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So I've recently re-found the joys of splicing, with of course the help of Jappio's magical thread. Every time I come across it I get the sudden urge to create a splice.
Although I must warn you it has been quite a while since I've spliced (6-8 months, I'm quite rusty)

Looking to improve so that I can add splices as items in Yin and I's shop.

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i never knew you spliced.

First one, Bisharp/Hydreigon/Something-else looks great. Mysterious enough for me. Nothing wrong that I can see with it, but I'm no expert.

Second, Nuzleaf/Nincada/Torkoal. Shading looks off to me, but as I said, I'm no expert. There are a few extra grey pixels to the left of the cloud, though, and when copy+pasted the left side of it is black.

Third, Machamp/Articuno?. Looks good. Bit simplistic, with only the fur, and the bit on the bottom right arm looks funny.

Anyway, I like them. Look to Jappio for for expert advice, but I tried.
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[quote name='Phoenix19' timestamp='1301112937' post='5097087']
i never knew you spliced.

[b]Like I said I haven't spliced in like 8 months, even back then I only made 8-10 splices overall.
I'm still fairly new at it.[/b]

First one, Bisharp/Hydreigon/Something-else looks great. Mysterious enough for me. Nothing wrong that I can see with it, but I'm no expert.

Second, Nuzleaf/Nincada/Torkoal. Shading looks off to me, but as I said, I'm no expert. There are a few extra grey pixels to the left of the cloud, though, and when copy+pasted the left side of it is black.

[b]The cloud is supposed to be that way, it isn't gray, more of a reddish hue, If i remember correctly.[/b]

Third, Machamp/Articuno?. Looks good. Bit simplistic, with only the fur, and the bit on the bottom right arm looks funny.

[b]Agreed, oh and I didn't want to add too much to the splice. But I see what you are saying.[/b]

Anyway, I like them. Look to Jappio for for expert advice, but I tried.

[b]Thanks, I only really posted because I saw Jappio on actually. xD[/b]

[b]EDIT:[/b] Josh is too fast for me, You mean I should have scratched it, correct?
If so, that is not a bad idea.
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[quote name='NightWalker' timestamp='1301113557' post='5097105']
[b]EDIT:[/b] Josh is too fast for me, You mean I should have scratched it, correct?

A little more and less than that, I have something that will get you into it quickly.
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People using my names always gets me so close to feeling the need to critique. Normally I'm too lazy or too worried of looking biased when I randomly critique.

My name was used though in two different spots here, now I feel oh so compelled to make comments.

So I'll meet you half way. I won't do a proper hard core critique, but I will at least do some bullet points on what I think you did wrong:

First Guy:

- I don't like the lack of eyes.
- The shoulder pads are hidden, which makes the shape of its arms a little weird.
- I personally don't mind the color scheme, but I know it would drive some people nuts.
- Could do more with it. Feels mostly like a modified Bisharp than a true splice.

Second Dude:

- Bits of gray near cloud edge.
- Unmatching border around gray parts.
- Meer attachments of wings is an amateurish tool. Doing more than just adding the wings of a Pokemon is far more creative and entertaining.
- The smoke doesn't make the most sense. Is it part of his head? Why is it orange? Etc?

Last Thing:

- Bordering needs a lot of work ont he butchels of spikes coming out.
- Head piece doesn't work. A lot of people can't seem to get that head piece to work.
- Beyond those two things, nothing else is done. Very bland and boring.

Even my short little critiques look long. Then again I suppose that is the magic of bullet points.
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[quote name='Jappio' timestamp='1301115388' post='5097152']
People using my names always gets me so close to feeling the need to critique. Normally I'm too lazy or too worried of looking biased when I randomly critique.

My name was used though in two different spots here, now I feel oh so compelled to make comments.

So I'll meet you half way. I won't do a proper hard core critique, but I will at least do some bullet points on what I think you did wrong:

First Guy:

- I don't like the lack of eyes.
- The shoulder pads are hidden, which makes the shape of its arms a little weird.
- I personally don't mind the color scheme, but I know it would drive some people nuts.
- Could do more with it. Feels mostly like a modified Bisharp than a true splice.

Second Dude:

- Bits of gray near cloud edge.
- Unmatching border around gray parts.
- Meer attachments of wings is an amateurish tool. Doing more than just adding the wings of a Pokemon is far more creative and entertaining.
- The smoke doesn't make the most sense. Is it part of his head? Why is it orange? Etc?

Last Thing:

- Bordering needs a lot of work ont he butchels of spikes coming out.
- Head piece doesn't work. A lot of people can't seem to get that head piece to work.
- Beyond those two things, nothing else is done. Very bland and boring.

Even my short little critiques look long. Then again I suppose that is the magic of bullet points.

Thanks for the critique Jappio, I will try my best to improve.
It's appreciated.
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