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Your Fanfiction Decks

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inb4Exodia and/or Shooting Star Dragon

Here are the relatively TCG/OCG examples I can think up off the top of my head that I use or have used in my fanfic:
• A deck full of equip cards and Warriors that attack multiple times to maximize their power. Solidarity and The A. Forces keep my warriors powered up. A Mataza whack (Marauding Captain + Mataza the Kapper + United We Stand) can deal 7000 battle damage. Add in Spell Striker for good game.
• B.E.S. with guaranteed a Boss Rush or two first turn as well as a way to special summon a B.E.S. monster
• Arcana Force. The Light Barrier almost never turns off unless I have a way to abuse the Arcana Force's coins flipping.
• Crystal Beasts with Rainbow Dragon (yeah, noobish, but it's fun). Getting the 7 Crystals is easier than ever when you control that you get 5 in your opening hand and first turn draw Card Destruction.
• Aliens. The main problem with aliens? Lack of draw engine and consistency. Solution: fanfiction makes all decks consistent.

I'm not good with recipes, though, since I usually think up which cards to use on the spot, resulting in a bunch of cards that are used once.
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Monsters: 19
Fortress x3
MechChaser x3
Duradark x2
Gearframe x3
Dekoichi x3
Salvo x3

Spells: 13
Duality x2
Dark Hole
Smashing x2
Limiter Removal
MST x2

Traps: 7
Bottomless x2
Warning x2

Total: 40

Extra: 15
Fortress Dragon
Scrap Archfiend x3
Black Rose x3
More Synchros to it 15

My play[/b]
Summon Gearframe. Search Fortress.
Dump Fortress and Salvo target for Fortress.
Summon Salvo. SS target.
Synch into Scrap Archfiend.
Play Limiter Removal.
Attack for game.
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[quote name='Sephiroth_The_Legend' timestamp='1300928341' post='5092611']
This is stupidest idea ever.

I play Exodia.

My name is rare hunter Steve and this is ALWAYS my opening hand.

I activate a plot device card that counters Exodia and allows my Fortress to attack directly with 8000 ATK.
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[quote name='Mystery Guest' timestamp='1300919194' post='5092252']
• Crystal Beasts with Rainbow Dragon (yeah, noobish, but it's fun). Getting the 7 Crystals is easier than ever when you control that you get 5 in your opening hand and first turn draw Card Destruction.
but Crystal Beasts don't need a Fanfiction situation to draw your dream hand... they can do that by having 5+ cards in your hand
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