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Fact: Only MST and (maybe) Mirror Force qualify as staples.

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Breaker is as much a staple as MST. They are similar in many aspects: they're both free S/T destruction, only destroy one card that you can choose, and are limited. Breaker gives you a 1600 ATK beatstick and/or tribute fodder, at the cost of your Normal Summon (which balances out). MST gives you nothing. Breaker can be reused multiple times with bounce (Raiza your own Breaker!). MST can be reused with the likes of DMoC, MoF, etc.

In the end, Breaker ~ MST in terms of usefulness, splashability, playability, etc. If MST is a staple, so is Breaker.

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Torrential Tribute is the best advanced format card.


i would deck it over both of those cards if i could only have 1 of them.


rapes Hydro's, Zombies. Great with Wildheart.



btw, Morphing Jar and Breaker are NOT staples. Morphing is rarely used, and plenty of decks DONT run Breaker.

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Torrential Tribute is the best advanced format card.


i would deck it over both of those cards if i could only have 1 of them.



btw' date=' Morphing Jar and Breaker are NOT staples. Morphing is rarely used, and plenty of decks DONT run Breaker.



Torrential may be the best card in your opinion, but your opinion is simply your opinion. Opinions, unless shared by a large majority of people, are worthless.


If you think Jar is rarely used, you must not play the metagame. Or any Yu-Gi-Oh! games at all, for that matter.


I am aware that plenty of decks don't run Breaker. However, there ARE infinite amounts of decks in this game, and a large majority of the commonly used ones DO run Breaker.

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Obviously i play the Meta. i am not a complete moron. obviously you dont play the meta, because you suggested Raiza-ing your own breaker for a -2.


you have just stated yourself that Breaker is NOT a staple, by saying that a Majority of players run Breaker, and not all.


some decks run Jar. some dont.


its hardly a staple.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Basically, if a card isn't run in every deck, barring some sort of deck made to spite me, it isn't a staple. As was stated, Breaker isn't run in every deck. Torrential might be another card that is close, but not close enough. And lol at saying that Jar is a staple.

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this is typed out, not said. i cant tell your tone of voice. i cant tell that you are joking. for all i know you could be some random noob who thinks up combos like that to "help'' them.




MST > Breaker


MST = Quickplay


the fact that MST can be activated on your opponent's turn singlehandedly makes it better. it can ruin strategies.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

I never said Jar was a staple' date=' I simply stated that it isn't run "rarely." There ARE decks without MST, as you have seen and flamed on that other forum we come from.


Horus, you obviously don't understand the concept of humor.



Fine, I guess I'll have to add to my definition: Any card that has no reason not to be run is a staple. Except for Fusions. They are silly.


Just because someone sucks at the game and doesn't include MST doesn't mean that it isn't a staple. They just suck. Show me a good deck that doesn't have MST and I'll concede the point.

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did i not say in that post that i removed it shortly thereafter and realized quickly that it did not work?


did i not post in my Zombie Deck thread that i was experimenting and had never made a zombie deck before?



you people here saying you are better, how about posting your deck so others can decide that?


and if you would like to see my zombie deck, youll find it in the deck sect.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

I do not run Call of the Mummy.


is it just me or does anyone else suspect multi-accounting with Jib' date=' Pika person? theyve got very few posts, give similar comments...etc.



I can assure you: they are different people.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

I do not run Call of the Mummy.




-2 Call of the Mummy

-2 Despair from the Dark


+2 Giant Rat

+2 Exiled Force


This is how we roll.


Well, technically, he doesn't run Call of the Mummy. At least, not anymore...

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Guest Chaos Pudding

What a witty edit. Speaking of edits' date=' do you still have the original version of that Zombie deck?


I mean if it had Call of the Mummy AND Despair from the Dark, it must've been a pretty awesome deck.



Wow, Jib.

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