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This girl I like, likes me two. but this other girl i liked since 1st grade is single (I'm in 7th) And I need help. Alandra(the first girl i mentioned) is pretty has black hair and is not to smart and she's to shy to talk to me. Alicia(second girl) isn't shy she says what she feels( which is some time mean) Alandra gets into fight with certain people a lot. And Alicia's ex boyfriend might come after me. need help! I need to know by this Saturday So i can take one to see CLOVERFIELD With my best friend Mike and his girl, Angela.

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One, don't see cloverfield, I heard it sucked.

Two, go with the first one, (that's what I would do) sense you know she likes you too. If things don't go the way they plan, then try the other girl next weekend, pick which one you like better. But don't pick one just because she looks pretty, get inside of her mind, find her personality. Lust leads to pain, but love leads to happiness.

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Well, you should probably go with the one that likes you. You two might have alot in common and you have a better chance because she likes you and you like her. OR you can go with the one that you've liked since first grade and that has the ex that'll come after you.

My suggeton- Go with the one that likes you.

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Well, I'm not the next Brady or Romo, and not everyone has a girl, fewer with a girl that's perfect for them.


I don't know, derd. Maybe you should make sure they have the perfect qualities that you want in a perfect girlfriend.


Doesn't work for me. I just have girls trying to seduce me by dancing and sexual porn for absolutely no reason I know of whatsoever.


Yeah, not exactly the life I wanted to live, either.

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I may not have a girlfriend, but I would choose the shy one, know why? Because girls like that are perfect for me, but that's just my story. Just follow your heart. Narrow down the looks, personality, enthusiasm, etc. But again, that's just my opinion. XD

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As I said, life's a pain, not everybody can be saved.


But at least you have girls who like you, so now, NOW is the PERFECT opportunity to make a move. If they really like you, try to "seduce" them, so they know you really care about them (in their eyes). It might help, in someway.

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This girl I like' date=' likes me two. but this other girl i liked since 1st grade is single (I'm in 7th) And I need help. Alandra(the first girl i mentioned) is pretty has black hair and is not to smart and she's to shy to talk to me. Alicia(second girl) isn't shy she says what she feels( which is some time mean) Alandra gets into fight with certain people a lot. And Alicia's ex boyfriend might come after me. need help! I need to know by this Saturday So i can take one to see CLOVERFIELD With my best friend Mike and his girl, Angela.




you stole my first avatar on this forum :( thbey put him up for adoption :*(


On Topic:

Shy one, I bet shes more nicer, shy = nice. Show me a picture XD i wunna see whos hotter

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