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Negation or Destruction Deck[KCVDS]


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You may think "How the heck does it work?" or "Fail!" maybe even "Phail!" but this is a pretty decent deck.

If you built it and used it properly, you would probably win.

It's based on negating and destroying your opponent.

I built it on KCVDS so if you have questions of any of the cards, just ask.


Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8


Cybernetic Magician

Horus the Black Flame Dragon x2

Destiny Hero - Dasher

Cyber Dragon x2

Mystic Swordsman LV4 x2

Reflect Bounder x2

Breaker the Magical Warrior

Hydrogeddon x3

Pitch-Black Warwolf x2

D.D. Warrior Lady

Necro Guardna x2




Necrovalley x2

Final Countdown

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Book of Moon

Premature Burial

Smashing Ground

Junk Dealer

Nobleman of Crossout x2

Lightning Vortex



Torrential Tribute

Call of the Haunted

Mirror Force

Solemn Judgement x2

Dark Bribe


Any comments/suggestions?

Do not insult, please.

Professional Critisizing is accepted, but no "You're retarded for adding [insert card name here]" or whatever.


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No way to dump monsters, Mystic LV4 is a poor choice (as well as 2x NoC) because next to no one runs facedowns this format, Warwolf is a waste of space (just run more Bribes/Solemns), Necrovalley and Guardna conflict each other, that random Final Countdown accomplishes nothing.


Oh and make believe cards don't make good decks, I don't care on what platform you play, it's still illegal.

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What card is make believe? I said I play on KCVDS, and Card Junker isn't made up if that's what you're thinking. It's a card on there.


Normal Spell

Effect: Special Summon 2 monsters from your Graveyard with a DEF of 1500 or less, and halve the original ATK.


Final Countdown is in there in-case I take long to win.

Mystic Swordsman LV4 and NoC are in there to destroy face-down's.

People still play them.

If I have a high-attack monster, they would just summon in attack mode?


Necrovalley is in there for a certain reason, and Necro Guardna is only used while Necrovalley ISN'T on the field, duh.

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What card is make believe? I said I play on KCVDS' date=' and Card Junker isn't made up if that's what you're thinking. It's a card on there.


Normal Spell

Effect: Special Summon 2 monsters from your Graveyard with a DEF of 1500 or less, and halve the original ATK.


There is no such card in the TCG at the moment.


Final Countdown is in there in-case I take long to win.

Then why not use the deck space for a card that will make you win faster?


Mystic Swordsman LV4 and NoC are in there to destroy face-down's.

People still play them.

If I have a high-attack monster' date=' they would just summon in attack mode?



Will anyone set a monster if you have Mystic on the field? And IF they have a face-down and you have Mystic in hand, how will this help, you have to set it yourslef before you can play it.


Necrovalley is in there for a certain reason' date=' and Necro Guardna is only used while Necrovalley ISN'T on the field, duh.


So using contradicting cards doesn't seem counter-productive for you? By using your logic, I could run Treeborn Frog and Royal Decree in the same deck, as long as I don't use them at the same time.

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