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Pokemon - The Death of Mew -

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[spoiler=plot]Mew. Some say Mew was the very first pokemon, others say it was the creator of all pokemon. Wether these rumors are true or not is of little importance. Mew is one of the most generous pokemon known and has proven such. It was possible to see Mew flying around the world, that is until now. For unknown reasons, Mew has vanished. Soon after, all of the legendary pokemon became angry, supposedly at humanity. They have started attacking humans and any pokemon siding with them. Why has this happened? Its up to you trainers to find out.[/spoiler].

Pokemon Team:
Region of Birth:
Legendary in Pursuit: ( The legendary you are chasing to calm down and/or catch )
Occupation: ( trainer, gym leader, breeder, etc )[/spoiler]

1. No godmodding
3. Posts must be 4 lines or more
4. One legendary per person
5. You cannot have the same legendary as someone else[/spoiler]

[spoiler=My App]Name: Brandon Sparkman
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Appearance: A slightly chubby cocasian male who has brown hair and eyes. His has is kind of long. He stands 5'7.
Bio: Brandon was born in Oldale town. When he turned ten, he received his first pokemon: Treeko. Shortly after, he was drafted into Team Magma, although by force. He worked with them for three years until a strange trainer foiled their plans. Now, he carries some of their views, but not them all. He has been traveling by himself for a year now. When he heard that Groudon had been angered, he started pursuing it.
Pokemon Team: Sceptile, Beedrill, Glalie, Sandslash, Gengar, Machamp
Region of Birth: Hoen
Legendary in Pursuit: Groudon
Occupation: Trainer/Coordinator[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Taken Legendaries]Palkia
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Name: George Luxon
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Appearance:[img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/048/5/6/PKMN_Trainer_Heath_ref_sheet_by_Hewryu.jpg[/img] Ignore everything else
Pokemon Team: Zebstrika, LV 32, Ludicolo, LV 50, Breloom, LV 57, Togekiss LV 55, Heracross LV 56, Aggron, Level 59
Region of Birth: Unova
Legendary in Pursuit: DarkraiOccupation: Trainer/Professor-assistant
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Name: Alexander Lucifer Ryder

Age: 11

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has blonde hair, wispy and long. He is a rather short kid, not even five feet, but he has been travelling for a year. He has short legs but long arms. He is rail thin, but he hasn't lost the little "chubby cheeks" look.

Pokemon Team: Absol Lvl 46, Beartic Lvl 42, Pupitar lvl 40, Dragonair lvl 41, Flygon lvl 45

Region of Birth: Johto

Legendary in Pursuit: Lugia

Occupation: Breeder
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Well, I'll be workin' on muh app. Can I reserve (shiny?) Rayquaza?

[spoiler=App - [b]Under construction[/b]]
Name: Samantha Sparks
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Jolteon, Tynamo, Ditto, Beautifly, Cofagrigus, Zebstrika,
Region of Birth: Unova
Legendary in Pursuit: Rayquaza(shiny?)
Occupation: Trainer
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Name: Mitch Atlas
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Pokemon Team: Golurk, Bisharp, Metagros(Shiny), Carracosta, Seismitoad, Haxorus
Region of Birth: Unova
Legendary in Pursuit: Arceus
Occupation: Ace Trainer
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[b]Name:[/b] Ethan "Kit" Thanton
[b]Age:[/b] 15
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Bio:[/b] Kit began his adventure in Twinleaf Town in the Sinnoh Region. He got his Pokemon from Professor Rowan, a lively Piplup. The duo soon grew to be close friends, and Kit wasted no time in beginning his adventure. He began in Sinnoh, but his family, due to 'buisness matters' quickly had to move to the Unova region. Once they got there, Kit met Professor Juniper, who provided him with another great friend, an Oshawott.
[b]Pokemon Team:[/b] Prinplup, Oshawott
[b]Region of Birth:[/b] Sinnoh
[b]Legendary in Pursuit:[/b] Ho-oh
[b]Occupation:[/b] Trainer

