around the internet or from someone in real life.

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[quote]Well, in 15-20 years, China is gonna be the new Superpower and every country is gonna depend on them for everything and America's Corporate Empire will crumble, if we the United States go to war against China now, we will not win. I have to be honest, WE WILL NOT WIN! [/quote]

If the country does not die out first! Actually, many of the female newborns are sent to the U.S. for adoption. There are not many females in China right now...so it will die out, unless it is replenished by people moving over to China and the guys get 'desperate'
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[quote name='Deathly Fiend Of YMC' timestamp='1301018263' post='5094909']
If the country does not die out first! Actually, many of the female newborns are sent to the U.S. for adoption. There are not many females in China right now...so it will die out, unless it is replenished by people moving over to China and the guys get 'desperate'

No. Some are sent over for adoption but plenty stay behind. With the sheer amount of people in China, the one-child policy won't have a negative impact on the population for a goodly number of generations to come at least.

Even if that were the case though, that minuscule fact would not save America, which is indeed in major trouble as suggested by this video:

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[quote name='Frunk' timestamp='1301026201' post='5095200']
No. Some are sent over for adoption but plenty stay behind. With the sheer amount of people in China, the one-child policy won't have a negative impact on the population for a goodly number of generations to come at least.

Even if that were the case though, that minuscule fact would not save America, which is indeed in major trouble as suggested by this video:

That video is too damn long. It's great, but he won't get to the point.

He keeps saying, "This will offend you," but never says anything offensive. :/
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[quote name='ADHD-Guitar' timestamp='1301062056' post='5095503']
That video is too damn long. It's great, but he won't get to the point.

He keeps saying, "This will offend you," but never says anything offensive. :/

I know. It's unfortunate. There might be a YouTube version which would be more stomachable, but I haven't checked. I'm not even an American, but I feel it's important for everyone in the Western world to watch up until at least the part where he starts suggesting what one can do to prepare (which obviously isn't relevant to me as I live in Australia where the economy is a'ight). It took about an hour, but essentially he was suggesting that since Russia and China are beginning to use their own currencies over the reserve currency of the world (the US Dollar), US Dollars will soon be drastically devalued. Thus, due to the severe debt (and one can't stress enough how truly gargantuan the American debt is now) owed by the United States, and the United States in turn lacking a valuable currency to keep these debts in check, [b]a severe [u]socio-economic collapse[/u] on a scale [u]dozens of times worse than the recent financial crises, and the Great Depression[/u], will be experienced in the U.S.[/b] and quite possibly other countries dependent on the U.S. It wouldn't be the simple loss of jobs and livelihoods, but widespread chaos, for lack of a better word. He (the owner and creator of Stansberry Research) predicts this to happen within the next two years, and he is not just another doomsayer. His company is rather renowned for predicting such things accurately, as he explains in the video.

I know it's boring stuff for a kid's forum, but if you can set aside an hour to watch the first bit, I highly recommend it whether or not you are an American. It might not come about, but one would be naive to ignore the possibility, especially when the reasoning is so solid.
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[quote name='Frunk' timestamp='1301063959' post='5095544']
I know. It's unfortunate. There might be a YouTube version which would be more stomachable, but I haven't checked. I'm not even an American, but I feel it's important for everyone in the Western world to watch up until at least the part where he starts suggesting what one can do to prepare (which obviously isn't relevant to me as I live in Australia where the economy is a'ight). It took about an hour, but essentially he was suggesting that since Russia and China are beginning to use their own currencies over the reserve currency of the world (the US Dollar), US Dollars will soon be drastically devalued. Thus, due to the severe debt (and one can't stress enough how truly gargantuan the American debt is now) owed by the United States, and the United States in turn lacking a valuable currency to keep these debts in check, [b]a severe [u]socio-economic collapse[/u] on a scale [u]dozens of times worse than the recent financial crises, and the Great Depression[/u], will be experienced in the U.S.[/b] and quite possibly other countries dependent on the U.S. It wouldn't be the simple loss of jobs and livelihoods, but widespread chaos, for lack of a better word. He (the owner and creator of Stansberry Research) predicts this to happen within the next two years, and he is not just another doomsayer. His company is rather renowned for predicting such things accurately, as he explains in the video.

I know it's boring stuff for a kid's forum, but if you can set aside an hour to watch the first bit, I highly recommend it whether or not you are an American. It might not come about, but one would be naive to ignore the possibility, especially when the reasoning is so solid.
Meh, he seemed smart, but I got turned off when he started trying to sell me s*** at the end. Plus, I heard a lot of stuff about him being sued for fraud a few times or something.

Meh, I'll just stock up on food, guns, and transfer my money to Yen. :D

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[quote name='AsterikcAde' timestamp='1301007014' post='5094374']
Well, in 15-20 years, China is gonna be the new Superpower and every country is gonna depend on them for everything and America's Corporate Empire will crumble, if we the United States go to war against China now, we will not win. I have to be honest, WE WILL NOT WIN!
Well heres the thing...
1.We owe China billions of dollars in money neither side will gain anything by going to war...
2.America being a corporate empire is a bad thing?
3.China's faults have already been uncovered it wont be long before everyone finds out china makes crappy goods and will soon look for another country to get better goods... Face it... China's screwed...
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[quote name='Darkplant' timestamp='1300833662' post='5090169']
It sucks to not know what the hell that song is...

I literally had to go on youtube since I have never heard of this song.

All I've found out is that A) This chick is worse than the Beib. B ) I now need a hearing aid.
Seriously, I'm as interested as the next guy in "hidden meanings"
I just cannot possibly even get past the horrible meaningless lyrics.

It is [b]Most Likely[/b] only a coincidence.
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[quote name='AsterikcAde' timestamp='1301007014' post='5094374']
Well, in 15-20 years, China is gonna be the new Superpower and every country is gonna depend on them for everything and America's Corporate Empire will crumble, if we the United States go to war against China now, we will not win. I have to be honest, WE WILL NOT WIN!

Especially when more than half of China's population are peasants/farmers.
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[quote name='Halubaris Maphotika' timestamp='1301100890' post='5096633']China's faults have already been uncovered it wont be long before everyone finds out china makes crappy goods and will soon look for another country to get better goods... Face it... China's screwed...[/quote]

Are you serious? China is screwed because it makes "crappy goods"?! That is the dumbest thing I have read in a long while.

The billions owed to China by the U.S. are likely to never be paid as the US Dollar will most likely soon be almost worthless. It has been the currency used by all countries in trade and commerce, the "World Reserve Currency", for more than 60 years (before that it was the Great British Pound, for anyone interested). Nowadays though, due to America's extensive debt, superpowers like China and Russia are preferring to use their own currencies. No one wants to own US Dollars as their value is plummeting due to the fact that the US Government is printing billions of dollars to pay for its trillions of debt. It's a simply case of supply and demand. America is screwed, and China will rise in its place, before the end of the decade.

[quote name='Gamon' timestamp='1301121722' post='5097288']Especially when more than half of China's population are peasants/farmers.[/quote]

That's irrelevant when you have 1.3 billion, as 650 million are therefore [i]not[/i] peasants/farmers. The ratio isn't exactly half, of course, but either way, China's non-peasant population is still more than any other country's total population, with the obvious exception of India, where poverty is quite possibly even more widespread (though I could be wrong and I can't be bothered to check).
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