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I need lists for Tier 1 decks

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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1301014606' post='5094750']
They use their Synchros to do all of the talking, pretty much. Trident Dragion is a built-in OTK as well.
But my point is that how is Trident Dragon summoned? Easily?
Synch with Stardust?

I'm going to end up making my own breed of them for sure... maybe adding a monster or two... but same basic principle
The problem is they cost So freaking much... lol
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[quote name='Kikoutei Penguin Infinity' timestamp='1301014985' post='5094777']
I use Layvaten+Phalanx...

Yeah... i know, but do you see a Layvaten present?

3 Dragunity Phalanx
3 Dragunity Dux
3 Dragunity Legionnaire
2 Dragunity Aklys
2 Effect Veiler

I Don't...
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[quote name='Boss Z' timestamp='1301014923' post='5094771']
The problem is they cost So freaking much... lol
LOL I told my friend to make Dragunities when Phalanx and Vajrayana were only $3, and he got his Phalanx set and 2 Vajrayanas for free (nobody thought they were worth anything), including Hidden Arsenal Dux and Legionairre. He spent a total of $45 on that deck and now its worth $300.

Also if you side MSD then you can go for it pretty easily, and if you have a constant stream of Lv8 synchros it shouldn't be long until you wasted your opponents resources enough that they won't take it out so that you can synch with it next turn for Trident.
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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1301015593' post='5094803']
X-Sabers came in 4th, Empty Jar was 3rd I think, then Fish and Sams.
I actually have a really good match up with sams :D, Empty Jar is funny cuz I main triple Veilers. I haven't played against Fish yet though.

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[quote name='Red W Mage No. 6-2-5' timestamp='1301015271' post='5094790']
LOL I told my friend to make Dragunities when Phalanx and Vajrayana were only $3, and he got his Phalanx set and 2 Vajrayanas for free (nobody thought they were worth anything), including Hidden Arsenal Dux and Legionairre. He spent a total of $45 on that deck and now its worth $300.

Also if you side MSD then you can go for it pretty easily, and if you have a constant stream of Lv8 synchros it shouldn't be long until you wasted your opponents resources enough that they won't take it out so that you can synch with it next turn for Trident.

Well lucky your friend... when they were that cheap I had no money on hand... and now my favorite Archtype is WAY out of reach for me... until I get a job and even then it will remain too much
And I guess that makes sence for the playing style... I'd personally still main a Layvaten... but I guess this list proves otherwise
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[quote name='Manjoume Thunder' timestamp='1301073376' post='5095707']
apparently the empty jar guy used ad changer to flip jar face-down like a motherfucking boss so don't count it as a t1 deck yet.

flamvell are also not the greatest deck around

the only thing that didn't top and is actually good is frog monarchs
Tons of people make mistakes in the official tournaments. It's almost sad at times. Such as attacking with Red Dragon and not destroying your defense position monsters, using Scrap Dragon's effect twice, using Gravekeeper's Spy after Duality was activated etc etc. And they aren't corrected most of the time.

Frognarchs were in the top 32.
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[quote name='-Dae-' timestamp='1301016344' post='5094839']
I recall there is the Barcha + Phalanx = Trident move.
That is nice and all... but it isn't run in the deck either, hahah
It requires like stardust up, summon dux or legion and then phalanx from grave and THEN SS and synch with star dust... which actually sounds pretty good
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