Still working on it...
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Name: Zerxes Lucas Corallel
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Born into an average family in Opelucid, Zerxes, a young man who follows tradition (and as such, is able to somehow wear traditional Opelucid garb [picture] with modern jeans and make it look good in public), started his adventure later than most average people, at the age of 14 with a starter of Gible. Through the years, Zerxes and Gible trained, fought, and won their way through Unova's gyms, one by one, meeting many new peope, trainers, and Pokemon. When he finally returned home to Opelucid, Drayden, the Gym Leader of the time, noticed Zerxes's development and maturity, and offered to accept Zerxes's challenge. After Zerxes won, Drayden offered him the position as the new Gym Leader, which he accepted, and he now runs it excellently and efficiently.
It was a peaceful day in Opelucid, when a nasty storm suddenly gathered. Zerxes, thinking the storm was a result of Thundurus being mischievous again, was shocked to see Thundurus fleeing, but the clouds remaining. A wicked bolt flew down and hit the city square, where he rushed to, only to be shocked at the sight: Zekrom had landed, and it wasn't happy. Upon seeing the Gym Leader however, Zekrom flew up, hiding within the storm, and flew away, almost as if it were trying to say, "Try and catch me if you can." Zerxes vowed he would before Zekrom would be able to hurt anybody. Giving Iris temporary Gym Leadership, Zerxes promptly set off on a journey to find the Pokemon Zekrom and calm its wrath.
Pokemon Team: Garchomp, Salamence, Haxorus, and Kingdra.
Region of Birth: Unova
Legendary in Pursuit: Zekrom
Occupation: Gym Leader
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Name: Aiden Ashfield
Age: 17
Gender: Male

Bio: Growing up on the small Cinnabar Island Aiden wanted to get away from the tropical paradise and go into the big city. His parents are wealthy merchants that have a distaste to pokemon and want him to major in Business in Saffon University. Aiden doesnt want to follow the path of his parents, but rather become a pokemon trainer. His love of pokemon is strong. Aiden is leaving Cinnabar island tomorrow.

Pokemon Team: Houndoom Lv 38, Luxray Lv 36
Region of Birth: Kanto
Legendary in Pursuit: Mewtwo
Occupation: Pokemon Trainer/ Student
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DAMNIT! All of the good legendaries are taken...

Name: Jet Fair
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Bio: Growing up in the Sinnoh region during the time Team Plasma almost destroyed the world wasn't really a good time for Jet. He usually was off fighting grunts and sharpening his skills as a pokemon trainer. He's a funny, out-going, not to mention, flirty guy who loves to battle. Just thinking about a pokeball flying through the air gets him pumped. Now that he's 17, he's gone off to find the pokemon who left a dimensional hole, that sucked his family into it, in his house.
Pokemon Team: Gliscor, Porygon-Z, Typhlosion
Region of Birth: Sinnoh
Legendary in Pursuit: Palkia
Occupation: trainer
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Name: Enien Max
Gender: Male
Appearance: A small boy with big green hair. Likes to wear red clothes, and black pants. 4-11 in height.
Bio: A hero in the unova region, when he fought against team plasma, meloetta joined him during the battle. He used to be a gym leader, but iris took his place. he is still trying to beat the elite four. His family was distant from him. He left from his home without a second to spare. When his Melotts began acting strange, he vowed to calm it down.
Pokemon: Meloetta lv.63
Region of Birth:Unova
Legendary in Pursuit: Meloetta (trying to calm it down)
Occupation: trainer
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Name: Age Oigen
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: [spoiler=Age][IMG]http://i638.photobucket.com/albums/uu105/monkeylife2/anime_guy_2.jpg[/IMG][/spoiler]
Bio: Although his appearance doesn't show it he is actually a very cheerful. He doesn't like to take stuff seriously. He started traveling around the world with his dad at a young age around 10 to be exact and throughout his travels he caught many pokemon which is why he has at least 1 pokemon of the 5 regions. When he turned 15 he decided to go on his own adventure to beat all the gyms there are. After beating all the Kanto gyms and losing in the semi-finals he decided to return home for a quick visit to his parents. On the way there he saw that Cresselia, a pokemon that once saved him from a endless nightmare given to him by darkrai, was attacking people from his hometown, Floaroma Town. He dicided to try to reason it with it by talking to it but it just ran away. After all the chaos withered away the next day he found out that it was all legendaries that were blaming people for the disappearance of mew. From there on he decided that he would be the one to convince Cressalia it wasn't the peoples fault.
Pokemon Team: Lopunny, Shelldur, Umbreon, Breloom, Chandelure
Region of Birth:Floaroma Town, Sinnoh
Legendary in Pursuit: Cresselia
Occupation: trainer
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